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QYResearch Report

2014 Deep Research Report on Global and China Petroleum Resin Industry
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Published Date : !eb 2014
Publisher: )*Research Petroleum Resin Research Center
Contact: +r, -han# Don# ./0100.2&4(1112 ./013.111&/&014 sales56yresearch,com
72014 Deep Research Report on Global and China Petroleum Resin Industry8 9as pro:essional
and depth research report on Global and China Petroleum Resin Industry, 'he report :irstly
introduced Petroleum Resin basic in:ormation included de:inition classi:ication application
industry chain structure industry o;er;ie92 international mar<et analysis4 Global and China
domestic mar<et analysis4 +acroeconomic en;ironment and economic situation analysis and
in:luence4 Petroleum Resin Industry policy and plan4 Petroleum Resin product speci:ication4
manu:acturin# process4 product cost structure etc, then statistics Global and China <ey
manu:acturers Petroleum Resin capacity production cost price Gross production ;alue #ross
mar#in etc details in:ormation4 at the same time4 statistics these manu:acturers Petroleum Resin
products customers application capacity mar<et position in:ormation etc company related
in:ormation4 then collect all these manu:acturers data and listed Global and China Petroleum
Resin capacity production capacity mar<et share production mar<et share supply demand shorta#e
import e=port consumption etc data statistics4 and then introduced Global and China Petroleum
Resin200&02013 capacity production price cost Gross production ;alue #ross mar#in etc
in:ormation, >nd also listed Petroleum Resin upstream ra9 materials e6uipments and do9n
stream client sur;ey analysis and mar<etin# channels industry de;elopment trend and proposals,
In the end4 this report introduced Petroleum Resin ne9 pro?ect @A' analysis In;estment
:easibility analysis in;estment return analysis and also #i;e related research conclusions and
de;elopment trend analysis o: Global and China Petroleum Resin industry, In a 9ord4 it 9as a
depth research report on Global and China Petroleum Resin Industry, >nd than<s to the support
and assistance :rom Petroleum Resin Industry chain related technical e=perts and mar<etin#
en#ineers durin# Research 'eam sur;ey and inter;ie9s,
'able o: Contents
Chapter Ane Petroleum Resin Industry A;er;ie9 1
1,1 Petroleum Resin De:inition 1
1,2 Petroleum Resin Classi:ication and >pplication 3
1,3 Petroleum Resin Industry Chain tructure (
1,4 Petroleum Resin Industry A;er;ie9 /
)*Research +r, -han#don# sales56yresearch,com 13.111&/&01 0100.2&4(111 Pa#e 1
QYResearch Report
Chapter '9o Petroleum Resin +ar<et tatus >nalysis 12
2,1 International De;elopment tatus >nalysis 12
2,2 +ain Countries and Re#ions A;er;ie9 13
2,3 A;erall +ar<et trend >nalysis 13
2,4 Recent +ar<et 'endency %ist 14
Chapter 'hree Petroleum Resin Industry De;elopment Bn;ironmental >nalysis 1(
3,1 China Bconomic Bn;ironment >nalysis 1(
3,1,1 China GDP >nalysis 1(
3,1,2 China CPI >nalysis 1/
3,2 Buropean Bconomic Bn;ironmental >nalysis 1.
3,3 United tates Bconomic Bn;ironmental >nalysis 1&
3,4 Capan Bconomic Bn;ironmental >nalysis 20
3,( Global Bconomic Bn;ironmental >nalysis 21
Chapter !our Petroleum Resin De;elopment Policy and Plan 22
4,1 Petroleum Resin Industry Policy >nalysis 22
4,2 Petroleum Resin Industry De9s >nalysis 23
4,3 Petroleum Resin Industry De;elopment 'rend 2/
Chapter !i;e Petroleum Resin +anu:acturin# Process and Cost tructure 2.
(,1 Petroleum Resin Product peci:ications 2.
