Switch: Vlans, Spanning Tree: Computer Networks Seminar 5

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Switch: VLANs,

Spanning Tree
Seminar 5
Virtual networks VLANs
Traffic separation on Data link layer (L2)
Software separation of broadcast domains
Ethernet frames are not transmitted between VLANs
Seeral lo!ically separated networks
"nterconnectin! more switches by Tr#nk ports
There is the information added to the frame header tellin!
which VLAN the frame belon!s to$ (problem with ma%$ si&e of
the frame)
VLAN topology analysis
2 VLANs connected to the switch S'( with
no VLAN confi!#ration
VLAN topology analysis
ex" L# e$ui%" topology
2 VLANs connected to the switch S'( with
no VLAN confi!#ration
VLANs are #seless here) beca#se the frames will be mi%ed
on switch S'( anyway
VLAN topology analysis
example !
VLAN topology analysis
ex" ! L# e$ui%" topology
VLAN topology analysis
example #
VLAN topology analysis
ex" # L# e$ui%" topology
Assignment '(S exam
"n the pict#re there is a network scheme which consists
of irt#al LANs (VLANs) named as V() V2 etc$ The
n#mbers with slashes stand for port n#mbers to which
the lines are connected (in the form* mod#le+port)$ Draw
e,#ialent L- topolo!y of the network (how it appears
to -$ layer of .S" model)$ Switches of e,#ialent L-
topolo!y representin! the ports belon!in! to VLAN/ on
switch 0 from real topolo!y mark as S' 0+/$ Draw tr#nk
links dashed$ 'rite down to the pict#re also the port
n#mbers of switches from the ori!inal topolo!y$ (it is
possible to write 1#st port n#mbers witho#t prefi% 23+2)
port n#mber of tr#nk link can appear m#ltiple times for
sin!le VLANs)$ 4se predrawed scheme$ "!nore #n#sed
items+VLANs) sketch in missin! ones$
Assignment '(S exam
VLANs an) Cisco !*5+
VLAN names database (confi!#ration mode)
vtp mode transparent own VLAN names on switch
vlan <number>
name <name> 5 namin! VLAN
Assi!nin! port to VLAN (confi!#ration mode)
inter,ace ,astethernet+-
switchport mo)e access
switchport access %lan <number> 5 port in VLAN
Tr#nk port settin! (confi!#ration mode)
inter,ace ,astethernet+-.
switchport mo)e trunk 5 tr#nk port actiation
switchport trunk allowe) %lan /a)) 0 except 0
none 0 remo%e1 %lan2list
Definin! allowed VLANs (lan6list) on tr#nk link
VLANs an) Cisco !*5+
List of e%istin! VLANs (priile!ed mode)
show vlan [id <number>]
7rintin! the confi!#ration of specific interface
show running2con,ig inter,ace ,astethernet+-
show inter,aces ,astethernet+- switchport
Deletin! VLANs (at the end of the seminar)
no vlan <number> 6 deletin! one VLAN (confi! mode)
delete vlan.dat deletin! VLAN database (priile!ed
Spanning Tree in VLAN
3xample o, usage ST' with VLANs
Let2s hae 2 VLANs
Eery ST7 has its own path in normal circ#mstances
7ath costs and root brid!es are set for each VLAN
8ed#ndand path is #sed in the case of line fail#re
Spanning tree an) VLANs on
Cisco !*5+
9han!in! the priority of the switch (confi!#ration mode)
spanning2tree %lan 4%lan2i)5 priority 4p5
The smaller p is) the hi!her priority is) don2t #se 3 (: it m#stn2t be
a root)
Settin! Spannin! Tree on port (confi!#ration mode)
inter,ace ,astethernet+-
spanning2tree %lan 4%lan2i)5 port2priority 4p5 (port is Tr#nk)
spanning2tree %lan 4%lan2i)5 cost 4cost5 (port is Tr#nk)
;indin! the state of Spannin! Tree (priile!ed mode)
show spanning-tree vlan <vlan-id>
5 state of Spannin! Tree protocol for VLAN
show spanning2tree acti%e
6 state of Spannin! Tree protocol on actie interfaces
Task Spanning Tree an)
"nterconnect three switches to the trian!le
topolo!y #sin! tr#nk links
9reate VLAN2 and VLAN- on all switches
vtp mode transparent
9onnect two 79s to two switches (2 79s to each
switch) 5 one to VLAN2) second to VLAN-)
Ens#re that the switch with no 79 connected is a
root brid!e$
<y confi!#rin! port costs make s#re that ST7
doesn2t block the same port for VLAN2 and VLAN-
Draw the topolo!y for both VLANs and check the

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