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J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res.

, 3(2)480-487, 2013
2013, TextRoad Publication
ISSN 2090-4304
Journal of Basic and Applied
Scientific Research

*Corresponding Author: Mehdi Esmaili, MA Student in Public Administration, University of Tehran, Qomcampus
Evaluating the Performance of Public and Private Banks and Providing
Suggestions for Improving the Performance of Them
(Case study: Melli, Agriculture, Pasargad and Parsian Bank of Qom)

Morteza Soltani
, Mehdi Esmaili
, Majid Hassan poor
, Hossein Karami

Assistant Professor, Iran, University of Tehran, QomCollege, Faculty of management
MA student in Public Administration, University of Tehran, Qom campus
MA student in financial management, University of Esfahan
MA student in financial management, University of Tehran


In this study use the CAMEL model which includes dimensions such as capital adequacy, asset quality, management
quality, earning performance and liquidity to evaluate and compare the financial performance of public and private
banks. Statistical sample includes Melli and Agriculture bank which are public and Pasargad and Parsian bank which
are private. The results show that there is a significant difference between private and public banks in terms of liquidity
and earning performance and management quality. In terms of liquidity and earning performance the private banks have
better performance but the public banks have better performance in terms of management performance. Also the result
of testing the main hypothesis show there is no significant difference in the performance of public and private banks.
Although the overall mean suggests the better performance of private banks, but this difference is not significant. So the
private banks should try to improve their performance.
KEYWORDS: CAMEL model, Capital adequacy, Asset quality, Management quality, earning performance, Liquidity


Today banks have a key role in all countries. And their policies and strategies affect economic development,
employment, prices, national income, etc. (Kazemi, 2008;2). The operations of banks are known as one of the most
important economic activity in the world. Any activity which requires investments and financial resources undoubtedly
requires the involvement of banks and financial institutions (Haghighat and Nasiri, 137:2003). Thus banks have the
central role in economy (Fethi & Pasioura, 2010:189). On the other hand, Managing of a country's financial system
requires a variety of ways that enable financial institutions to identifying of management problems to be responsible for
protecting the citizens and the entire systembecause existing problems due to poor management of bank, threaten the
entire financial system of a country (Hunjak and Jakovevi, 2001:149). Achieving to the components of a strong and
efficient banking system, achieving goals, efficient use of resources and operating efficiently have been considered for
many years so it requires assessment of bank's performance (Teker et al, 2011:99). Evaluation of bank performance is
very important for Bankers due to the need to protect the banking operations against continuous risks or due to
gambling-incentives related to capital market (Hays et al, 2009:4). In addition, there are numerous studies on financial
interventions and its effect on efficiency of economic growth and also other studies on bank failures and its relationship
with systemic crisis which demonstrate the important of performance evaluation. Today, the bank performance has
become a favorite subject for many stakeholders such as customers, investors and the general public (Jha & Hui,
2012:7602). There is a wide range of indicators of financial reports to evaluate financial performance. But the important
criteria to determine the compatibility and health of a financial organization act as some mediators to measure
profitability and liquidity of the organization. Among the various criteria; Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
proposed the CAMEL
component to investigate financial organizations in 1988. Criteria for the CAMEL model (ADB,
2002:11). CAMEL model is a simple and appropriate model for managerial and financial assessment of organizations
(Kouser & Saba, 2012:67).
It is classified as a modern approach to evaluate the performance (Nimalathasan, 2008:142). However, this
method has been used more in foreign countries but in our country little efforts has been done to introduce this model
and some banks use it to measure their performance. But it is not used as a formal method which Central Bank
introduces it. So there is still a need for further investigation in this field. In this study the CAMEL model was used to
measure and compare the financial performance of public and private commercial banks of Qomcity. For this purpose
we measure the dimensions of the CAMEL model such as capital adequacy, asset quality, management quality, earning
performance and liquidity. Then by these result, we will decide about any significant differences in the performance of
public and private banks. Finally we seek to answer this question: Is there a significant difference between public and
private bank in terms of performance?