(,2 Petroleum Resin +anu:acturin# Process >nalysis 32
(,3 Petroleum Resin Cost tructure >nalysis 3/
Chapter i= 200&02014 Petroleum Resin Productions upply ales Demand +ar<et tatus and
!orecast 31
/,1 200&02014 Petroleum Resin Capacity Production A;er;ie9 31
/,2 200&02014 Petroleum Resin Production +ar<et hare >nalysis 43
/,3 200&02014 Petroleum Resin Demand A;er;ie9 4/
/,4 200&02014 Petroleum Resin upply Demand and horta#e 41
/,( 200&02014 Petroleum Resin Import B=port Consumption 4.
/,/ 200&02014 Petroleum Resin Cost Price Production Ealue Gross +ar#in 4.
Chapter e;en Petroleum Resin Fey +anu:acturers >nalysis 4&
1,1 B==on+obil Chemical 4&
1,1,1 Company Pro:ile 4&
1,1,2 Product Picture and peci:ication (2
1,1,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue (4
1,1,4 Contact In:ormation ((
1,2 Bastman (1
1,2,1 Company Pro:ile (1
1,2,2 Product Picture and peci:ication /0
1,2,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue /4
)*Research +r, -han#don# sales56yresearch,com 13.111&/&01 0100.2&4(111 Pa#e 2
QYResearch Report
1,2,4 Contact In:ormation /(
1,3 -eon /1
1,3,1 Company Pro:ile /.
1,3,2 Product Picture and peci:ication 11
1,3,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 1/
1,3,4 Contact In:ormation 1.
1,4 Folon 1.
1,4,1 Company Pro:ile 1&
1,4,2 Product Picture and peci:ication .(
1,4,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue .1
1,4,4 Contact In:ormation .&
1,( Goodyear"'otal !inaliGes >c6uisition A: Goodyears Hydrocarbon Resin Husiness$ &1
1,(,1 Company Pro:ile &2
1,(,2 Product Picture and peci:ication &4
1,(,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue &/
1,(,4 Contact In:ormation &1
1,/ +aruGen Petrochemical &.
1,/,1 Company Pro:ile &.
1,/,2 Product Picture and peci:ication 100
1,/,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 101
1,/,4 Contact In:ormation 103
1,1 >R>F>@> CHB+IC>% IDDU'RIB4 %'D, 103
1,1,1 Company Pro:ile 104
1,1,2 Product Picture and peci:ication 101
1,1,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 10.
1,1,4 Contact In:ormation 110
1,. Cray Ealley Hydrocarbon pecialty Chemicals "HC$ 112
1,.,1 Company Pro:ile 112
1,.,2 Product Picture and peci:ication 111
1,.,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 11.
1,.,4 Contact In:ormation 11&
1,& RI'GBR Group 120
1,&,1 Company Pro:ile 120
1,&,2 Product Picture and peci:ication 122
1,&,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 122
1,&,4 Contact In:ormation 124
1,10 Dan?in# *an#Gi Bastman Chemical %td, 124
1,10,1 Company Pro:ile 124
1,10,2 Product Picture and peci:ication 12(
1,10,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 12/
1,10,4 Contact In:ormation 121
1,11 han#hai Cinsen 121
1,11,1 Company Pro:ile 121
1,11,2 Product Picture and peci:ication 12.
)*Research +r, -han#don# sales56yresearch,com 13.111&/&01 0100.2&4(111 Pa#e 3
QYResearch Report
1,11,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 12&
1,11,4 Contact In:ormation 130
1,12 %uHua Chemical 131
1,12,1 Company Pro:ile 131
1,12,2 Product Picture and peci:ication 132
1,12,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 132
1,12,4 Contact In:ormation 133
1,13 Hua<e 134
1,13,1 Company Pro:ile 134
1,13,2 Product Picture and peci:ication 13(
1,13,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 13(
1,13,4 Contact In:ormation 13/
1,14 %anGhou Jinlan 131
1,14,1 Company Pro:ile 131
1,14,2 Product Picture and peci:ication 13.
