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Annexure -1

University Grants Commission

New Delhi-110002
Section A
( Not applicable for University)
Region - Urban
College Identification Hislop College, Civil Lines, Nagpur.
Included under 12(B) and 2(F) Category
1) Activity
(symposium, Conference, Workshop): Workshop (7days)
2) Geographical coverage
State Level
International : National Level

3) Board Subject Areas
Arts/ Humanities
Other : Commerce, Arts & Science

4) Name of the Workshop : Seven Days National Workshop on Recent
Trends in Research Methodology

5) Dates : 10
to 16th November 2014 (Seven days)

6) Venue : Shalom Hislop College, Civil Lines, Nagpur.

7) Name & Address of Organizing College
Name : Hislop College, Civil Lines, Nagpur
Department : Dept. of Higher Learning and Research, Dept. of
Zoology & Dept. of Commerce
E-Mail :
Pin : 440001
8) Name & Designation of Convener: Dr. R. J. Andrew, Convener & Head
Place for Higher Learning and Research &
Dept. of Zoology, Hislop College, Nagpur
Co- Convener: Dr. Dini Menon,
Place for higher learning and research &
Asst. Prof. in Dept. of Commerce, Hislop
College, Nagpur
9) Designation of official empowered to receive financial grants (Grants will be
released only in favor of Head of Institution/ Principal):
Dr. (Ms.) Dipti Christian, Principal, Hislop College, Nagpur
10) Broad Details of estimated Expenditure
a) T.A./D.A. for young teacher ( below 45 Yrs.) :Rs. 80,000/-
b) T.A./ D.A. for Resource Persons ( Indian) :Rs. 1,20,000/-
c) Pre- Workshop Printing :Rs. 30,000/-
d) Publication of proceedings :Rs. 40,000/-
e) Stationary :Rs. 60,000/-
f) Local Hospitality :Rs. 1,40,000/-
g) Miscellaneous :Rs. 90,000/-
Grand Total :Rs. 5, 60,000/-

Note: Grands if approved are released only for items a to d by UGC

11) Details of proceedings.
A) Will the proceedings be priced? : No
B) No. of pages & copies to be printed : 200 pages and 100 Copies.
C) Approximate price of Proceedings (RS.) : N.A.
D) Estimated cost of printing (Rs.) : 40,000/-
E) Estimated Income from sale of proceeding: N.A.
12) Details of Income
Sources amount requested, Amount committed or received items for which
grant requested.
A) From other funding Agencies.
a) ---------------
b) From Sponsors : Rs. 5000/-
c) ----------------------
d) ---------------------
B) a) By Registration : Rs.80000/-
b) By Advertisement : Rs. 5000/-
c) Contribution by other society/ Institution : ---------
Total Rs. 90000/-
13) Financial Assistance required from UGC for this activity
Specific items of expenditure amount Rs.
a) T.A./D.A. for young teacher ( below 45 Yrs.): Rs. 80,000/-
b) T.A./ D.A. for Resource Persons ( Indian) : Rs. 1,20,000/-
c) Pre- Workshop Printing : Rs. 30,000/-
d) Publication of proceedings : Rs. 40,000/-
e ) Stationary : Rs. 60,000/-
f) Local Hospitality : Rs. 1,40,000/-
Grand Total Rs. 4, 70,000/-

14) Details of previous grants received by organizing college from UGC in past
1) Department of Marathi National ( One Day ) Conference: Rs. 60000
2) Department of Statistics National (One day) seminar : Rs. 75000
3) Department of English (Two day) Conference : Rs. 150000
4) Department of Commerce (One day) Conference : Rs. 98000
15) Nature of seminar/symposia/conference/Workshop and number of participants
Nature (Please tick mark under relevant column): Seven days National level
No. of Participants expected to attend Total : 100
Local : 70
Out station : 30
Region : -------
National : -------------
International : ------------
If International, whether clearance from Government of India has been obtained? :
N.A. (If Yes Please attach supporting documents)
16) In case of International conference kindly give resources for international
travel and local hospitality : N.A.
17) Being statement of objective of seminar high lighting its importance in
National context. (Separate papers to be attached) : Attached Annexure-I
a) Review state of art
b) Formulate specific programme of action with programme
c) Bring out proceedings/ papers in the subject
d) Other
18) Is this seminar/ Workshop held annually? No
If yes Please give a brief statement of the follow up of the recommendations of the
seminar/ workshop held in past 3 years.
19) Details of past events organized of the proposed topics in India. Indicate, Title,
Date, and Venue& Brief Details.
Workshop on Research Methodology in Business Studies, organized by C. P &
Berar College, Tulasi bag, Nagpur on dated 4
June to 10
June 2014,
Signature of Applicant/ Organizing secretary
Dr. R. J, Andrew, Convener
Place for higher learning and research
Hislop College, Civil Lines, Nagpur

Section 2


This is to certify that
a) This institution has no objection if the seminar/symposium/ conference/
Seven Days National Workshop on Recent Trends in Research
Methodology is organized in the college premises on 10
to 16th
November 2014.
b) Space and other infrastructural facilities would be extended for
organizing the aforesaid seminar/ symposium/ conference/ workshop.
c) The funds shall be utilized for the purpose for which they are sanctioned.

