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BASIC LEVEL: 3 Weeks | Monday to Friday | One Hour daily | Fees Rs. 1100/=
Getting started: Work with Excel Ribbon, Working with smart Tags, Configure Excel Options.
Formatting Excel Ranges: Formatting Groups on Home Ribbon, Formatting using Format Cells dialog box, Applying a Cell Style, Apply a Conditional
Formatting, Column Widths & Row Heights, Insert or delete cells, rows, and columns, Hiding rows and columns, Move or Copy a Range.
Managing Excel Worksheets: Insert or delete a worksheet, Move or copy worksheets, Rename a worksheet, Hide or Unhide worksheets or workbooks, View two
worksheets side by side, View multiple worksheets at the same time Coloring a Worksheet Tab, Grouping Worksheets, Working with Graphics.
Analysis Excel Data: Sorting a Range, Filter a List, Find and Replace, Remove Duplicate, Freeze Panes.
Building Formulas & Functions: Understanding Excel Formulas, Entering and Editing Formulas, Understanding Excel Functions, Add A Function To A Formula,
Basic Functions: Absolute vs. Relative References, Using Named Ranges, IF Formula, Vlookup & Hlookup functions. Printing: Print Preview, Page Orientation,
Adding Headers & Footers, Printing a Selection, Setting a Print Area.
ADVANCED LEVEL: 3 Weeks | Monday to Friday | One Hour daily | Fees Rs. 1100/=
Functions: Vlookup, Hlookup, Match function, Index Function, COUNTIF and COUNTIFS, SUMIF and SUMIFS, ISERROR and IFERROR,
Conditional Formatting with functions.
Essential List Management: Sorting a Range, Sort a Report into a Custom Sequence, Filter a List, Advanced Filter, Find and Replace, Remove
Duplicates, Outlining Data, Consolidating Data, Data Validation, Text to Column.
Collaborating with other people: Add a Comment to a Cell, Protect worksheet or worksheet elements, Protect a Workbook's Structure and
Windows, Share a Workbook with Other Users, Restrict Access in a Shared Workbook, Track Workbook Changes, Accept or Reject Workbook
Changes, Remove a Workbook from Shared User,
General Analysis Tools: Scenarios, Goal Seek, Data Tables. Chart, Pivot Tables, Introduction to Macros
5 DAY COURSE: 5 Days | Monday to Friday | Two Hour daily | Fees Rs. 750/=
Day 1: Formatting Groups on Home Ribbon, Formatting using Format Cells dialog box, Apply a Conditional Format to a Range, Changing
Column Widths and Row Heights, Insert or delete cells, rows, and columns, Hiding rows and columns.
Day 2: Select a Range, Move or Copy a Range, Using AutoFill to enter a series of values, Insert or delete a worksheet, Move or copy
worksheets, Rename a worksheet, Hide or Unhide worksheets or workbooks, Grouping Worksheets, Freeze Panes, Sorting a Range, Filter a List,
Find and Replace, Remove Duplicates
Day 3: Print Preview, Page Orientation, Adding Headers & Footers, Printing a Selection, Setting a Print Area, Protect worksheet or worksheet
elements, Share a Workbook with Other Users, Configure Excel Options
Day 4-5: Formula Basics, Absolute vs. Relative References, SUM, MAX, MIN, AVE, COUNT, COUNTA , IF Formula, VLOOKUP &
HLOOKUP Formulas, & Operator and CONCATENATE Formula, TODAY & NOW Function.
FORMULAS & FUNCTIONS: 4 Weeks | Monday to Friday | One Hour daily | Fees Rs. 1500/=
Formula Basics: Absolute vs. Relative References, Using Named Ranges, IF Formula, Counting Formulas, Summing Formulas
Lookup Formulas: VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP Formulas, MATCH Formula, INDEX Formula, INDEX + MATCH Combination
PROPER , TEXT Formula, REPT Formula,
Date & Time Formulas: Working with Dates, WEEKDAY Formulas, Converting Dates from Text, Working Day Related Formulas
Advanced Formulas: Using Formulas with Conditional Formatting, Lookup Formulas, SUMPRODUCT Formula, OFFSET Formula, Address
& Indirect Function. More Formulas: ROW, COLUMN Formulas, SMALL, LARGE Formulas, IFERROR & ISERROR Formulas
ONE MONTH: One Month | Monday to Friday | One Hour daily | Fees Rs. 1500/=
TWO MONTH: Two Month | Monday to Friday | One Hour daily | Fees Rs. 2750/=
Getting started, Entering & Editing Excel Data, Working with Excel Ranges, Formatting Excel Ranges, Managing Excel Worksheets, Essential
List Management, Managing Excel Workbooks, Printing, Collaborating with other people, Building Formulas & Functions, Basic & Advance
Functions, Chart, Pivot Tables
3 MONTH: 3 Month | Monday to Friday | One Hour daily | Fees Rs. 3700/=
Getting started, Entering & Editing Excel Data, Working with Excel Ranges, Formatting Excel Ranges, Managing Excel Worksheets,
Managing Excel Workbooks: Excel's Backstage View, Create a New & Blank Workbook, Save & Open a Workbook, Apply a document
theme, Apply Fonts to a Workbook:, Workbook Effects, Using Workspace Files, Printing, Essential List Management, Working with
Tables, Collaborating with other people, Formulas & Functions, Chart, Pivot Tables, General Analysis Tools, Introduction to Macros.