: CAMEL: Capital adequacy, Assets quality, Management quality, Earnings, Liquidity
Esmaili et al., 2013
1.1. The history of CAMEL model
This system has applied by National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) in October 1987 (Babar&Zeb,
2011:23). Also Federal Reserve Bank of America assesses its banks on a scale of one to five by using the CAMEL
model components which is monitoring various aspects of bank's health. The rank 1 is the highest rank (strongest
performance) and rank 5 is the lowest rank (weakest performance). Reliability, profitability and liquidity are the most
important criteria for assessing the competency performance of a bank. Therefore, since 1988 the Basel Committee on
Banking Supervision has stated that the CAMEL model is necessary to evaluate financial institutions (Abassgholipour,
2010; 29). In 1997 another component was added to the CAMEL model which was called market risk (S). However,
most of developing countries use CAMEL instead of CAMELS to evaluate the performance of financial organizations
(Baral, 2005:42). It means they don't consider the market risk. Given that our country is a developing country so in this
study we used the CAMEL model.
CAMELS framework is a common approach to evaluate the financial health of the organization. This systemwas
created by U.S. bank supervising organizations (Jaffar & Manarvi, 2011:62). Also the Asian Development Bank,
African Development Bank, Central bank of America (the Federal Reserve Bank) and the World Bank use these
parameters to evaluate the performance of financial organizations (Abassgholipour, 2010, 29). In addition, the
International Monetary Fund use compressed index of financial institutions to evaluate the accuracy of the financial
systems of the members (Sangmi & Nazir, 2010:40).
Testing CAMELS systemneeds information fromvarious sources such as balance sheet financing, financing
sources, data macroeconomic, budget and cash flow forecasting, staffing and operation. In this model, the overall
condition of the banks and their strengths and weaknesses are assessed (Babar & Zeb, 2011:23). Many studies using the
CAMEL model has been accomplished to performance evaluation of banks which are described in Table 1.

Table 1: Research conducted using the CAMEL model

1.2. The ways of calculating dimensions of CAMEL model
For measuring dimension in which more than a formula has been introduced; its geometric mean is used.

1- Capital adequacy ratio
Based on first provision of capital adequacy bylaw; the capital adequacy ratio is dividing initial capital (as defined
in the bylaw relating to initial capital) by weighted total assets and the risk coefficients based on percentage (as defined
in provision 5 of this bylaw) (Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2003:1). In fact capital adequacy indicates
the financial strength of banks (Dincer et al, 2011:1532). Thus, capital adequacy is a termin which banks report to
Central bank about their capital and risk management (Sadri, 2007:4).

Capttal adequay rattu
Intttal apttal
(rtsh ueIttent)(CunverstunRattu)Beluw the ltne ttems +(rtsh ueIttent)Tup uI the ltne ttems

2- Asset quality
Asset quality of banks is directly related to with their financial performance. The primary focus of the asset
quality analysis is on credit risk (Jegarasasingam, 2006:4). Asian Development Bank (ADB) suggests the following
scales to measure the asset quality (ADB, 2002:13-14).
Loan loss provision ratio
Luan luss pruvtstun rattu =
Luan luss pruvtstun1
pruIttable assets mean

This ratio represents the reserve requirements in loan portfolio for present cycle.
Researcher Year Research title
Baral 2005 Assessing the health of commercial banks using the CAMEL model. Case Study J oint venture
banks in Nepal
Wirnkar & Tanko 2007 CAMELS and performance appraisal; a leading way
B. Nimalathasan 2008 The comparison study on financial performance of banks in Bangladesh using classification
systemof CAMEL.
Yang& Zhao 2009 Assessing credit risk of commercial banks based on VGA and CAMEL
Kaur 2010 Analyzing banks in India, CAMEL approach
Hays et al. 2010 Efficiency ratio and bank performance (Using the CAMEL approach)
Shar et al. 2011 Evaluating performance before and after the nationalization of the banks in Pakistan by using
CAMEL model
Babar & Zeb 2011 The CAMEL ranking systemfor banks in Pakistan
Dincer et al. 2011 Evaluating the performance of the Turkish banks after the global crisis using CAMEL model
Kouser & Saba

2012 Measuring the financial performance of banks using CAMEL model; comparing traditional,
combined and Islamic banks of Pakistan.
J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res., 3(2)480-487, 2013
Portfolio in Arrears
Portfolio in Arrears =
Outstanding receivables 100
Total receivables

