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Innovation Fund 2015

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Guidelines for Preparation of Project Proposals
The CEPA Innovation Fund is financed through 2% of CEPAs annual service fees. The Fund was set
To act as a catalyst for poverty reduction and impact monitoring by supporting innovative
initiatives in cooperation with other organizations and individuals.

Contribution of the Fund
Provides the 3 5 selected grantees with up to Rs 500,000 each
The Fund has been in operation since 2001 and has up to date assisted the following initiatives:
(These are provided only as examples so please dont limit yourself to these ideas.)
Research studies
To What Extent Does Caste contribute to Poverty?
Focused on some of the unanswered questions regarding the nexus between poverty and
National Workshop on Importance of Rural Transport for Poverty Alleviation
Combining Poverty Reduction with Psychosocial Support: Exploratory Research in Sri Lankan
Conflict Zones
Action research
Poverty Alleviation through Communication: A mobile library and information service
A much tried out idea about the library but their approach was innovative
An analysis of the nexus between poverty and disability: Engaging the disabled in the
development process
Awareness raising
Yathra (The Voyage) : bilingual forum theatre
Study on the Role of Energy in Poverty Alleviation
Strategies for enhancing the productivity in smallholder Crop Production
Targeted interventions
Rush and Reed ware Training Project
Tried to exploit a hitherto untapped market
Training and Facilitation of Female Three-wheeler Drivers
Tried to focus on a vulnerable group in a new way, at the same time taking in to consideration
issues like safety and security of the stakeholders

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Selection Criteria
Over the period of time the fund has been operational, CEPA has developed a system of selection in
liaison to ensure the objectives of CEPA as well as those of the grantees are met.
Core Criteria for selection:
1. Should be a new idea that is outside the mainstream
2. Should be addressing issues related to Poverty
3. Should be relevant to the present days context
4. the proposed project should justify the identified problem and the proposed solution

T To o h he el lp p y yo ou u d de ec ci id de e i if f y yo ou ur r p pr ro oj je ec ct t m me ee et ts s t th he e C CE EP PA A c cr ri it te er ri ia a, , w we e h ha av ve e p pr ro ov vi id de ed d s so om me e g gu ui id di in ng g q qu ue es st ti io on ns s. .
P Pl le ea as se e t th hi in nk k t th hr ro ou ug gh h t th he em m i in n a a r re ea al li is st ti ic c m ma an nn ne er r a an nd d j ju ud dg ge e i if f y yo ou ur r i id de ea a h ha as s a a g go oo od d c ch ha an nc ce e o of f m me ee et ti in ng g
t th he e s se el le ec ct ti io on n c cr ri it te er ri ia a. .
1. Poverty Focus
What dimensions of poverty will be addressed by your project? (Income, education, health and
nutrition, social marginalisation, lack of empowerment)
As you see how does the problem identified by your project relate to poverty?
What is / who are the target group of your project?
As you see what is the nature of the poverty related issues/problems that your selected target
group face?
How will your project contribute to solve/reduce/address that problem/issue?
From your project proposal, do you hope to seek a direct solution or an alternative solution?
What would be the impact of that solution on the society as a whole? Is it a direct impact or an
indirect impact
Do you expect any negative impacts from your project? What are they?
2. New idea outside the mainstream
Did you search whether anybody has done a similar project to your project before?
What is the difference you see between your project and the other similar projects? Explain the
differences that you see
Considering these facts, how do you justify your project as being innovative?
Are there any risks involved in the project? What are they? What are the mitigation measures
you are taking in order to address these project risks?

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3. Relevance to todays context
How relevant is your proposed project to the present context?
How relevant is the solution proposed by your project to the immediate environment that your
project operates in?
4. Justification of the project
When you consider the above-mentioned facts do you think that your project can deliver a
positive change/message/output to the society?
What are those?
5. Selection of Project Concept
How did you decide on this project?
Where did it emerge from?
Were there other parties contributing to the selection of this project concept?
Is this a priority need for the target group? Why?
6. Monitoring of the project
Do you have a plan for monitoring of the project? How are you going to do the monitoring of the
Other Criteria (Alternative) for Selection
1. Budget & its feasibility
2. Effort and its viability
3. Productiveness of the project from CEPA point of view
4. How useful is the project for future follow-up/sharing/knowledge enhancement/dissemination
5. Who are the stakeholders in implementation of the project?
6. Scope & limitations

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Guidelines for Preparation of the Report
Contents of the proposal
1. Summary
2. Village profile
3. Justification of the identified problem
4. Explanation of the innovativeness & the creativeness of the project
5. Justification of the project
6. Identification of solutions
7. Explanation of the methodologies
8. Activity plan
9. Budget
1. Summary of the project
Shouldnt be more than ten sentences. It should include;
The main concept of the proposal
Core activity of the project
Problem that is addressed by the project
Proposed solution
2. Objectives of the proposals need to be stated and explained
3. Justification of the problem
Timeliness/Relevance to todays context
Critical aspect (in relation to the target group, environment, timing)
4. Justification of the Project
Should be a new idea that is outside the mainstream
Should be addressing issues related to Poverty
Should be relevant to the present days context
The proposed project should justify the identified problem and the proposed
5. Solution
How do you intend to provide the solution?
Who will provide the solution?
What is the creativeness of your solution? Why do you say so?
How will the solution address poverty issues?
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What are the other impacts generated from this solution? How do you propose to eliminate the
negative impacts arising from this solution?
Why do you say that this solution is timely?
Considering the above facts, how do you justify your solution?
How do you intend that the proposed activities would achieve the set objectives?
6. Methodology
How are you going to implement this project?
What are the tools and techniques you would use for this purpose?
What is the feasibility of these methodologies?
Who are the main and other stakeholders involved in this project?
Are there any risks involved in the project? What are they? What are the mitigation measures
you are taking in order to address these project risks?
Considering the above facts, justify your proposal
7. Activity Plan
List of planned core activity and sub activities
Identify the outcome of these activities, responsible persons and deadlines. Link the activity
with the deadline.
Show the expenses of each of those activities separately.
8. Budget
The budget should be linked with detailed activity plan of the project
The budget should include contributions from CEPA as well as the grantees contribution
The budget should include the employees expenses, material expenses, logistical expenses,
communication and other expenses.
The budget should include the expense of the final project report as well as quarterly reports.
The budget should not include any line items for fixed assets.

Apart from the above criteria, you could include any other criteria to your project proposal depending on
the content of your project. However, please note that the above mentioned core criteria are

Project proposals need to be submitted along with an application form to:
The Co-ordinator, Innovation Fund,
Centre for Poverty Analysis
29, R.G. Senanayake Mawatha, Colombo 7

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