1,14,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 13.
1,14,4 Contact In:ormation 13&
1,1( -he?ian# Hen#he 140
1,1(,1 Company Pro:ile 140
1,1(,2 Product Picture and peci:ication 141
1,1(,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 14(
1,1(,4 Contact In:ormation 14/
1,1/ Puyan# Jinyu 14/
1,1/,1 Company Pro:ile 14/
1,1/,2 Product Picture and peci:ication 141
1,1/,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 14&
1,1/,4 Contact In:ormation 1(0
1,11 %anGhou Petrochemical 1(0
1,11,1 Company Pro:ile 1(1
1,11,2 Product Picture and peci:ication 1(2
1,11,3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 1(2
1,11,4 Contact In:ormation 1(3
Chapter Bi#ht Up and Do9n tream Industry >nalysis 1(4
.,1 Upstream Ra9 +aterials tatus >nalysis 1(4
.,2 Upstream B6uipments tatus >nalysis 1((
.,3 Do9nstream Demand >nalysis 1(/
.,4 Do9nstream Consumer Group A;er;ie9 1(.
Chapter Dine Petroleum Resin +ar<etin# Channels >nalysis 1(.
&,1 Petroleum Resin +ar<etin# Channels tatus 1(.
&,2 De9 Pro?ect +ar<etin# Channels De;elopment proposals 1/1
Chapter 'en 20140201. Petroleum Resin Productions upply ales Demand +ar<et tatus and
)*Research +r, -han#don# sales56yresearch,com 13.111&/&01 0100.2&4(111 Pa#e 4
QYResearch Report
!orecast 1/3
10,1 20140201. Petroleum Resin Capacity Production A;er;ie9 1/3
10,2 20140201. Petroleum Resin Production +ar<et hare >nalysis 1/(
10,3 20140201. Petroleum Resin Demand A;er;ie9 1//
10,4 20140201. Petroleum Resin upply Demand and horta#e 1/1
10,( 20140201. Petroleum Resin Import B=port Consumption 1/.
10,/ 20140201. Petroleum Resin Cost Price Production Ealue Gross +ar#in 1/.
Chapter Ble;en Petroleum Resin Industry De;elopment Proposals 1/&
11,1 +acroeconomic De;elopment Countermeasures 1/&
11,1,1 +acroeconomic policy 110
11,1,2 peci:ic control measures 111
11,2 De9 !irms Bnter +ar<et trate#y 112
11,3 De9 Pro?ect In;estment Proposals 114
11,4 Competiti;e Bn;ironment trate#y Proposals 11(
Chapter '9el;e Petroleum Resin De9 Pro?ect In;estment !easibility >nalysis 111
12,1 Petroleum Resin Pro?ect @A' >nalysis 111
12,2 Petroleum Resin De9 Pro?ect In;estment !easibility >nalysis 111
12,2,1 Pro?ect Dame 111
12,2,2 In;estment Hud#et 111
Chapter 'hirteen Global and China Petroleum Resin Industry Research Conclusions 11.
'ables and !i#ures
!i#ure Petroleum Resin Product Picture 1
'able Petroleum Resin >pplication %ist (
'able Petroleum Resin Industry Chain tructure (
!i#ure 2013 Global Fey +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Production +ar<et hare 12
!i#ure 2013 Global +ain Countries and Re#ions Petroleum Resin Consumption hare 13
!i#ure 20140201. Global Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate 13
'able Petroleum Resin Industry Recent +ar<et 'endency %ist 14
!i#ure 200(02013 China GDP and Gro9th Rate 1(
!i#ure 200(02013 China CPI Chan#e 'rend 1/
!i#ure 200(02013 China P+I Chan#e 'rend 1/
!i#ure 200(02013 China !inancial Re;enue "Hillion yuan$ and Gro9th Rate 11
!i#ure 200(02013 China 'otal !i=ed >sset In;estment "Hillion yuan$ and Gro9th Rate 11
!i#ure 200(02013 Buropean GDP Gro9th Rate 1.
