4 Visual Foxpro - An: Information and A Database Is An Organized Collection of Related

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Visual FoxPro is a Relational Dataase !ana"e#ent S$ste# %RD&!S'(
)*i+* allo)s $ou to )or, )it* se-eral lo"i+all$ relate. tales o/ .ata
si#ultaneousl$. A Tale in a .ataase +ontains a nu#er o/ Ro)s an.
Colu#ns. One ro) in t*e tale is e0ui-alent to one re+or. an. one +olu#n
is e0ui-alent to one /iel..
4.1 O&23CTIV3S
A/ter "oin" t*rou"* t*is lesson( $ou )oul. e ale to
1l start Visual Fox4ro #enus
2l use s*ort+ut ,e$s
3l use Visual Fox4ro #enus.
4l ex4lain t*e +on+e4t o/ D&!S
4.3 CONC3PT OF DATA&AS3 !ANA53!3NT S6ST3! %D&!S'
&e/ore $ou un.erstan. t*e +on+e4t o/ Dataase !ana"e#ent S$ste#.
%D&!S'( it is ne+essar$ t*at $ou un.erstan. /e) asi+ ter#s relate. to
D&!S. Let us e"in )it* .ata. An$t*in" +an e .ata( e.".( a nu#er( na#e
o/ a 4erson or 4la+e( a..ress( et+. 7*en a .ata is #eanin"/ul( it is +alle.
Information an. a Database is an or"ani8e. +olle+tion o/ relate.
in/or#ation. 6ou +an use .ataase /or
94 :: Co#4uter A44li+ations
; retrie-in" .esire. in/or#ation
; ta,in" #eanin"/ul .e+ision
; reor"ani8in" in/or#ation
; 4ro+essin" in/or#ation
Dataase !ana"e#ent S$ste# %D&!S' is a "enerali8e. so/t)are
4a+,a"e use. to uil. an. #ana"e t*e .ataase( i.e.( a..( #o.i/$ %e.it'(
u4.ate( .elete an. sort %arran"e in a 4arti+ular or.er' in/or#ation in t*e
.ataase. D&!S also *el4s to retrie-e t*e .esire. in/or#ation in t*e
re0uire. /or#at /ro# t*e .ataase. Visual FoxPro is a lea.in" .ataase
!ana"e#ent S$ste#. It is a #e#er o/ !i+roso/t Visual Stu.io. Visual
FoxPro is one o/ t*e Relational Dataase !ana"e#ent S$ste# %RD&!S'.
It is )in.o)s ase. 5ra4*i+al User Inter/a+e %5UI' RD&!S. T*e
.ataase is a roa.er +on+e4t in Visual FoxPro in )*i+* t*e in/or#ation is
store. in relate. tales. T*e tale is e0ui-alent to .ataase o/ t*e earlier
-ersion o/ FoxPro. A .ataase is a +olle+tion o/ -arious re+or.s +o#4risin"
ro)s an. +olu#ns. One ro) is one re+or. an. one +olu#n is one /iel.. A
re+or. is +olle+tion o/ lo"i+all$ relate. /iel.s an. a /iel. is one +olu#n
in/or#ation. In Visual FoxPro( t*ere +an e #ore t*an one tale storin"
.i//erent strea# o/ in/or#ation. A tale in a .ataase +ontains a nu#er o/
Ro)s an. Colu#ns. One ro) in t*e tale is e0ui-alent to one re+or. an.
one +olu#n is e0ui-alent to one /iel..
T*e #ini#u# *ar.)are<so/t)are +on/i"uration o/ t*e #a+*ine re0uire. /or
installin" Visual FoxPro is t*at $ou s*oul. *a-e a Pentiu# Series o/
Co#4uter )it* 91 !& RA! an. 1=5& o/ >ar. Dis, Dri-e )it* 7in.o)s
?@ or *i"*er o4eratin" s$ste#. >ere )e *a-e .is+usse. A.= -ersion o/
Visual Fox4ro
In or.er to start )it* Visual FoxPro( $ou #ust ensure t*at Visual FoxPro
s$ste# is alrea.$ installe. on $our +o#4uter. To in-o,e Visual FoxPro(
Doule +li+, t*e !$ Co#4uter I+on on t*e Des,to4 7in.o). T*en .oule
+li+, C: .ri-e. No)( +li+, on Pro"ra# Fol.er an. t*en !i+roso/t Visual
Stu.io. No) .oule +li+, t*e !i+roso/t Visual FoxPro i+on as s*o)n in Fi".
