Pe Framework Notes

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EDU 543 Frameworks Reading Assignments for PE

Use this table to complete yor reading assignments! Di"ide the work among 3#5
colleages and share notes! Each person is responsible to know the material and
be able to discss and se in class and assignments!
PE $tandards %hapters &#3
%hapters &#3 $elect a 'rade (e"el and do the following)
1: Read the At a 'lance section of a grade level and list 3 to 5 points
for one standard that you consider to be the most import element to
keep in mind for teaching this standard to your students.
Standard 1: Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement
patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
- Kindergarten students learn about and interpret their
environment by moving through space often to a rhythmic
- Students practice locomotor movements including !alking
running hopping skipping "umping leaping galloping and
sliding to move in general space at both fast and slo! speeds.
- Kindergarten students are also beginning to manipulate a !ide
variety of ob"ects including light!eight balls beanbags and
#: Read the (earning $napshots and select one snapshot for one
standard that you are most interested $of those listed belo!%in
learning more about and list 3-5 key points described in that snapshot.
Standard 1.1&: 'erform locomotor and nonlocomotor movements to a
steady beat.
- (our locomotor skills are to be performed to a steady or even
beat: !alking running "umping and hopping.
- )ll locomotor movements can be performed to a steady beat
incluing turning t!isting bending and curling.
- *he teacher starts the lesson !ith a revie! of the correct
techni+ue demonstrating each skill.
- *he teacher either plays music that has a steady beat or
creates a steady beat by striking a drum or other musical
instrument !hile asking students to clap !ith the beat.
- *he teacher asks all students to perform the movement and
name the movement.
*ote 'rade le"el here) Kindergarten
Standard 1: Students
demonstrate the motor
skills and movement
patterns needed to
perform a variety of
physical activities.
At a 'lance)
Kindergarten students learn about and interpret their environment
by moving through space often to a rhythmic beat.
Students practice locomotor movements including !alking
running hopping skipping "umping leaping galloping and sliding
to move in general space at both fast and slo! speeds.
Students also practice nonlocomotor movements including
bending curling stretching s!aying turning and t!isting to move
in personal space.
Kindergarten students are also beginning to manipulate a !ide
variety of ob"ects including light!eight balls beanbag and
(earning $napshots)
,nstruction comes after students have learned the locomotor skills.
*he teacher sets up four cones to de-ne the boundaries of the
general space in !hich this activity !ill occur.
*here !ill be posters of each activity to reinforce movement
vocabulary and the eight locomotor skills.
*hroughout the activity the teacher !ill demonstrate a skill and
students !ill perform by performing the skill.
*he teacher that students should focus on the activity
so that they do not bump into other students.
Standard #: Students
At a 'lance)

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