This ratio measures deficiencies in the portfolio.
Loan Loss Ratio
Loan Loss Ratio =
doubtful receivables costs100
Total receivablesmean

This ratio represents the amount of irrecoverable loans in last cycle. Any loan which last more than a year; should be
considered irrecoverable.
Reserve Ratio
Reserve Ratio=
Loan loss ratio100
Total receivables

This ratio represents the reserves adequacy related to the portfolio. Loan loss reserve (reserve of doubtful
receivables) is a reserve to cover potential loan losses.
3- Management quality
The other four components' performance of the CAMEL is associated with insight, ability, awareness,
professionalism, honesty and integrity and competence of financial institutions manager. Several indicators can be used
together as "integrity and competence of management". ADB offers per currency unit cost of loans which is an indicator
for measuring management quality.
per currency unit cost of loans =
Operating cost
Total loan payment

This ratio represents the efficiency of loans payment (depending on the currency).
4- earning performance
The capacity of profitability or earning maintains the financial health of an organization. ADB proposes the
following indicators as indicators of financial institutions profitability (ADB, 2002:15).
Return on Assets (ROA)
(%)ROA =
After taxesnet profit 100
The averageoftotalassets

Return on Equity
(%)ROE =
After taxesnet profit 100
The average of equity

Interest-Spread Ratio
(%)Interest spread Ratio=
The income of loan portfolio100(a)
Theaverageof loan portfolio(b)

Interest expenseand otheis 100(c)
The avarage of loan(d)

a) It is sumof total interests of loan portfolio and interests of other financial organizations. Also it contains
discounts, commissions, other debts (payment in advance) and customers taxes.
b) It contains the average of customer loans, interbank loans and bank debts.
c) It contains commissions and discounts, fees to buy stocks (brokerage), the debt accumulated by broker banks
d) Included in deposits and other borrowings (debt).

Earnings-Spread Ratio
(%)Earningspread Ratio=
Total revenuenon operatingrevenue100(a)
Theaverageof portfolio(b)

Interest expenseonJ otheis 100(c)
Theavarageof total resources(J)

a) Include in loan portfolio, cash, banks debt, interbank loans, investments in government securities and other
b) Include in equity+borrowing+deposits.
Intermediation Cost Ratio
Esmaili et al., 2013
(%)Intermediation Cost Ratio
[Total costs(Interest expense+Fees,commission and theobligation transfer cost)] 100
Theaverage of total assets

Financial intermediation costs refer to the gap between gross borrowing costs and net lending efficiency.
5- Liquidity
Controlling of cash is one of the most important responsibilities of bank managers. Liquidity and financial
strength of a financial organization is directly influenced by the quality of the portfolio. As a result, financial analysts
(investment ventures) must carefully analyze the quality of financial organizations portfolio based on accessibility and
loan loss reserve provision. ADB offers the following ratios to measuring liquidity (ADB, 2002:16):
The ratio of loans by deposits:
(%)theratio of loansby deposits=
loans(short termloans and tradablesecurities) 100
customcrs Jcposits

The ratio of loans by general and long term deposits:
(%)the ratio of loans by general and longtermdiposits=
general and longtermloans100
general and longtermdeposits

Research hypotheses
The main hypothesis
1. There is a significant difference between the public and private banks in five dimensions of CAMEL model.
Sub hypothesis
1) There is a significant difference between the public and private banks in capital adequacy.
2) There is a significant difference between the public and private banks in asset quality.
3) There is a significant difference between the public and private banks in management quality.
4) There is a significant difference between the public and private banks in earning performance.
5) There is a significant difference between the public and private banks in liquidity.


2.1. Sample preparation
This study is an applicable and descriptive research. The statistical population is all of public and private banks of
Qomin which we choose 4 banks as our sample. These four are Melli and Agriculture as public and Parsian and
Pasargad as private bank. In order to collecting data for measuring five dimensions of CAMEL model; we refer to the
banks' financial statements like balance sheets, profit and loss statements, explanatory notes of financial statements,
tables which refer to loans, bank's debits and doubtful receivable. Since the data in this study have been collected from
audit and official financial statements and documents of banks; so these data have adequate reliability and validity.

