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First of all I get your pardon, for using the
word (We).

Actually the use of word (We) is used for

the majority in our society. It dose not
mean that ( I ) or ( you ) is the target.

(You) and( I )may be the victims of such

dishearten situation.
What is the reason
behind of our bad luck?

Who is responsible for?

Ignorant or educated?
Look why a person go to be criminal?
Why a person violate the manners and
The answer is that the person is deprived
from the right. He/she may not know how
to get it or they may not know that, is it
their right or not?
The word, right and how to get it, is the
base of wars, distinction, hate and unwanted
incidents in the life history of human being.
The scholars and the caretakers of
human society tried to show the way to
the people how to find the right path to
get their rights with tranquility and
satisfaction. Religions, Politics and other
moral policies are made for the purpose.

Now, when we reach this point, our

character and behavior for the
achievement is to be discussed. Despite
being educated, ignorance into the
behavior is shown clearly!
Naturally man can do one task at one time.
Man can go on one way at a time. It is
impossible for a person to go on two roads
at the same time. So for human movement
the word behavior comes. It is called
life standard as well.
Same! standard must be one but going on
two ways is called double standard. Its
second name is hypocrisy. It is the
biggest crime and the biggest element for
destroying human society and life!
Double standard! Oh what should
we do when there are Triple standard?
What will be its second name?
What if there are Multiple standards?
Unfortunately it is present in our mind,
in our home, in our society!
In a live example every one can see one
bearded one clean shave one fifty, fifty
style and mode in our homes. The
difference into their behavior can be seen
as well.
When there is an objective, we want to
get, we think first and search the way
how to find it in 3 standards. We
use the name of Allah and Islam if
necessary. If it dose not work we use
the name of our costumes and culture.
If it dose not work we use the term and
name of modernization and civilization.
But actually we don’t believe in
any one of the said names.
For getting some away, for destroying and
vanishing some one, for expression hate we
do the same. We think what act must use
against. For instance:
1.That person is sinful (Gunah kaar)
2.That person is modern (Saar looch/Pai
looch/Bi madar/Bi padar/Bad tamiz. . . )
3.That person is stupid (Jahil/Sahraiee/
Wahshi. . . . )
We only know how to get the object!
When we find a person and we feel that
he likes religion we suddenly open the
book holly Quran and Hadid and get out
Tasbih from pockets and starts about
our clarity. When we feel that second
person is loyal to costumes and culture
(Triblal type) we start talking about our
history of invasion and victory. When
find a foreigner we start talking about
modernization and civilization.
By this we want to get personal goals
other wise we are not follower of one
of them!
What is our goal?
The goal is how to find food to eat.

Early in the history of human being the

stories of forest and its residents are
going now inside our mind, home and
What terrorism means?

A moment of thinking!

Who is terrorist?
•Be hypocrite!
•Get money and kill your brother and sister!
•Be loyal to any one, whether enemy
or so, just for getting visa/identity card
or cash. Do whatever, told you!
•Forget your brother sister and other
poor relatives and friends when you
get high rank. Don’t accept them as your friends.
•Get relations with upper class either you are
respected there or not!
•Don’t follow any religion or legal policy in your mind.
•Make your own way to go on!
•Change your image according to event, apparently!
•Forget every thing!
•Be in mode like drinker of 24 hours.
It is called what?
Any body who do it whether
in paint /shirt and clean shave
or in Qamiz shilwar and
beard is called ?????.
This is the actual statement of our behavior.
Any how we hope and expect to see the haven
on earth and to go to haven after death!
Ok! But why!
Who will go to the heel?

Who is watching the heel on the earth now?

We assure us that we are the clever of the
world because we know how to use many
standards at one time. We know how to
deceive and cheat an other person!
Devil and evil (Shaithan) is too weak
against our policies! Because we are
unique hypocrites!
Bombardment from above and killing on earth
is the result of our clever behavior because the
foreign world watches us from above and
they all are agree to decide about us like this.
I predict that whenever this critical situation
ends, an other force of torture and
torment for us, will come again and again!
To me, our future is so
complicated until unless we
follow one standard in life!
The standard of honesty, sincerity and truth!
which can give us progress and prosperity
either we stay in muslim or non muslim state.

Then every one will be satisfied from all the

facilities and freedom and modern life like in
west and Europe.
Every one will be relaxed and happy in life!
Honesty/ sincerity is the basic and
main concept, accepted by all types
of religions and societies.
We are thousand of miles far away from the
path described by Islam.
Although we introduce our selves as muslims.
According to Islam;

Hypocrite will be in the bottom space of heel.

Hypocrite’s witness is not accepted.
Don’t keep relations with hypocrite.
Hypocrisy is crime and hypocrite must be in
jail because he/she will harm others.
Look we are in prison in our homeland, in
our offices, in our homes. In foreign
countries, we are at the same position.
The insisted message in islam is;

Don’t kill any one! (Except the decision

of country wide legal high court)!
Don’t snatch any one’s right!
Don’t hurt any one’s heart!
While it is our duty how to back bite, how
to black mail, how to hurt some one with our
We are waiting for the chance how to snatch
some thing from some one!
If we find opportunity we will kill any one
with out any reason. For example we are
setting in chance to see our friend in
trouble if he/she is happy in life. . . . . . .
We pray that God may destroy him/her. . .
One of popular Islamic scholar
described the message with his words:
He looks in emotions when felt these kind
of activities.
Do what ever your heart wants!

Drink (sharab)!

Go to (Bothkhana)! but
Don’t hurt any one’s heart !
Secularism, Communism,
Christianity, Jews,
Hinduism, the international
law for human rights accept
the act of hypocrisy as
the biggest crime.
I know, as the resident of such society,
we are compelled some time to be in the
society and with the society but first I wish
we come out from such corrupt
community and second we must not
follow anti human actions and
policy, deliberately.

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