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Adaro Group with PT Adaro Energy, Tbk as its holding company is one of the biggest coal

producer, operates the largest single coal mine in Indonesia, and is significant supplier to the
global seaborne thermal coal market. Adaro believes it is important for our people to have good
characters to support our operations. urrently we!re looking for "
Job responsibilities
#elaksanakan proses internal audit sesuai dengan rencana yang telah disusun oleh
#en$alankan proses internal audit perusahaan secara teknis dan berkelan$utan baik
secara financial maupun operasional.
#engkoordinasikan kesiapan auditee % departemen dalam menyiapkan kelengkapan
laporan yang akan di audit serta melakukan audit terhadap laporan tersebut.
#erumuskan dan memberikan masukan pemecahan masalah temuan audit dengan
melakukan analisa yang tepat dan akurat.
#emonitor dan mengevaluasi hasil internal audit serta berkoordinasi dengan atasan
dalam mempersiapkan usulan solusi bagi hasil temuan.
&erkoordinasi dengan lembaga audit eksternal yang diperlukan untuk kelancaran audit
Job requirement
#in. '( Teknik Industri dari universitas unggulan di Indonesia dengan min. IP) *.++
#emiliki pengalaman min., tahun sebagai internal audit, posisi ini $uga terbuka untuk
fresh graduate.
#emiliki pengetahuan mengenai auditor dan aktivitas pertambangan.
#emiliki kemampuan interpersonal skill.
#emiliki kemampuan -ritting . /eporting skill.
0ther 1etails
-ork location
1)I 2A)A/TA
3ears of e4perience
, year5s6
losing date
(8 #arch ,+(9
Available Position
( position5s6
Job responsibilities
1evelop short:term planning and long:term power generation and preparing for
power generation 5shut down6 operations both scheduled and non:scheduled with
input from ;ead 0peration and #aintenance ;ead.
&eing a system administrator and lead the development of ##' on power
generation units.
Provides analysis of maintenance activities and provide reports to management
on a regular basis.
Plan and ensure the availability of resources need for the implementation of the
Plant 0utage.
Plan and e4ecute Preventive and Predictive #aintenance in power plants.
1irected that electricity generation activities in accordance with I'0 <+++.
Job requirement
andidate must possess at least a &achelor=s 1egree, Engineering 50thers6 or
/e>uired skill5s6" familiar with power plants process, familiar with business
process computer and maintenance management system application, omputer
At least @ year5s6 of working e4perience in power plants within , years e4perience
in maintenance work leader or e>uivalen.
Applicants must be willing to work in Tan$ung Tabalong.
Preferably 'upervisor % oordinators specialiAing in Engineering :
#echanical%Automotive or e>uivalent.
Bull:Time position5s6 available.
Work location
)A?I#A7TA7 'E?ATA7
ears o! e"perience
@ year5s6
#losin$ %ate
,8 #arch ,+(9
A&ailable Position
( position5s6
Job responsibilities
Implementing procurement services and services for the needs of the company.
Job requirement
andidate must possess at least a &achelor 1egree, &usiness
'tudies%Administration%#anagement or e>uivalent.
/e>uired skill5s6" ;ave good oral and written English communication skills.
At least * year5s6 of working e4perience in the related field is re>uired for this position.
Applicants must be willing to work in Tan$ung.
Preferably 'upervisor=s specialiAing in ?ogistics%'upply hain or e>uivalent.
Bull:Time position5s6 available.
Work location
)A?I#A7TA7 'E?ATA7
ears o! e"perience
* year5s6
#losin$ %ate
,8 #arch ,+(9
A&ailable Position
( position5s6
Job responsibilities
hoose >ualified and trusted vendors
Cerifies purchase re>uisitions by comparing items re>uested to master listD clarifying
unclear itemsD recommending alternatives.
Prepares purchase orders by verifying specifications and priceD 0btaining
recommendations from suppliers for substitute itemsD obtaining approval from
re>uisitioning department.
0btains purchased items by forwarding orders to suppliersD monitoring and e4pediting
Cerifies receipt of items by comparing items received to items orderedD resolves
shipments in error with suppliers.
Provides purchasing planning and control information by collecting, analyAing, and
summariAing data and trends.