3.1. The K-S test:
To investigate whether the data follow a normal distribution for each of the five models; the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
test was used. The H
and H
are described as follow:

Table2) the result of K-S test
The CAMELdimensions
Asset quality Management
sig 0/227 0/598 0/811 0/855 0/594
Result AcceptH0 AcceptH0 AcceptH0 AcceptH0 AcceptH0

Based on table 2 which shows the result of K-S test; the significances of all dimensions are more than 0.05 so the
hypothesis is accepted. Regarding to this table; with 95% confidence, we claimthat the data for all dimensions have
normal distribution.

=Data have normal distribution
=Data dont have normal distribution
J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res., 3(2)480-487, 2013
3.2. Testing the main hypothesis:
:Thereis no significant difference between public and privatebank in performance
:Thereis significant difference between public and privatebank in performance

Table3: the result of t-test for the main hypothesis
(for variances)
(for variances)
(for t-test)
(for t-test)
0/286 Accept H0
The variances are equal
0/472 Accept H0

Based on table 3 which shows the result of t-test; the significance is 0.472. The sig is more than 0.05 so with 95%
confidence the hypothesis H
is accepted and we concluded that there is no significant difference between public and
private bank in performance based on CAMEL dimensions.

Testing the sub hypotheses:

The sub hypothesis 1:
:Thereis no significant differencebetween publicand private bank in capital adequacy
:Thereis significant difference between public and privatebank in capital adequacy

Table4: the result of t-test for the sub hypothesis 1
(for variances)
(for variances)
(for t-test)
(for t-test)
0/047 Reject H0
The variances are not
0/315 Accept HO

In order to answer this question Is there any significant difference between public and private bank in capital
adequacy? we use independent sample t-test. Based on table 4 which shows the result of t-test; the significance is
0.315. The sig is more than 0.05 so with 95% confidence the hypothesis H
is accepted and we concluded that there is
no significant difference between public and private bank in capital adequacy.

The sub hypothesis 2:
:Thereis no significant differencebetween public and privatebank in asset quality
:Thereis significant differencebetween public and privatebank in asset quality

Table5: the result of t-test for the sub hypothesis 2
(for variances)
(for variances)
(for t-test)
(for t-test)
0/175 Accept H0
The variances are equal
0/225 Accept HO

In order to answer this question Is there any significant difference between public and private bank in asset
quality? we use independent sample t-test. Based on table 5 which shows the result of t-test; the significance is 0.225.
The sig is more than 0.05 so with 95% confidence the hypothesis H
is accepted and we concluded that there is no
significant difference between public and private bank in asset quality.
The sub hypothesis 3:
:Thereis no significant differencebetween public and private bank in management quality
:Thereis significant differencebetween public and private bank in management quality

Table6: the result of t-test for the sub hypothesis 3
(for variances)
(for variances)
(for t-test)
(for t-test)
0/693 Accept H0
The variances are equal
0/004 Reject HO

In order to answer this question Is there any significant difference between public and private bank in
management quality? we use independent sample t-test. Based on table 6 which shows the result of t-test; the
significance is 0.004. The sig is less than 0.05 so with 95% confidence the hypothesis H
is rejected and we concluded
that there is a significant difference between public and private bank in management quality.

Esmaili et al., 2013
The sub hypothesis 4:
:Thereis no significant difference between public and privatebank in earningperformance
:Thereis significant difference between public and privatebank in earningperformance

Table7: the result of t-test for the sub hypothesis 4
(for variances)
(for variances)
(for t-test)
(for t-test)
0/221 Accept H0
The variances are equal
0/000 Reject HO

In order to answer this question Is there any significant difference between public and private bank in earning
performance? we use independent sample t-test. Based on table7 which shows the result of t-test; the significance is
0.000. The sig is less than 0.05 so with 95% confidence the hypothesis H
is rejected and we concluded that there is a
significant difference between public and private bank in earning performance.