*Special Two hour per day classes on Saturday & Sunday for those who cannot find times on working days @ Rs.250/Class.
* Registration Fees of Rs. 50/= will be charged extra along with respective Fees.
*Courses & Fees are subject to change without prior notice.


TALLY TRAINING COURSES (wef. 1 August, 2014)

One Month | Monday to Friday | One Hour daily | Fees Rs. 1750/=

Intro to Accounting Principles, Accounting Entries, Incomes & Expenses Category, Manufacturing/Trading related items, Profit & Loss Account
related items, Balance Sheet related items, Assets/Liabilities Classifications, Contra Entries, Ledger Classifications, Vouchers Types, Working
Knowledge of Sales Tax, Service Tax, Excise Duty, TDS/TCS, Income Tax, Stock Valuation Methods, Depreciation Rates under different
statues, Uses of various Ratios, Meaning of Terminologies etc.

TALLY COURSE: 2 Months | Fees: 3100/= | one hour per day Monday to Friday

Basic Tally Course: One Month | Monday to Friday | One Hour daily | Fees Rs. 1750/=

Financial Accounting
Setting up a New Company, Company configuration, Creating ledgers/sub ledgers, Groups/sub groups, All types of Voucher Entry, Cash
Flow & Fund Flow, Ratio/Percentage Analysis, Viewing all types of ledgers, Creating Trial Balance, Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet,
Display of Accounts, Printing of Accounts, Bills, Alteration of Company Data, Backup and Restorage of Data etc
Creating Stock Groups, Stock Items, Units of Measure, Bill/Stock wise Invoicing, Inventory Features, Stock Summary, Maintaining item
wise Stock Records etc.

Advanced Tally Course: One Month | Monday to Friday | One Hour daily | Fees Rs. 2000/=

Splitting Company Data, Enabling Excise Duty, Vat, Service Tax, TDS/TCS , Enabling Declaration Forms of Sales Tax (C, F , H Form
etc.), Viewing Declaration Forms Details, Export Data, Setting up Vat Classifications, Viewing Vat/CST Reports, Viewing Exception
Reports, Alteration of Stock Valuation Methods, Making Adjustments, Finding Errors and doing correction, Accounts Finalization Methods.


This Course includes:
Basics of Computers (Desktop)
File Management
Basics of Internet
Basics of Word, Excel, Power Point
Basics of Photoshop
Basics of Corel Draw

Course Fees & Duration:
1-2 Week (Monday to Friday, One hour per day): Rs. 500/=
1 Month (Monday to Friday, One hour per day): Rs. 900/=
2 Months (Monday to Friday, One hour per day): Rs. 1500/=
3 Months (Monday to Friday, One hour per day): Rs. 2100/=

*Special Two hour per day classes on Saturday & Sunday for those who cannot find times on working days @ Rs.250/Class.
* Registration Fees of Rs. 50/= will be charged extra along with respective Fees.
*Courses & Fees are subject to change without prior notice.

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