Visual FoxPro - An Intro.u+tion:: 9@
Fig. 4.1: Visual FoxPro icon within Program Folder of Windows
6ou +an also #a,e a s*ort+ut o/ Visual FoxPro i+on on $our .es,to4 /or
.ire+tl$ loa.in" t*e s$ste# as s*o)n in Fi". 4.1.
Fig. 4.2: ighlighted Visual FoxPro
icon on the Des!to"
9A :: Co#4uter A44li+ations
In t*is +ase .oule +li+, t*e Visual FoxPro i+on /ro# t*e .es,to4 itsel/ an.
t*en Visual FoxPro )in.o) )ill a44ear on $our s+reen as s*o)n in Fi".
Fig. 4.# :
Alternati-el$( $ou $tart
#enu t*en +li+,
Visual $tudio %.&. on
'icrosoft Visual +li+,
t*e le/t #ouse
Fig. 4.4: Visual FoxPro through
$tart 'enu
Visual FoxPro - An Intro.u+tion:: 9B
T*e Visual FoxPro )in.o) )ill a44ear on $our s+reen as s*o)n in t*e
ao-e /i". 4.9.
T*e Visual FoxPro !enu s$ste# +an e +lassi/ie. into t*e /ollo)in"
+o#4onents as:
1l !enu &ar
2l !enu Pa. %Ite#'
3l !enus %Pull Do)n !enu'
4l !enu O4tions
5l Toolar
!enu &ar
!enu Pa.
Sele+te. O4tion
Title &ar
Control !enu &ox
Standard Toolbar
Disabled Menu Option
Opens a Dialog Box
Command Window
Pull down Menu (Menu Popup)
Fig. 4.(: Visual FoxPro 'enu
9C :: Co#4uter A44li+ations
4.@.1 !enu &ar
A !enu &ar is lo+ate. at t*e to4 o/ t*e s+reen an. .is4la$s all t*e
a-ailale titles /or #enu as s*o)n in t*e /i"ure 1.@. T*e +ontent o/ t*e
#enu ar +*an"es )*en $ou #o-e /ro# one title to anot*er title o/ t*e
#enu ar.
4.@.1 !enu Pa.s %Ite#s'
T*e titles .is4la$e. on t*e #enu ar are +alle. !enu Pa.s %Ite#s'. 6ou
+an use eit*er t*e #ouse or t*e ,e$oar. to .is4la$ t*e #enu asso+iate.
)it* ea+* #enu 4a.. Usin" t*e #ouse( +li+, on t*e title o/ t*e #enu $ou
)is* to use. To a++ess t*e #enu ar /ro# ,e$oar.( 4ress DALTE or
DF1=E ,e$ an. t*en t$4e t*e un.erline. letter /or t*e #enu $ou )is* to
use. For exa#4le DALTEFF /or in-o,in" File !enu. 6ou +an also use t*e
Le/t an. Ri"*t arro) ,e$s to #o-e /ro# one #enu 4a. to anot*er #enu
4a.( an. 4ress DR3TURNE ,e$.
6ou )ill also /in. t*at so#e o/ t*e #enu 4a.s a44ear .i##e. an. +annot
e *i"*li"*te. or sele+te.. T*ese #enu 4a.s are .isale.. 6ou +annot
.is4la$ t*e #enu i/ t*e #enu 4a. is .isale..
4.@.9 !enus
7*en $ou +*oose a #enu 4a. /ro# t*e #enu ar $ +li+,in" t*e #enu
4a.( Visual FoxPro .is4la$s a 4ull-.o)n #enu. A !enu is a list o/ relate.
o4tions .is4la$e. in t*e 4ull-.o)n #enu. 7*en $ou +*oose an o4tion
/ro# a #enu( Visual FoxPro exe+utes it. C*oosin" an o4tion #eans
a+ti-atin" a *i"*li"*te. o4tion $ +li+,in" )it* #ouse or 4ressin" t*e
DS4a+earE ,e$ or DReturnE ,e$.
4.@.4 !enu O4tions
7*en $ou +*oose a #enu 4a. /ro# t*e #enu ar( Visual FoxPro .is4la$s
a 4ull-.o)n #enu. A 4ull-.o)n #enu +ontains o4tions as s*o)n in t*e /i".
