Petition For Legislative Changes To End Child Marriage in Zimbabwe

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Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Zimbabwe

Hon. Emmerson D. Mnangagwa
Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on
Justice and Legal Affairs
Hon Jessie F. Majome

Amend the Marriage Act and Customary
Marriage Act to be in line with the
Constitution and to support the
Domestic Violence Act in making the
marriage of any child under the age of 18
years illegal.

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31% of Zimbabwean young women aged 20-24 years were married before
the age of 18 according to recent statistics. In addition to this, Zimbabwe's
ranking by countries with the highest number of underage girls who get
married - has moved from position 27 in 2012 to 21 in 2013. This means daily,
girls below the age of 18 are placed at risk of being married off and losing
their childhood.

Child marriage puts girls' lives in grave danger from the challenges of early
pregnancy. Given that 90% of adolescent pregnancies in the developing
world are to girls who are already married, child marriage almost always
leads to teenage pregnancy. This places girls in increasing vulnerability to the
complications of pregnancy and child birth which are the leading cause of
death of adolescent girls worldwide. Girls between the ages of 10 and 14
years are five times more likely to die from the complications of pregnancy
and child birth whilst girls between the ages of 15 and 19 years are two times
more at risk that those aged 20-24 years.

Child brides face high chances of experiencing domestic violence which
includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse. They are almost always
forced to leave school thereby significantly reducing their likelihood of
entering productive employment and being economically empowered This
leaves them prone to more abuse because of low decision making power
fuelled by financial dependence and a poverty of mind.

Due to lack of knowledge and power in marriage, child brides
are particularly vulnerable to HIV and AIDS and other sexually transmitted
infections. Child marriage also forces girls into early sexual activity at a time

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when they know little about their bodies, sexual and reproductive health or

We can put an end to child marriage in Zimbabwe and safeguard the future
of our girls. To make sure this is possible, the Marriage Act and the Customary
Marriages Act must be amended so that child marriage is effectively
outlawed by all pieces of legislation in line with the Constitution and
the Domestic Violence Act which both outlaw child marriage.

As it stands, the Marriage Act - Chapter 5:11 (Act 22/2001) which governs civil
marriage, states that the minimum age of marriage is 16 years for girls and 18
for boys whilst the Customary Marriages Act - Chapter 5:07 (Act 23/2004)
which governs customary marriages at law, doesnt set a limit for the
minimum age at which individuals can marry. These laws contradict
the Constitution of Zimbabwe, which is highest legal instrument in the country.
The Constitution of Zimbabwe on the other hand defines marriage as a
consensual union between a man and a woman, both of whom have
reached at least eighteen years of age. This means that eighteen years is the
minimum marriageable age at law in Zimbabwe. Given that the Constitution
is the supreme law of the land, anyone who marries a person who is under
the age of eighteen is therefore violating this law. Any Act of Parliament that
does not agree with this law must be amended to eliminate any and all
possible legal loopholes.
As the Rising Birds Project under Dot Youth, we are calling on the
Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs to lead a
parliamentary action to amend the two acts by August 2014. You can help us
make this happen by signing this petition and sharing it with other individuals
who can add their support to the campaign. Ending child marriage requires
a combination of strategic actions and we believe that by ensuring the
alignment of laws against the practice, we will give full power to law
enforcers and to community stakeholders to take action to stop its spread.

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Go ahead and sign... Follow updates on the End Child Marriage in Zimbabwe
Campaign and understand more about the Rising Birds Project here

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