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8egenerauve ClrculLs

A hydraullc clrculL ls an arrangemenL of
varlous hydraullc componenLs Lo provlde a
deslred form of uld power.
8egenerauve ClrculLs
A regenerauve clrculL ls one ln whlch
pressurl zed ul d dl scharged f rom a
componenL ls reLurned Lo Lhe sysLem Lo
reduce power lnpuL requlremenLs.
A regenerauon clrculL can double Lhe
exLenslon speed of a slngle-rod cyllnder
wlLhouL uslng a larger pump.
8egenerauve ClrculL
1hls means LhaL regenerauon clrculLs save
money because a smaller pump, moLor, and
Lank can produce Lhe deslred cycle ume.
lL also means LhaL Lhe clrculL cosLs less Lo
operaLe over Lhe llfe of Lhe machlne.
A regenerauon clrculL can also replace a
double rod-end cyllnder ln some clrculLs.
8egenerauve ClrculL
WlLh equal rod dlameLers, a double-rod
cyllnder's area ls Lhe same on boLh ends.
Lqual areas mean ldenucal force and speed
boLh ways aL a glven pressure and ow.
8eclprocaung Lables oen use double rod-end
cyllnders for Lhls reason.
When Lhe maln funcuon of a double rod-end
cyllnder ls equal speed and power ln boLh
dlrecuons of Lravel, replace lL wlLh a
regenerauon clrculL.
A 1yplcal 8egenerauve ClrculL
Cn slngle rod end
cyllnders Lhe dlscharge
from Lhe rod end ls oen
dlrecLed Lo Lhe opposlLe
end Lo l ncrease rod
exLenslon speed.
lf equal speeds ln boLh
dlrecuons are requlred, a
2:1 area rauo ls used.
A 1yplcal ress ClrculL
ress ClrculL
1he press clrculL shown, uses a by pass valve
Lo release uld on Lhe rod slde of Lhe plsLon
durlng Lhe presslng acuon.
1hls faclllLaLes Lhe use of Lhe enure area on
Lhe large plsLon end Lo produce Lhe requlred
ress ClrculL
WlLh Lhe pump ln operauon and Lhe manually
acLuaLed four way valve posluoned for press
down, 90 lpm ls dellvered Lhrough parL C-1
and Lo Lhe large end of Lhe cyllnder.
1he sequence valve ls seL Lo open when
pressure reaches 21 kg/cm
1hls conLrol also acLs as a counLer balance
valve Lo prevenL Lhe press from dropplng due
Lo gravlLy.
ress ClrculL
1he press ls balanced on boLh sldes and hence
lL would Lake a sllghLly hlgher pressure Lhan 21
on Lop, Lo move Lhe press downwards.
As Lhe press moves downwards, Lhe uld ln
Lhe rod end of Lhe cyllnder ls forced ouL and
passes over Lhe sequence valve Lo [oln Lhe
uld comlng from Lhe pump.
ress ClrculL
As soon as Lhe press comes ln conLacL wlLh Lhe
work, reslsLance causes Lhe pressure of Lhe by
pass valve (33 kg/cm2) whlch opens rellevlng
Lhe back pressure beneaLh Lhe plsLon.
Check valve A lsolaLes Lhe hlgh pressure slde
from Lhe low pressure slde of Lhe sysLem.
1he plloL check valve ls used ln Lhls case Lo
dlvlde Lhe ow comlng ouL of Lhe large slde of
Lhe cyllnder.
ress ClrculL
lf a larger conducLor ls used beLween Lhe large
area end of Lhe cyllnder and plloL check valve,
lL allows parL of Lhe uld Lo pass Lhrough a
separaLe llne, ouL of Lhe check valve Lo Lhe
1he resL of Lhe uld passes Lhrough four way
valve and back Lo Lhe reservolr.
ress ClrculL
1hls arrangemenL allows Lhe use of smaller
componenLs ln Lhe sysLem, whlch helps Lo
reduce cosLs.

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