4.9. T*e o4tions on ea+* #enu are lo"i+all$ relate. to #enu 4a..
To +*oose a .esire. #enu o4tion $ou )ant( use one o/ t*e /ollo)in"
1l !o-e to t*e #enu 4a. an. +li+,. T*e 4ull-.o)n #enu a44ears. Cli+,
on t*e .esire. o4tion $ou )ant.
2l Press DAltE ,e$ or DF1=E ,e$ an. t*en 4ress t*e un.erline. letter
%*ot ,e$' in t*e #enu 4a. na#e. T$4e t*e un.erline. ,e$ /or t*e
#enu o4tion $ou )ant.
Visual FoxPro - An Intro.u+tion:: 9?
1l Use t*e Le/t an. Ri"*t Arro) ,e$s to t*e #enu 4a. $ou )ant to use
an. t*en 4ress DReturnE ,e$. Use t*e U4 an. Do)n arro) ,e$s to
sele+t t*e .esire. o4tion an. t*en 4ress t*e DReturnE ,e$ or
DS4a+earE ,e$.
6ou )ill /in. t*at so#e o/ t*e #enu o4tions *a-e an elli4sis %G' a/ter t*e
o4tion. T*is in.i+ates t*at t*e o4tion )ill /urt*er o4en a .ialo" ox. A
.ialo" ox a44ears to re0uest t*e a..itional in/or#ation.
4.@.@ Toolar
T*e Toolar a44ears elo) t*e #enu ar an. .is4la$s t*e i+ons as s*o)n
in Fi". 4.@. To a++ess t*e toolar usin" t*e #ouse( +li+, on t*e i+on $ou
)ant to use.
1. 7*at is t*e .i//eren+e et)een .ata an. in/or#ationI
2. 5i-e t*e /ull /or# o/ RD&!S.
3. C*oose t*e Corre+t Ans)er:
(1) A .ataase is a +olle+tion o/
%i' Fiel.s %ii' Tale %iii' Re+or.s %i-' Colu#n
(2) In Visual FoxPro( a Tale is e0ui-alent to
%i' Ro) %ii' Colu#n %iii' Fiel.%i-' Dataase
!o.i/$ Co##an. is t*e stan.ar. Text 3.itor o/ t*e Visual FoxPro. In s*ort
it is also +alle. #o.i +o##. It allo)s $ou to +reate an. #o.i/$ text. Usin"
t*is text e.itor $ou +an +o.e or #o.i/$ a Visual FoxPro 4ro"ra#. T*e
/ollo)in" ,e$s +an e use. /or sele+tin" an. e.itin" text.
Je$%s' A+tion
Cursor !o-e#ent
Ri"*t Arro) To #o-e t*e +ursor one +*ara+ter to t*e
Le/t Arro) To #o-e t*e +ursor one +*ara+ter to t*e
4= :: Co#4uter A44li+ations
U4 Arro) To #o-e t*e +ursor u4 one line.
Do)n Arro) To #o-e t*e +ursor .o)n one line.
>o#e To #o-e t*e +ursor to t*e e"innin" o/
t*e +urrent line.
3n. To #o-e t*e +ursor to t*e en. o/ t*e
+urrent line.
Pa"e u4 To #o-e t*e +ursor u4 t*e *ei"*t o/ t*e
+urrent line.
Pa"e .o)n To #o-e t*e +ursor .o)n t*e *ei"*t o/
t*e +urrent line.
CtrlF>o#e To #o-e t*e +ursor to t*e e"innin" o/
t*e +urrent text.
CtrlF3n. To #o-e t*e +ursor to t*e en. o/ t*e
+urrent text.
CtrlFRi"*t Arro)To #o-e t*e +ursor one )or. to t*e ri"*t.
CtrlFLe/t Arro) To #o-e t*e +ursor one )or. to t*e le/t.
Sele+tin" Text
S*i/tFRi"*t Arro) To sele+t one +*ara+ter to t*e ri"*t o/ t*e
S*i/tFLe/t Arro) To sele+t one +*ara+ter to t*e le/t o/ t*e
S*i/tFU4 Arro) To sele+t one line u4 to t*e +ursor.
S*i/tFDo)n Arro) To sele+t one line .o)n to t*e +ursor.
CtrlFA To sele+t all text.
Deletin" Text
&a+,s4a+e To .elete t*e sele+te. text or t*e +*ara+ter
to t*e le/t o/ t*e +ursor i/ no text is
Del To .elete t*e sele+te. text or t*e +*ara+ter
to t*e ri"*t o/ t*e +ursor i/ no text is
Visual FoxPro - An Intro.u+tion:: 41
Insertin" Text
Ins To s)it+* et)een insert an. o-er)rite
Visual FoxPro 4ro-i.es -arious s*ort+ut Je$s to +*oose t*e #enu o4tions.