Job requirement
&achelor degree of any ma$or, preferrably Industrial Engineering
#ale% Bemale, #a4imum Age 9+ year
E4perienced in procurement% purchasing area, preferabbly in mining industries
;aving knowledge in E/P 5A4apta, 0racle, 21E6
Good communication and interpersonal skill
;ard worker, honest, and have passion in negotiation
Enderstand )*?;
Work location
ears o! e"perience
, year5s6
#losin$ %ate
(9 #arch ,+(9
A&ailable Position
( position5s6
Job responsibilities
#anaging the process implementation of employee compensation . benefit payment
in order to run properly and in timely manner
#anaging payroll, salary slip, accounts, payroll transfer reports, e4ecution process,
and control monthly salary calculation
#anaging warrant transfer to employees! bank account, 2amsostek, Ta4 Payment
/eceipt, CAT, PPh
oordinating the implementation of ta4 payments to the bank
0rganiAing generating report and payment of 2amsostek
Ensuring archives of salary data for ta4 purposes are available, accurate, and
Identify and analyAing the problems related with wages payment, overtime, bonuses,
and other allowances and giving solution recommendation to solve the problems
Job requirement
#inimum '( from any ma$or 5Accounting, Binance, Ta4 are preferable6
#inimum @ years e4perience in payroll and , years e4perience as Payroll 0fficer
/e>uired 'kill5s6 " Payroll administration, /emuneration #anagement, 0ffice
Administration, ;uman /esources Information 'ystem
Good numerical and analytical thinkingGood command in English both oral and
0ther 1etails
-ork location
1)I 2A)A/TA
3ears of e4perience
@ year5s6
losing date
,F #arch ,+(9
Available Position
( position5s6
Job responsibilities
To verify the transactions ta4 5 ta4 invoice input and output as well as the &ank
1isbursement Coucher % &1C 6 to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the data .
To prepare the data re>uired for reporting actual ta4 liability company to ensure each
re>uired data available to precisely and accurately in accordance with the applicable
procedures .
To input the transactions into the e : ta4 returns correctly and accurately in accordance
with the standards and procedures set so that every transaction ta4 related data can be
provided with appropriate and accurate in accordance with the applicable procedures .
To create reports of ta4 payments or mail ta4 payments 5 ''P 6 based on data from the e
: ta4 return as well as to verify and ensure the completeness of the data , so that all
statements made in accordance with the ta4 regulations .
To conduct an e4amination of the results of the ''P is being paid to ensure precision and
accuracy of the data.
To archive all documents to keep order administrative transactions and facilitates tracing
To up date information about the latest ta4 laws and apply them in the work so that every
transaction ta4 is always done in accordance with applicable ta4 laws.
Job requirement
#inimum &achelor 1egree 5'(6 in Ta4ation from reputable university.
;aving ( : , years e4periences in similar position 5from ta4 consultant and mining industry
are preferable6.
Able to make #ass 'PT.
Enderstanding Ta4 rules and Accounting.
1etail oriented, discipline, responsible, able to work individually or as part of team.
E4cellent command in English.
;aving e4cellent interpersonal skills.
-ork location
1)I 2A)A/TA
3ears of e4perience
( year5s6
losing date
(8 #arch ,+(9
Available Position
( position5s6
Job responsibilities
'upervise $unior analyst in preparation of financial models for Adaro Power!s pro$ects
?ead financing activities for AP!s pro$ects, including devising workable financing planD
pro$ect structuring to mitigate pro$ect risk to acceptable levelD selecting and negotiating
with potential lenders on loan documentationD coordinating lenders due diligence and
satisfaction of condition precedentD and ongoing reporting to lenders.
Provide support on pro$ect development and implementation activities
?ead preparation of risk analysis of AP!s pro$ects for reporting to &oard
'upervise and train $unior analysts
Preparation of board papers for decision and update

Job requirement

&achelor 1egree in Binance and%or Accounting.
At least (+ years in banking or finance sector or familiar with loan documentation and
negotiating with banks.
Ability to work with comple4 financial models in #' E4cel, modeling cash flow pro$ections.