Signature of the Principal of the college

Name :- Dr. (Ms.) Dipti Christian
Address :- Hislop College, Civil Lines, Nagpur


Seven Days National Workshop on
Recent Trends in Research Methodology
A) Review state of art
Research is a systematic and scientific search for pertinent information on
specific topic. The aim of the research is to discover an answer to question through
the application of scientific procedure. These procedures have been developed in
order to increase the likelihood that the information gathered will be relevant to the
question asked. The research undertaken should also reflect a methodology that has
been not used earlier for the same purpose.
Since the last few years the use of the internet for research has become of
age. It is very certain that technological developments and social diffusion of
internet will dramatically shape the future of research. Innovative techniques can
uniquely be administrated to proceed with the recent trends in the research
The search for knowledge through objective and scientific method of finding
the solution to a problem in research. Research information is neither intuitive nor
haphazardly gathered. Literally, research means to search- again. It connotes
patient study and scientific investigation wherein the researcher takes another,
more careful look to data to discover all that be known about the subject of study.
Second, if the information generated or data collected and analyzed are to be
accurate, the researcher must be objective. Thus the role of the researcher is to be
detached and impersonal rather than engaging in a biased attempt to prove
preconceived ideas. If bias enters the research process, the value of the data is
considerably reduced. Scientific research methods have to be used by the
researcher to answer the questions at hand. Scientific research methods refer to
techniques and procedures that help the researcher to know and understand the
research problem. The scientific method requires systematic analysis and logical
interpretation of empirical evidence to confirm or disprove prior conceptions. In
research, first testing these prior conceptions or hypothesis and then making
inferences and conclusions about the problem lead to the establishment of general
laws about the problem. Because research cannot provide final and infallible
answer in many a case, there has been a constant effort to devise procedure using
recent innovative techniques and trends that will increase the problems accuracy of
the answer. For the researcher who is preparing to develop tools of research, he or
she not only needs to develop the necessary skills using them but also to
understand the logic behind them. Thus the workshop is titled as recent trends in
research methodology.
Objectives of the Workshop:-
Our college has eight departments approved by RTMNU, Nagpur as a research
centers for Higher Learning and Research activity, under this departments more
than 70 research students doing their research work. Various departments are also
involved in various minor and major research projects with financial assistance by
UGC, ICSR, IIPA etc. Also approached by academicians, research scholars and
students for their research work. Considering this fact following are the objectives
of the workshop.
1) To understand the process of Research Methodology.
2) To understand the methods and techniques of Data collection.
3) To equip the participant with the various tools and techniques of research.
4) To understand the various Forms of Research Design.
5) To provide an overview of the process of result analysis.
6) To understand the interdependence of ethics and the research process.
7) To provide an overview of the preparation of Preliminary and Final Reports.
8) To impart training in data collection and provide an overview of basic
statistical methods.

B) Formulation of Specific programme
The organization of the workshop of Research Methodology follows the logic
of research process with recent trends. The workshop is organized into eight parts.
Each part presents the basic research concepts and discusses how these concepts
relate to decisions about conducting specific projects.
Part 1:- Scope of research- This part provides an overview of the entire research
process, and explains how the internet and globalization are changing the nature of
information systems and research methods. It also addresses theory development
and ethical issues in research.
Part 2:-Beginning stage of research process covers problem definition, research
proposals, exploratory research and secondary data
Part 3:- Research Methods for collecting primary Data examines the concepts
and issues related to designing and using surveys, observation studies and
Part 4:-Measurement Concepts discusses the logic of measurement and the
practical issues involved in attitude measurement and questionnaire design.
Part 5:-Sampling and Fieldwork explains why sampling is required, how to
design samples, how to conduct fieldwork and how to determine sample size.
Part 6:- Data analysis and presentation covers editing, coding, descriptive data
analysis, inferential statistical analysis and communication of research results.
Part 7:- Critical Thinking challenge the participants to apply and integrate the
concepts they have learned.
Part 8:- Presentation and writing style continues to be a hallmark of this
workshop. With careful balance between theory and practice and interesting
examples, the writing style helps clarify the problem.
C) Comprehensive material for instructors and participants
Materials to help instructors and participants to perform their vital teaching
function will be provided by the organizing institution, viz., a computerized Test
bank, PowerPoint presentation slides, Data sets for several cases, Excel and SPSS
Data sets, the comprehensive video library and Web Resources.

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