So#e o/ t*e# are liste. elo).
Je$%s' A+tion
CtrlFA To sele+t all t*e +urrent oKe+ts.
CtrlFC To +o4$ t*e +urrent sele+tion to t*e
CtrlFD To start a Visual FoxPro Pro"ra#
CtrlF5 To #o-e t*e +ursor to t*e .esi"nate. line
in a text or in t*e +o##an. )in.o).
CtrlF! To resu#e a 4ro"ra#.
CtrlFP To Print.
CtrlFR To re.o.
CtrlFS To sa-e t*e /ile.
CtrlFV To 4aste t*e +ontent o/ t*e +li4oar. at
t*e +urrent +ursor 4osition.
CtrlF7 To lea-e t*e +urrent o4eration an. to sa-e
an$ #o.i/i+ation.
CtrlFX To +ut t*e sele+te. oKe+t /ro# its +urrent
lo+ation an. to 4la+e it on t*e +li4oar..
CtrlF6 To a44en. ne) re+or..
CtrlFL To un.o.
CtrlFF1 To a+ti-ate t*e next )in.o) o4en )it*in
Visual FoxPro.
CtrlFF1 To .is4la$ t*e +o##an. )in.o).
CtrlFF4 To +lose t*e +urrent )in.o).
CtrlFF@ To restore t*e +urrent )in.o) to its
ori"inal si8e.
CtrlFFB To #o-e t*e +urrent )in.o) )it* t*e arro)
41 :: Co#4uter A44li+ations
CtrlFFC To in+rease<.e+rease t*e si8e o/ t*e
+urrent )in.o).
CtrlFF? To #ini#i8e t*e +urrent )in.o) to an
CtrlFF1= To #axi#i8e t*e +urrent )in.o).
3s+ To exit +urrent e.itin" )it*out sa-in" t*e
F1 To a+ti-ate on-line *el4.
F1 To o4en t*e -ie) )in.o).
F9 To list t*e +ontent o/ t*e +urrent tale.
F4 To list t*e /iles in t*e +urrent .ire+tor$.
F@ To .is4la$ t*e stru+ture o/ t*e +urrent
FA To .is4la$ t*e status.
FB To .is4la$ t*e +urrent #e#or$ -ariales.
FC To .is4la$ t*e /iel. na#es an. t*e +urrent
re+or. o/ t*e +urrent tale.
F? To o4en t*e &ro)se )in.o) in a44en.
6ou +an exit Visual FoxPro $ usin" an$ one o/ t*e /ollo)in" #et*o.s:
1l T$4e 0uit in t*e +o##an. )in.o) an. 4ress DReturnE ,e$.
2l O4en t*e File #enu an. +*oose t*e 3xit o4tion.
3l Cli+, #ouse on t*e Control !enu &ox /ro# t*e Title ar o/ t*e #ain
Visual FoxPro )in.o) as s*o)n in t*e /i"ure 4.9.
4l Press DAltFF4E ,e$.
4.9 7>AT 6OU >AV3 L3ARNT
In t*is lesson $ou *a-e learne. aout t*e +on+e4t o/ .ataase an. *o) to
in-o,e Visual FoxPro( Visual FoxPro #enus( s*ort+ut ,e$s /or #enu
o4tions an. *o) to exit Visual FoxPro. In t*e next lesson $ou )ill learn
aout t*e +o#4lete Visual FoxPro !enu S$ste# an. Toolars.
Visual FoxPro - An Intro.u+tion:: 49
1. Dis+uss t*e +on+e4t o/ D&!S.
2. 7*at are t*e -arious )a$s o/ startin" Visual FoxProI
3. De/ine t*e -arious !enu Pa.s a-ailale on t*e !enu &ar o/ Visual
4. Na#e t*e Text 3.itor o/ Visual FoxPro.
5. 7*at is t*e s*ort+ut /or .is4la$in" t*e stru+ture o/ t*e +urrent taleI
11 Data: An$t*in" +an e .ata( e.". a nu#er( na#e o/ a 4erson or
4la+e( a..ress( In/or#ation: 7*en a .ata is #eanin"/ul( it is +alle.
1 Relational Dataase !ana"e#ent S$ste#s
9 %a' %iii' %'%i-'

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