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Minutes of the 32nd Annual General Meeting

of the New Zealand Association of Language Teachers held at

New Zealand International Campus, Upper Hutt,
29th July, 2005

The Annual General Meeting followed the presentation of the FIPLV award to Mary

Apologies were received from D. Hall, J. Gibb, J. Roberston, B. Dineen, B. Fou,

J McAllister, A, Taylor, S. Hunt, R. Berbelen, H. Prescott, E. Davies, M.Friend.
( N Grant/J. Hawes)

Minutes of the 31st AGM held in Christchurch 2 July, 2004 were approved as a
correct record. (J. Sirisomphone/J. Hawes)

President’s report
Noeline Grant reported a membership of 560, 15% coming from the Year 7 and 8
sector. The progress in the portfolios, each overseen by an executive member, was
acknowledged. Achievements in the 2004-2005 year included establishing
documentation folders for each Portfolio holder, developing the website, working
with Subject Language Associations to re-define the first language speaker definition,
initiating a biennial Special Project Award for Subject Language Associations,
ensuring that the NZLT is a professionally refereed journal, applying for Min Of
Education funding for all regional Langsems.
In NZALT’s first Special Project Award the New Zealand Association of French
Teachers received funding to produce a video demonstrating good practice in French
The President expressed the thanks of NZALT to many, among them were:
Gail Spence, Richard Steel, the Embassies, the Goethe Institut, the Japan Foundation,
Asia:NZ, the Sasakawa Foundation, the National Advisors, the Executive of each
Subject Language Association, the organizers and presenters at Langsems, ACENZ.
In the immediate future the NZALT will focus its attention on 1) improving lines of
communication nationally and regionally, working more strategically with Subject
Language Associations 2) lobbying to promote language learning and effective
language teacher education with important stakeholders (e.g. The Tertiary
Commission, PPTA, NZEI, Principals’ Association).
(J.Hawes/J. Riethmaier)

Treasurer’s report (Feb 04-Jan 05)

Income $34,969
Expenditure $33,603
Accumulated Funds $29,722
(J. Lee/A.Jacques)

It was moved that a letter of appreciation be sent to the auditor, Ron Gilkerson, and
that he be asked to continue as auditor. (J.Lee/J.Jenness)

Election of Officers
The following is the executive for 2005-2006:
President Anne Jacques
Senior Vice-President Noeline Grant
Regional Officers Gretchen Badenhorst
David Hall
Adele Scott
Philippa Doig
Janet Sirisomphome
Jenness Riethmaier
Secretary Judy Gibb
Treasurer Jane Lee

General Business
Anne Jacques took the chair and acknowledged Noeline’s fine contribution to the

It was noted the Constitution sets the NZALT subscription at “ 0.2% of Step 4 of the
Basic Secondary Scale as at February 1, of the year in which the subscriptions are
due”. It was agreed that the subscriptions for 2005-2006 be raised to 0.2% of Step 4
of the Basic scale. (J.Lee/A.Scott)

The meeting closed at 17.27

Signed ……………………………………….. Date ………………………………

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