The sub hypothesis 5:
:There is no significant differencebetween public and privatebank in liquidity
:Thereis significant differencebetween public and privatebank in asset liquidity

Table8: the result of t-test for the sub hypothesis 5
(for variances)
(for variances)
(for t-test)
(for t-test)
0/138 Accept H0
The variances are equal
0/021 Reject HO

In order to answer this question Is there any significant difference between public and private bank in liquidity?
we use independent sample t-test. Based on table 8 which shows the result of t-test; the significance is 0.021. The sig is
less than 0.05 so with 95% confidence the hypothesis H
is rejected and we concluded that there is a significant
difference between public and private bank in liquidity.
The result of testing the main hypothesis and sub-hypotheses and their interpretation are summarized in the following

Table9: Summary of Results
Hypothesis Result Interpretation
The main hypothesis: There is a significant difference between the
public and private banks in five dimensions of CAMEL model.

There is no significant difference between
public and privatebank
The sub hypothesis1: There is a significant difference between the
public and private banks in capital adequacy.

There is no significant difference between
public and privatebank
The sub hypothesis2: There is a significant difference between the
public and private banks in asset quality.

There is no significant difference between
public and privatebank
The sub hypothesis3: There is a significant difference between the
public and private banks in management quality.
Accept The performance of public banks is better than
private banks
The sub hypothesis4: There is a significant difference between the
public and private banks in earning performance.
Accept The performance of private banks is better than
public banks
The sub hypothesis5: There is a significant difference between the
public and private banks in management liquidity.
Accept The performance of private banks is better than
public banks


Economic development of any country is affected by the amount of banking industry growth in that country. This
study was conducted whit the aimof evaluating the performance of Melli, Agriculture, Parsian and Pasargad banks
based on CAMEL model. The comprehensive literature review and study of research background show better
performance of private banks in comparison with public banks. Also the result of most domestic and international
research confirmit consider the privatization as a good process to improve the performance and efficiency of the banks.
But the results of this study show there is no significant differences in the performance of public and private banks.
The results show although the mean of capital adequacy ratio in private bank is a little better than public banks but
this difference is not significant and private banks should efforts more in this field. Capital adequacy ratio shows the
financial strength of an organization especially their ability to resistance and exceptional operating. So the private banks
should increase this ratio in order to have a good financial strength. The denominator of this ratio is weighted assets by
risk; and different types of assets have different risk. In order to increase this ratio; banks need to increase capital and
change in the composition of assets (for this purpose they can reduce the assets that have a high risk factor such as
delayed receivables, demands from governmental and nongovernmental organizations etc.). (All items are fully
described in Chapter Two). So some solutions are:
A) Increasing the first class capital stock
J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res., 3(2)480-487, 2013
B) Reducing the risky assets
C) Reducing the credit risk of interbank
Although private banks and public banks were not significantly different in terms of asset quality but as the table5
shows the mean of asset quality in public banks is better than private banks. It shows private banks are in bad situation
in this field. As mentioned before; increasing in outstanding receivables is a reason of decreasing asset quality. The
private banks should seek to reduce and even eliminate their outstanding receivables with an appropriate planning and
management. The guidelines to reduce outstanding receivables are:
A) Controlling and monitoring the financial life of the borrower
B) Promoting scientific and technical skill of employees
C) Establishing of rating agencies for customer credit
D) The need to create a special unit to investigate related claims in court
E) Requiring courts to give priority to the examination of bank records
It was also found that private banks have poorer performance in one case which is management quality.
Management quality in this study is calculated by the ratio of cost of per unit of money which is lent. It shows in these
banks the operating costs is more than loan paid. Banks, especially private banks should revise their operating costs. So
they should find its reason and reduce it in order to increase the efficiency and profitability. However, in most
developing countries which inflation is more than 20%; bank operating expenses and the gap between lending rates and
deposits are extremely high. So the problemis inflation and decreasing it is the best solution.
On the earnings performance dimension; although the performance of private banks is better than public banks but
the profit margin was negative and this situation is worse in private banks. This represents the poor performance of
banks in this ratio. Banks, especially private banks should try hard to increase their profit margins. A higher profit
margin requires better quality or reducing costs. To increase revenue, banks can invest in lucrative sectors. But the
banks cannot do anything about interest expense because of fixed rate of interest. But in other financial expenses they
can use the competitive advantage of productivity and technology in order to decreasing their costs.
About liquidity as was stated private banks were functioning properly but the performance of public banks was
not good in both ratio used to calculate this dimension. But the public banks are not freedomin this context. Public
banks should be properly planned to adjust their ratio of loans by general and long termdeposits to reduce their
liquidity risk.


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