Unlock Democracy Management Board Meeting, 24th July 2012 Minutes

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Unlock Democracy Management Board

July 2012
Peter Hirst (PH), Finola Kelly (FK), Vicky Seddon (VS) (chair), Stuart Weir (SW), Phil Starr
(PS), Mary Southcott (MS), Stuart Hill (SH)
Danny Zinkus-Sutton
In attendance
Peter Facey (PF), Ale !uns"ick (A!), #ack Mai$els (#M)
1 Minutes and Matters Arising
%t "as noted that there "as a correction re&uired in ite' ( o) the *re+ious M, 'inutes, as
Ste*hen Pitta' "as 'iss*elt as Ste+en Pitt'an- Pendin. this correction, the 'inutes "ere
a**ro+ed as a correct record-
VS re*orted on the outco'e o) the 'eetin. "ith # /raha', 0a'*ai.ns and
0o''unication Mana.er, re his 1o2 title and *ay .rade, "ith a reco''endation to con)ir'
his *osition on scale /rade 3 at 4e+el 5, 2ackdated to May 5
- His 1o2 title "ould there)ore
2e 0a'*ai.ns and 0o''unication Director- FK in&uired into the a))orda2ility o) this chan.e
and PF re*lied- 6he reco''endation "as then con)ir'ed- FK re&uested an or.anisational
chart, a)ter "hich PF e*lained the structure in detail- We re'inded oursel+es that chan.es
in or.anisational structure "ere 'atters )or Mana.e'ent ,oard deter'ination-
6here "ere no other 'atters arisin.-
2 inances! "ta##! Admin
Management accounts
PF circulated 7 sets o) accounts, one )or !odell )or in)or'ation *ur*oses only and one )or
the 8D 'ana.e'ent accounts )or the 7 'onths to the end o) May 7957- PF ad+ised that
co''itted .i+in. "as do"n 2y around :;,999, 'ost likely due to a .reater than e*ected
dro* o)) in annual su2scri*tions )ollo"in. the AV re)erendu' and "ere *redo'inantly
)or'er 0harter << 'e'2ers- PF also noted that a tele*hone ca'*ai.n ai'ed at ne"
su2scri2ers "ould 2e carried out shortly and that there had already 2een tele'arketin.
"hich had 'ade around :7,999, centred on 4ords re)or'-
The accounts were approved.
PF ad+ised that there "ere three 1o2 ad+erts 2ein. *laced )or roles at 8D= an >utreach
S*ecialist "ith the 4ocal Works tea'? a 0o''unication Assistant? and a !esearch
Assistant, the latter t"o 2ein. on ; 'onth contracts on 4ondon 4i+in. Wa.e, )unded 2y
#!!6 .rants- 6he !esearch Assistant "ill 2e re*lacin. #M, "ho "ill 2e lea+in. the
or.anisation in Se*te'2er- PF also co''ented that the ai' "as to ha+e the ne" 'e'2ers
o) sta)) recruited 2y the end o) Au.ust- 6here "as then a discussion a2out details, in "hich
A! e*lained that the ad+erts had 2een *laced on the "e2sites o) 2oth 8D and "ork;'*,
and that the closin. date "as in 7 "eeks ti'e- PF added that a hi.h nu'2er o) a**licants
"ere e*ected )or the roles-
PF noted 'ore .enerally that the tea' 'oral "as hi.h and the sta)) had ada*ted "ell to the
ne" o))ice-
VS re*orted that she had conducted her 2iannual e+aluation o) PF@s e*enses )or
$ealth and "a#ety
PF re*orted that there had 2een no si.ni)icant chan.es- >))ice Mana.er Si'on Ho"ard had
done his tours o) the 2uildin. and "as in the *rocess o) .ettin. the do"nstairs o))ice ready
2e)ore it is let out-
SH raised the issue "hether the sta)) tea' had a Sa)ety !e*resentati+e, to "hich PF
res*onded no- SH su..ested that the sta)) should 2e o))ered the choice and it "as a.reed
that it "ould 2e *ut to sta)) at their "eekly 'eetin.-
