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Use a variety of sentences as to structure (simple sentences)
Identify the subject and predicate in a sentence.
Write a simple sentence

Values: Interdependence

II. Using Simple Sentences
Ref. PELC speaking p.24
Building English Skills Language pp.6-8, 51-56
Mat. Picture of human body, chart, sentence strips, flag lets

III.A.1. Using flag lets, let the pupils identify whether the group of
words are sentence or not.
a. Miss Santos is understanding.
b. Jose won

2. What is a sentence? When can you say that a sentence is really a
sentence? Give the two main parts of a sentence.

3. Showing a picture of a human body. The girl here is normal because
she has all the body parts. But how about if she losses her right arm?
Is she still normal?

A sentence is like a human body. We cannot say that a sentence is a
sentence if its parts are not complete.

B. 1. Let us study and find out the parts of a sentence. What makes a
sentence? Reading of sentences (using sentence strips)

a. The sampaguita is a fragrant flower.
b. The sampaguita and the ilang-ilang are fragrant flowers.

2. Discuss the four structure of sentence.
Simple Subject/simple Predicate
Compound Subject/Simple Predicate
Simple Subject/Compound Predicate
Compound Subject/Compound Predicate

3. Give other example of sentence using four structures written in a
piece of paper. Let the pupils identify the sentence structure used.
(Draw lots)

4. Generalization:
A simple sentence is made up of a subject and a
predicate. It contains one independent clause only.
Simple sentences may have a:
a. simple subject simple predicate
b. compound subject simple predicate
c. simple subject compound predicate
d. compound subject compound predicate

5. Identify the subject and the predicate in a sentence. Box the subject
and underline the predicate.
a. My parents are busy this weekend.
b. The program is open to the public.
c. My friend and I went shopping after school yesterday.
d.Mr. Simon's dog loved and serve faithfully his master.
e. My brother and one of his friends reviewed all the math questions and
studied hard for the test.

IV. Evaluation:
Write SSSP, if the sentence has simple subject and simple
predicate, SSCP, if it has a simple subject and compound predicate, CSSP, if it
has a compound subject and simple predicate and CSCP if both the subject and
predicate are compound.

_____1. Graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate taste delicious together.
_____2.The careless boy lost his coat and cap.
_____3. His pet squirrel suddenly sickened and soon died.
_____4. Some naughty boys from the class built and sailed a pretty boat.
_____5. Our school library and cafeteria are under renovation.

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