-ork location
1)I 2A)A/TA
3ears of e4perience
(+ year5s6
losing date
,* #arch ,+(9
Available Position
( position5s6
Job responsibilities
Prepare legal document in order to formulate a legal draft agreement
apable to review various contract agreement and other legal documents
Ensuring proper documentation of all land transactions to provide comprehensive records
in line with legal re>uirements and future asset protections.
/eview upon all supporting document to ensure it has been accurately prepared and
completed based on standard operating procedure and regulation.
Job requirement
Graduated from '( degree #a$oring in ?aw from reputable Eniversity.
#inimum , years e4perience as corporate legal in law office and mining company.
E4perience about land accuisition, litigation, administration and prosedural
#astering the ?egal 1rafting, ompany ?aw, #ining ?aw
'trong analytical skill and detail oriented
;ighly motivated person, creative, independent, e4cellent interpersonal skills, accurate,
team work and hard working.
Able to work independently, able to deliver a work within tight dead line, ready to work
under pressure.
Bluently in English both oral and written
Work location
)A?I#A7TA7 'E?ATA7
ears o! e"perience
, year5s6
#losin$ %ate
(< #arch ,+(9
A&ailable Position
, position5s6
Job responsibilities
Job requirement
1iploma Preparation Program 5 1PP ?0G 6
Persyaratan "

#ale, 'ingle , Age #a4imum ,@ years old
1iploma 1egree from Industry % #echanical % 0tomotive % Accountancy % Electro and
Electronica Engineering
#in" ,,G@
Passive English
Physically and mentally fit
-ill be based in all over 'I' site pro$ect
Work location
)A?I#A7TA7 'E?ATA7
ears o! e"perience
+ year5s6
#losin$ %ate
,< #arch ,+(9
A&ailable Position
(+ position5s6
Job responsibilities
To make a plan for the process of filing a permit and certification administration
property assets belonging to Adaro so in accordance with the operational needs
of the company.
To ensure completeness of all documents required to process the submission of
permit and certification of property assets belonging to the unfolding process.
To establish an effective working relationship and conducive to government
agencies authorized to streamline permitting and registration document
publishing assets of Adaro.
To provide mentoring and consulting services to companies in an environment of
Adaro group with respect to the process of land acquisition and registration of
assets so as to suit the needs of the operational business units in related.
To create, develop, and distribute the material supporting Land Management
consulting services to good use at the ffice level, the !orporation, the "ead
ffice of environmental companies in Adaro group, as well as at the operational
level the field.
Job requirement
&achelor degree ma$oring ?aw from reputable university, with #in GPA *.++
#in. * years e4perience as ?and #anagement 'taff in real estate, farming, or
forestry company.
Good negotiation skill.
Good communication skill.
Good analytical thinking.
Bluent in english is a must.
-ork location" all Adaro=s site
-ork location
3ears of e4perience
* year5s6
losing date
,< #arch ,+(9
Available Position
( position5s6
Job responsibilities
?eading, directing and coordinating the operations carried out in accordance
Purchasing and -arehouse systems
To maintain Inventory and -arehouse day to day activity
#ain Inventory stock items to support the operational
#akesure '0P, 2'A . -I are implemented
Job requirement
#in. &achelor 1egree from Industrial Engineering or #echanical Engineering
#in. @ years e4perience in ?ogistic and purchasing division in mining, oil . gas company.
ertified as Pengawas 0perasional #adya 5P0#6
;ave good conceptual thinking
ommunication skill
7egotiation skill
;ave a wide Cendor networking for logistic in mining company
-illing to be placed at )alimantan 'elatan
Job responsibilities
'ecuring the land ac>uired by company
ontrol and monitoring the land asset
oordinating with e4ternal teams division in order to secure land asset
'ocialiAing with the public in order to secure land asset
oordinating the team and planning the security of land asset
Job requirement
#ale, ma4imum *, 3ears 0ld.
#inimum 1iploma 1egree in any #a$or
At least * year5s6 of working e4perience in the related field is re>uired for this position
omputer literate, especially for #'. 0ffice program 5-ord, E4cel, Power Point6
Good communication skills in English, both verbal and written
Work location
)A?I#A7TA7 'E?ATA7
ears o! e"perience
( year5s6
#losin$ %ate
(F #arch ,+(9
A&ailable Position
( position5s6
Please note careers portal is currentl/ still un%er construction0 I! /ou 1is. to
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