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DEFENITION - A word which is opposite in meaning to another

No. Antonyms
1 absent present
2 easy difficult
3 big easy
4 near far
5 clean dirty
6 east west
7 here there
8 false true
9 polite rude
10 rough smooth

MCQ: Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.
1. Her fever is getting better.
A. well
B. worse
C. bad
D. good

2. The twins have different taste in colour but the _______ taste in music.
A. right
B. same
C. wrong
D. unlike

3. The food and drinks at the new restaurant are very reasonable.
A. expensive
B. cheap
C. affordable
D. low-priced

4. Tonys house is near Lindas house but ______________ from the school.
A. far
B. next
C. close
D. opposite

5. His grandfather has an ancient vase in his house.
A. antique
B. old
C. new
D. old-fashion

6. My sister, Ayuni likes to eat chocolate that taste bitter.
A. sour
B. salty
C. spicy
D. sweet

7. Faezahs curly hair becomes ___________ when it is wet.
A. fair
B. wavy
C. spiky
D. straight

8. Rina is weak because she does not exercise. Her sister is _________ because she
exercises every day.
A. healthy
B. feeble
C. strong
D. pretty

9. After being taken care by the nurse, the sickly patient became ________________
A. lively
B. noisy
C. healthy
D. energetic

10. The weather on the hill used to be cool but now it is ______________
A. hot
B. dry
C. cold
D. warm

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
small blunt found narrow cruel
heavy shallow selfish close never

1. Baharom lost his bag. His friend, Shuhada ___________ it behind the cupboard.
2. The newspaper is light but the thick book is _______________.
3. The _____________ box is on the shelf but the big box is on the floor.
4. Please open the windows but ___________ the doors.
5. Be careful with this knife because it is sharp. You can hold the scissors, it is _______
6. The kind lady is loved by the children but they hate the ___________ stepmother.
7. It is dangerous to swim in the deep water so you can swim in the ___________water.
8. This path is _______ but the road is broad.
9. Govinda always visits his uncle but he ___________ sees his aunt.
10. Cikgu Murni is a generous lady. She always donates to the poor but Haji Bakhil is
_________, he does not like to give money to others.


1. Lisa prepared food kitchen delicious tastless

Simple : Lisa prepared some delicious food in the kitchen.
Compound : Lisa and her mother prepared some delicious food in the kitchen.
Complex : Lisa and her mother who were in their aprons prepared same delicious
food for their family in the kitchen.

2. prefects decorated stage hall beautifully hardworking lazy


3. customers drinks waiter cold hot


4. mechanic repairs cars workshop old new


5. children listen story happy sad


6. girls tied shoelaces steps long short


7. children build sandcastles beach big small


8. patients waiting doctor hall healthy sickly


9. pupils dusting mopping classroom dirty clean


10. man wife queued buy tickets counter pretty ugly


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