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***Company Name***


***Company Name*** is committed to promoting safety and responsible driving for all of its
employees. To ensure that this commitment is followed through, the Company has adopted a vehicle
policy that requires all employees who operate company owned, leased/rented vehicles during the
performance of their jobs to do so in a lawful and safe manner.

Your use of a company vehicle is subject to you adhering to the following rules:

When driving a vehicle, you must always abide by the law and take all steps necessary to avoid
endangering yourself and others. Failure to comply with the law may result in disciplinary
Maintaining the vehicle in a tidy and clean condition at all times whilst it is in your care.
Reporting any defects on the vehicle immediately upon your return to ***Insert Name &
Position of Person***.
Smoking is not permitted in company vehicles.
You and all front and rear seat passengers must wear a seat belt at all times.
Refrain from using cellular telephones (unless they are equipped with hands free operations),
personal listening devices, and from conducting any other activities which may impede the
drivers ability to focus on safely operating the vehicle.
Unauthorised passengers must not be carried in company vehicles.
You are liable for all traffic offences committed whilst the vehicle is in your care. Parking fines
must be settled immediately. You must report any traffic offences to ***Insert Name &
Position of Person***upon your return.
You are responsible for ensuring that the vehicle is locked / alarmed at all times.
If the vehicle is fitted with a removable radio/cassette, it must be removed from the vehicle at
all times when the vehicle is left.
Under no circumstances should any company property be left in the vehicle. Any theft or
attempted theft of the vehicle must be reported immediately to ***Insert Name & Position of
All users must provide ***Insert Name & Position of Person*** with their full valid driving
licence before they are given permission to use a company vehicle. ***Insert Name & Position
of Person*** will retain a copy for company records. After this first production, all users must
produce their licence at regular intervals as required by the company.
You must report any type of driving conviction or summons immediately to ***Insert Name &
Position of Person***
Company vehicles must not be used for personal reasons or gain. The private use of a company
vehicle must be authorised by ***Insert Name & Position of Person***
In the event that you are found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, you
will be responsible for all costs that the company may incur and the company reserves the right
to withdraw the use of a company vehicle by you, both for the period of the ban and
In the event of an accident involving a company vehicle that you are driving or responsible for,
you must immediately contact ***Insert Name & Position of Person*** during office hours or
***Insert Name & Position of Person*** outside office hours.
You must make a full and honest report of any incident in writing immediately. This report must
be prepared irrespective of whether personal injury or vehicle damage occurs. Copies of the
Vehicle Accident Report form are available from ***Insert Name & Position of Person***
The completed form should be returned to ***Insert Name & Position of Person***within xx
days of the incident/accident taking place.
All driving incidents/accidents are investigated. If the investigation shows you to be at fault, you
may be subject to disciplinary action.
In the event of a breakdown, you must use the breakdown assistance provided by the company.
[give details]
You must comply with the statutory regulations and our own regulations regarding the
recording of daily mileage, journeys undertaken and actual driving hours and return the
requisition form to ***Insert Name & Position of Person***

Day/Date Time
Accident Location
Weather conditions? Road conditions?
Speed of your vehicle? Speed limit for road?
What lights were in use? What warning lights/sirens were in use?
Full description of accident

Sketch of accident

(continue on separate sheet if necessary)
Were photos taken at the time of the accident? *Yes / No If yes, please enclose

Make & Model
Registration Number
Details of Damage

Please indicate damage location

Name & Address State if witnesses is Independent
Were the Police informed? Yes /No Did they attend? Yes/No
Officers name & address of station

Police Reference Number
Address of Owner/Driver

Tel Number Home Mobile
Make & Model Registration Number
Insurance details

Details of Damage to Vehicle/Property

Name & Address Passenger? Wearing seat belt? Injuries?
Signature of Driver Date

* Delete as appropriate

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