PF e*lained that there "ere ; .rants to re*ort *ro.ress on- 6he 3s'ee Fair2urn .rant, )or
:AA,999 o+er 7 years, had no" 2een .i+en to the 4ocal Works tea', )ollo"in. the
announce'ent o) the S0A re.ulations-
:(9,999 o) .rants had 2een recei+ed )ro' #!!6 )ro' no" until B5 Dece'2er, "hich "as
the a'ount re&uested, 2ut "ithout the re&uire'ents to do "ork on 3n.lish de+olution? the
)undin. "as )or "ork on 4ords re)or', *arty )undin. and lo22yin.- 6his "as 2ecause #!!6
"anted to )urther de+elo* their *osition on de+olution and su..ested it "as a con+ersation
to ha+e at so'e *oint in the )uture- 6here "as then a short discussion on de+olution and
the 'erits and dra"2acks o) di))erent sources o) )undin.-
PF re*orted that there had 2een a success)ul 2id )or Vote'atch )undin. o) 79,999 3uros
o+er 7 years )ro' the 38 0o''ission@s- 6his "ill in+ol+e holdin. se'inars or con)erences
"ith C di))erent countries in the run u* to the 795; 3uro*ean Parlia'ent elections- PF noted
the i'*ortance o) kee*in. an accurate record o) all *a*er"ork, as the .rant can 2e audited
)or u* to C years a)ter it has )inished-
6here "as also a 2id to the #!06 to )und "ork on Police and 0ri'e 0o''issioners
elections, "hich "as unsuccess)ul-
SH then raised the issue o) le.acies and +olunteered to assist in securin. 'ore o) the'
)ro' the 8D 'e'2ershi*- A short discussion )ollo"ed, includin. the risks o) le.acy
ca'*ai.ns and the 'erits o) le.acy lea)lets-
PF ad+ised that the KPM/ re*ort and ho" to *ro.ress )ro' it "ould 2e discussed "ith
#!!6 on 59 Se*te'2er- PF also re*orted that he had 'et "ith Dick !adcli))e )ro' KPM/
and an action *lan "ould 2e )or'ed, "ith the ai' o) takin. a detailed +ersion to 0ouncil
net year- VS had already 'ade so'e su..estions- 6he only constitutional 'atter "as
"hether to hold elections e+ery year, "hich "ould 2e 'ore costly- VS su..ested that the
dra)t action *lan should 2e circulated around the M, )or co''ents 2e)ore .oin. to 0ouncil,
"hich "as a.reed- 6here "as then a short discussion "hich concluded that 2iennial
elections "ere *re)era2le- MS re&uested a co*y o) the KPM/ re*ort, "hich "as later
su**lied to her-
' (odell ) Appointment o# Directors
VS e*lained that ; !odell Directors are directly elected 2y 'e'2ers, "hile B are a**ointed
2y the M,- SH, !ose'ary ,echler, Ste*hen 0arter and 0hristo*her 0arri.an "ere
ori.inally elected, 2ut as SH chose to sit on the M,, Alan De2enha' took his *lace as a
directly elected !odell director- As PS had 2een elected Vice-0hair "ith !odell, and SH
and VS "ere the only others to declare an interest in the roles, VS su..ested that these
three should 2e a**ointed 2y the M,, "hich "as then a.reed-
PS, VS and SH appointed as 2012-14 Rodell Directors.
4 Mem*ership
A list o) ne" 'e'2ers "as circulated )or a**ro+al- PF ad+ised that all the na'es on the list
"ere *aid 'e'2ers and *redo'inantly )ro' internet ca'*ai.ns, such re&uests )or action
on 4ords re)or'- VS noted that there "ere around (( na'es on the list and A! added that
these "ere ne" 'e'2ers )ro' 7A

May- 6here "as then a short discussion on the .ender
2alance o) 'e'2ers? it "as a.reed this should 2e 'onitored- PF also added that there
"ere no )ree 'e'2ershi*s *lanned? the current e'*hasis is to con+ert )ree 'e'2ers into
*ayin. ones-
The new e!ers were approved.