!i#ure 200/02013 Buropean CPI Chan#e 'rend 1.
!i#ure 200(02013 United tates GDP Chan#e 'rend 1&
!i#ure 200/02013 United tates CPI Chan#e 'rend 1&
!i#ure 200(02013 Capan GDP Chan#e 'rend 20
!i#ure 200/02013 Capan CPI Chan#e 'rend 20
)*Research +r, -han#don# sales56yresearch,com 13.111&/&01 0100.2&4(111 Pa#e (
QYResearch Report
'able Petroleum Resin Industry De;elopment 'rend 2/
'able C( Petroleum Resin Product peci:ications 2.
'able Petroleum Resin used in adhesi;e Product peci:ications 2&
'able Petroleum Resin used in printin# in< Product peci:ications 30
'able Petroleum Resin used in paint Product peci:ications 31
'able Petroleum Resin :or rubber mi=in# Product peci:ications 31
'able Petroleum Resin used in hot0melt road0ma<in# paint Product peci:ications 32
!i#ure chematic Hydrocarbon Resin Processes 33
!i#ure 2013 Petroleum Resin Cost tructure >nalysis 3/
'able 200&02014 Global +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Capacity and 'otal Capacity "10F
'on$ %ist 31
'able 200&02014 Global +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Capacity +ar<et hare %ist 3.
'able 200&02014 Global +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Production and 'otal Production
"10F 'on$ %ist 3.
'able 200&02014 Global +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Production +ar<et hare %ist 3&
!i#ure 200&02014 Global Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate 40
'able 200&02014 Global Petroleum Resin Capacity UtiliGation Rate %ist 40
'able 200&02014 China +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Capacity and 'otal Capacity "10F
'on$ %ist 40
'able 200&02014 China +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Capacity +ar<et hare %ist 41
'able 200&02014 China +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Production and 'otal Production
"10F 'on$ %ist 41
'able 200&02014 China +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Production +ar<et hare %ist 41
!i#ure 200&02014 China Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate 42
'able 200&02014 China Petroleum Resin Capacity UtiliGation Rate %ist 42
!i#ure 2011 Global +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Production +ar<et hare 43
!i#ure 2012 Global +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Production +ar<et hare 44
!i#ure 2013 Global +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Production +ar<et hare 44
!i#ure 2011 China +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Production +ar<et hare 4(
!i#ure 2012 China +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Production +ar<et hare 4(
!i#ure 2013 China +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Production +ar<et hare 4/
!i#ure 200&02014 Global Petroleum Resin Demand "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate 4/
!i#ure 200&02014 China Petroleum Resin Demand "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate 41
'able 200&02014 Global Petroleum Resin upply Demand horta#e "10F 'on$ %ist 41
'able 200&02014 China Petroleum Resin upply Demand horta#e "10F 'on$ %ist 41
'able 200&02014 China Petroleum Resin Production Import B=port Consumption "10F 'on$ %ist
'able 200&02014 Global Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost Gross
"KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 4.
'able 200&02014 China Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost Gross "KL'on$
Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 4.
B==on+obil Chemical Petroleum Resin Product Ima#e (2
'able 200&02014 B==on+obil Chemical Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price
Cost Gross "KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist (4
)*Research +r, -han#don# sales56yresearch,com 13.111&/&01 0100.2&4(111 Pa#e /
QYResearch Report
!i#ure 200&02014 B==on+obil Chemical Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and
Gro9th Rate (4
!i#ure 200&02014 B==on+obil Chemical Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare ((
Bastman Petroleum Resin Product Ima#e /1
'able 200&02014 Bastman Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost Gross
"KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist /4
!i#ure 200&02014 Bastman Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate /(
!i#ure 200&02014 Bastman Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare /(
-eon Petroleum Resin Product Ima#e 11
'able 200&02014 -eon Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost Gross "KL'on$
Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 1/
!i#ure 200&02014 -eon Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate 11
!i#ure 200&02014 -eon Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare 11
Folon Petroleum Resin Product Ima#e .(
'able 200&02014 Folon Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost Gross "KL'on$
Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist .1
!i#ure 200&02014 Folon Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate ..
