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Value Focus: Wellness, health, hygiene and cleanliness

Date: June 26, 2014


Six 1 7:40 8:30
Six 2 6:50 -7:40
Six 3 8:30 9:20
Six 4 11:10 12:00
Six 5 9:20 10:10

I. Learning Objectives

State some health habits and practices
Identify nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning.
Use the simple present tense of the verb in sentence that agree to the subject noun.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Using Nouns That Are Plural in Form But Singular in Meaning

B. References: PELC II 2.9.2
English This Way 6 pp. 12.13 (Elisa Robles)

C. Materials: copy of the verse, printed materials, dictionaries

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Motivation

Planned Mistake

Direction: Read the short paragraph. Pick out words that are wrongly used.

A squeaky mice decided to roam around a nearby farm
to see whats happening. Inside, it saw several gooses, mooses
and cattles.

Farther, it sneaked to the garden hoping to have a taste
of its favorite food. Suddenly a big furry black cat appeared.
Filled with fear, the mouse ran as fast as it could hitting its left
feet on a pointed object.

Poor mouse!

(mice, gooses, mooses, cattles, feet)
B. Development of Lesson
1. Presentation

Read the following verse. (The teacher reads first.)

A Visit to the Hospital

It is sad to see the patients
Young and old in their beds
Children with mumps and measles
Malnourished kids with rickets,
The not so-old-with sinusitis and diabetes
The very old with colitis, phlebitis and arthritis
How blessed we are not in their places
Pray to God we dont break into pieces.

2. Comprehension Check-Up

What is the verse all about?
Who are mentioned in the verse?
What messages/insights are expressed in the verse?
(Be thankful to God for our health/Health is wealth)

3. Elicitation

a. Group Work (Provide writing materials)
From the verse, list down all the nouns ending in s. Put a cross before the
nouns that are plural in meaning.

(X) patients rickets arthritis
(X) beds sinusitis (X) places
mumps diabetes (X) pieces
measles colitis
(X) kids phlebitis

b. Emphasize that the other (uncrossed) words are written in the plural form
but with singular meanings. Group the following nouns under the proper
headings. Underline the endings.

Physics Philippines news
mumps measles arthritis molasses
billiards diabetes politics gallows
United States civics Wales Honduras
aerobics statistics United Arab Emirates

4. Elicitation

1. How does each noun end? (ends in s)
2. Are they singular or plural? (singular)

b. Read the following sentences silently.

1. Measles is a contagious disease.
2. The Philippines abounds natural resources.
3. Politics causes tension.

a. What verb form is used with the underlined nouns in the
sentences? (singular)
Why? (the nouns are singular)

Activity: From the list pick out the irregular noun that will make each sentence

1. The __________ spreads fast.

2. The __________ is a powerful country.

3. __________ is fun to play.

4. __________ helps make us physically fit.

5. __________ is common among the aging people.

5. Generalization

Irregular/special nouns are always plural in form but singular in meaning.
Irregular/special nouns use singular verbs.
Names of Countries Subject/

billiards news arthritis
United States aerobics mumps
C. Post Activity
1. Application

A. Read each sentence. Choose the correct form of the verb in the parenthesis.

a. Conjunctivitis (is, are) caused by a kind of virus.

b. Mathematics (deal, deals) with numbers.

c. Rickets (is, are) common among malnourished children.

d. The United States (has, have) military bases in the different parts of the

e. Statistics (show, shows) that our population continues to rise.

B. Write a simple and short paragraph using the clue words below.


2. Enrichment Activities

Game: Irregular/Special Noun Word Hunt

a. Divide the class into 5 groups.
b. Using the dictionary, members hunt for irregular nouns
(2 minutes).
c. Each group shares listing of words to the whole class.
d. The group with the most number of words wins.

IV. Evaluation

A. Encircle the appropriate verb form to complete each sentence.

1. Home Economics (interest, interests) most young girls.
2. Civics (deal, deals) with the study of the government and good citizenship.
3. News (reach, reaches) people fast through the various media.
4. Molasses (is, are) sweet and sticky.
5. Gymnastics (attract, attracts) young people.
V. Assignment

Write an announcement about your school health program. Make use of irregular nouns.

Example: There will be a seminar on the prevention of mumps and measles to be held at
the school librarys on January 15, 2008, at 8:00 A.M. Everybody is invited.

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