Sta)) then le)t the 'eetin. )or a *articular ite'- See con)idential 'inute-
+ ,ampaigns-Pro.ects
/oter registration
PF re*orted that the ,ill "as in the 4ords, thou.h the 795( ,oundary !e+ie" "as still an
issue and the action re&uested o) the su**orter 2ase "as not "idely taken u*- PF stated
that that 8D "ould 2e seekin. )undin. )ro' the Si.rid !ausin. 6rust and the >ak
Foundation )or "ork on +oter re.istration-
0ords (e#orm
PF noted that .o+ern'ent "ould )ind it di))icult to .et re)or' throu.h "ithout 4a2our@s
su**ort or si.ni)icant chan.es to the *ro*osals, and so our ca'*ai.n "ould )ocus on
4a2our, "ith A! settin. u* net"ork o) 4a2our or.anisations- 6here "as then a discussion
a2out a *ossi2le re)erendu', 5( year ter's and the i'*act o) the current econo'ic
/ote Match
PF in)or'ed the M, that there "as nothin. )urther to re*ort-
PF ad+ised that no" the re.ulations had 2een announced, the )ocus has 'o+ed )ro'
ca'*ai.nin. to i'*le'entation-
Party unding
PF re*orted that cross *arty talks are on.oin. and that 8D "ould launch its re*ort on trade
union a))iliation )ees the "eek 2e.innin. E Au.- PF co''ented that o) the 5B unions
a))iliated to 4a2our, only B 'ention this )act on their 1oinin. )or's-
A! e*lained that the .o+ern'ent had *u2lished a su''ary o) the consultation res*onses,
2ut i.nored the 5B99 res*onses )ro' the 8D "e2site, des*ite an a.ree'ent )ro' the
0a2inet >))ice- 6he issue "as 2la'ed on a sta))in. chan.e and is currently in the hands o)
Minister Mark Har*er- 6he 7< or.anisations "ho si.ned u* to the ca'*ai.n "ere also
i.nored, 2ut the *etition "as included, thou.h only as a 'ention in an a**endi- A! added
that 8D "ould "ait to see i) correcti+e action is taken 2e)ore launchin. any ca'*ai.n to
ha+e these res*onses reco.nised-
,ounting 1omen In 2,1I3
A! ad+ised that se'inars "ith the 0onser+ati+es and 4i2eral De'ocrats had already
ha**ened, "ith a 4a2our se'inar to ha**en shortly, all o) "hich "ere )inanced 2y
secondary )undin. )ro' #!06- 6here "as then a discussion a2out access to *olitics 'ore
PF re*orted that due to a lack o) sta)) ti'e, de+olution is 2ein. re.arded as a de+elo*'ent
cate.ory "ith the "ork 2ein. )or 7-B years ti'e- Since there is no dedicated sta)) ti'e )ro'
any .rants, it is currently 2ein. le)t to PF, thou.h PF added that it should 2e *ossi2le to
dedicate a little 'ore sta)) or +olunteer ti'e to it- 6here had also 2een no ti'e to 'ake
*ro.ress on *roducin. a *a'*hlet on de+olution, )or "hich a s'all a'ount o) )undin. had
already 2een a**ro+ed-
6here "as then a discussion on the i'*lications o) the Scottish inde*endence re)erendu'
on de+olution- %t "as also a.reed that the 1oint 8D F 0F3! ad+isory .rou* set u* 2y the last
M, should ha+e its )irst 'eetin.-
5 A676B
A! added that the #ustice 0o''ittee "ould 2e *u2lishin. their re*ort on F>% the )ollo"in.
6hursday and that 8D "ould 2e *u2lishin. a hal) ter' re*ort on the coalition@s *ro.ress in
Se*te'2er- 6here "as then a short discussion a2out *arty con)erence *lans-
6he net 'eetin. o) the Mana.e'ent ,oard "ill 2e on 6uesday 55

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