!i#ure 200&02014 Folon Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare ..
Goodyear Petroleum Resin Product Ima#e &4
'able 200&02014 Goodyear Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost Gross
"KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist &/
!i#ure 200&02014 Goodyear Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate &/
!i#ure 200&02014 Goodyear Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare &1
+aruGen Petrochemical Petroleum Resin Product Ima#e 100
'able 200&02014 +aruGen Petrochemical Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price
Cost Gross "KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 101
!i#ure 200&02014 +aruGen Petrochemical Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and
Gro9th Rate 101
!i#ure 200&02014 +aruGen Petrochemical Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare 102
>R>F>@> CHB+IC>% IDDU'RIB4 %'D, Petroleum Resin Product Ima#e 101
'able 200&02014 >R>F>@> CHB+IC>% IDDU'RIB4 %'D, Petroleum Resin Capacity
Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost Gross "KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist
!i#ure 200&02014 >R>F>@> CHB+IC>% IDDU'RIB4 %'D, Petroleum Resin Capacity
Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate 10&
!i#ure 200&02014 >R>F>@> CHB+IC>% IDDU'RIB4 %'D, Petroleum Resin Production
Global +ar<et hare 10&
HC Petroleum Resin Product Ima#e 111
'able 200&02014 HC Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost Gross "KL'on$
Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 11.
!i#ure 200&02014 HC Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate 11.
!i#ure 200&02014 HC Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare 11&
RI'GBR Group Petroleum Resin Product Ima#e 122
'able 200&02014 RI'GBR Group Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost
)*Research +r, -han#don# sales56yresearch,com 13.111&/&01 0100.2&4(111 Pa#e 1
QYResearch Report
Gross "KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 122
!i#ure 200&02014 RI'GBR Group Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th
Rate 123
!i#ure 200&02014 RI'GBR Group Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare 123
!i#ure *an#Gi Bastman Petroleum Resin Product 12(
'able 200&02014 *an#Gi Bastman Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost
Gross "KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 12/
!i#ure 200&02014 *an#Gi Bastman Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th
Rate 12/
!i#ure 200&02014 *an#Gi Bastman Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare 121
!i#ure han#hai Cinsen Petroleum Resin Product Ima#e 12.
'able 200&02014 han#hai Cinsen Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost
Gross "KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 12&
!i#ure 200&02014 han#hai Cinsen Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th
Rate 12&
!i#ure 200&02014 han#hai Cinsen Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare 130
!i#ure %uHua Chemical Petroleum Resin Product Ima#e 132
'able 200&02014 %uHua Chemical Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost
Gross "KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 132
!i#ure 200&02014 %uHua Chemical Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th
Rate 133
!i#ure 200&02014 %uHua Chemical Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare 133
!i#ure Hua<e Petroleum Resin Product Ima#e 13(
'able 200&02014 Hua<e Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost Gross
"KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 13(
!i#ure 200&02014 Hua<e Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate 13/
!i#ure 200&02014 Hua<e Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare 13/
!i#ure %anGhou Jinlan Petroleum Resin Product Ima#e 13.
'able 200&02014 %anGhou Jinlan Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost
Gross "KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 13.
!i#ure 200&02014 %anGhou Jinlan Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th
Rate 13&
!i#ure 200&02014 %anGhou Jinlan Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare 13&
!i#ure -he?ian# Hen#he Petroleum Resin o: thermal ploymeriGation Product Ima#e 141
'able -he?ian# Hen#he Petroleum Resin o: thermal ploymeriGation Product peci:ication 142
!i#ure -he?ian# Hen#he >romatic modi:ied aliphatic hydrocarbon resin Product Ima#e 143
'able -he?ian# Hen#he >romatic modi:ied aliphatic hydrocarbon resin Product peci:ication 144
'able 200&02014 -he?ian# Hen#he Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost
Gross "KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 14(
!i#ure 200&02014 -he?ian# Hen#he Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th
Rate 14(
!i#ure 200&02014 -he?ian# Hen#he Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare 14/
!i#ure Puyan# Jinyu Petroleum Resin Product Ima#e 141
'able 200&02014 Puyan# Jinyu Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost Gross
)*Research +r, -han#don# sales56yresearch,com 13.111&/&01 0100.2&4(111 Pa#e .
QYResearch Report
"KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 14&
!i#ure 200&02014 Puyan# Jinyu Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th
Rate 14&
!i#ure 200&02014 Puyan# Jinyu Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare 1(0
!i#ure %anGhou Petrochemical Petroleum Resin Product Ima#e 1(2
'able 200&02014 %anGhou Petrochemical Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price
Cost Gross "KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 1(2
!i#ure 200&02014 %anGhou Petrochemical Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and
Gro9th Rate 1(3
!i#ure 200&02014 %anGhou Petrochemical Petroleum Resin Production Global +ar<et hare 1(3
!i#ure 1&1(02013 @orld Ail Price "KLHarrel$ Chan#e 'rend 1(4
!i#ure 1&1(02010 @orld Ail Production "+illion bblsLDay$ Chan#e 'rend 1((
!i#ure Granulatin# +achine :or Petroleum Resin 1(/
!i#ure Petroleum Resin Do9nstream Demand >nalysis 1(1
!i#ure Petroleum Resin !lat ales Channel !orms A;er;ie9 1(&
!i#ure Petroleum Resin Partnership0type Relationship ales Channels A;er;ie9 1/1
!i#ure 20140201. Global Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate 1/3
'able 20140201. Global Petroleum Resin Capacity UtiliGation Rate %ist 1/4
!i#ure 20140201. China Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate 1/4
'able 20140201. China Petroleum Resin Capacity UtiliGation Rate %ist 1/(
!i#ure 201. Global +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Production +ar<et hare 1/(
!i#ure 201. China +a?or +anu:acturers Petroleum Resin Production +ar<et hare 1//
!i#ure 20140201. Global Petroleum Resin Demand "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate 1//
!i#ure 20140201. China Petroleum Resin Demand "10F 'on$ and Gro9th Rate 1/1
'able 20140201. Global Petroleum Resin upply Demand horta#e "10F 'on$ %ist 1/1
'able 20140201. China Petroleum Resin upply Demand horta#e "10F 'on$ %ist 1/1
'able 20140201. China Petroleum Resin Production Import B=port Consumption "10F 'on$ %ist
'able 20140201. Global Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost Gross
"KL'on$ Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 1/.
'able 20140201. China Petroleum Resin Capacity Production "10F 'on$ Price Cost Gross "KL'on$
Production Ealue "+illion K$ Gross +ar#in %ist 1/.
'able +acroeconomic De;elopment Countermeasures >nalysis 110
'able Petroleum Resin De9 !irms Bnter +ar<et trate#y 112
'able De9 Pro?ect In;estment Proposals 114
!i#ure Petroleum Resin mar<etin# strate#y recommendations 11(
'able Petroleum Resin +ar<etin# Channel trate#y Proposals 11/
'able Petroleum Resin Competiti;e Bn;ironment trate#y Proposals 11/
'able Petroleum Resin De9 Pro?ect @A' >nalysis 111
'able >nnual output o: 300 'housand 'ons Petroleum Resin Pro?ect In;estment !easibility
>nalysis 111
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