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Page 1


Introduction 2
News 3-4
Problem 5
Safety elements that required during Demolition 6-7
References 8


Page 2

Before the start of every demolition job, the demolition contractor should take a number of
steps to safeguard the health and safety of workers at the job site. These preparatory
operations involve the overall planning of the demolition job, including the methods to be used
to bring the structure down, the equipment necessary to do the job, and the measures to be
taken to perform the work safely. Planning for a demolition job is as important as actually doing
the work. Therefore all planning work should be performed by a competent person experienced
in all phases of the demolition work to be performed. Before the start of every demolition job,
the demolition contractor should take a number of steps to safeguard the health and safety of
workers at the job site. These preparatory operations involve the overall planning of the
demolition job, including the methods to be used to bring the structure down, the equipment
necessary to do the job, and the measures to be taken to perform the work safely. Planning for
a demolition job is as important as actually doing the work. Therefore all planning work should
be performed by a competent person experienced in all phases of the demolition work to be

"No employee shall be permitted in any area that can be adversely affected when demolition
operations are being performed. Only those employees necessary for the performance of the
operations shall be permitted in these areas."


Page 3

Jaya Supermarket accident
PETALING JAYA: The abandoned Jaya Supermarket in Section 14 here collapsed after demolition
operations went awry on Thursday evening. Part of the four-storey building, a landmark of the
city, collapsed at about 4:45pm, trapping nine Indonesian construction workers. Others working
at the site managed to escape.The Fire and Rescue Department received a distress call at
5:08pm and about 50 firemen immediately rushed to the scene. Selangor Fire and Rescue
Department director Soiman Jahid said the first worker was pulled out of the rubble at 5:45pm
and followed by the second about fifteen minutes later. The two injured victims Suriono, 31,
and Salleh, 45 were sent to the University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC).Rescue workers
also recovered the body of a construction worker at 6:44pm.Petaling Jaya OCPD Asst Comm
Arjunaidi Mohamed said Suriono was admitted to the emergency ward while Salleh received
outpatient treatment. The dead victim has been identified as Maskor, 28, he said at a press
conference at the scene. He said that six more construction workers were still trapped under
the debris. We are working on the assumption that they are still alive. The search and rescue
operation will continue untill all are accounted for, he said. A resident living nearby earlier said
he had heard trapped workers shouting Tolong, tolong (Help, help) for a while, but there was
only silence now. One trapped worker apparently managed to call his boss on his handphone,
and rescue workers are trying to trace him. By nightfall, an operations centre had been set up
and spotlights were used to help with the rescue efforts. Soiman said the rescue operation
involves over 150 personnel from his department, police, the Civil Defence Department,
Petaling Jaya City Council and others.We are using the tracker dogs to search for the remaining
victims, he added. The building has six storeys, including two basement levels. Most of the
workers were on the ground and third floors when the incident, whose cause is currently
unknown, occurred. At one stage, the remaining part of the building was teetering dangerously,
reporters on the scene said, with bits and pieces still falling off.However, the Fire and Rescue
Department has confirmed that there are no houses nearby and residents were not in danger.


Page 4


Page 5

The abandoned Jaya Supermarket in Section 14 here collapsed after demolition
operations went awry on Thursday evening.
Indicated that overloading caused by heavy machines used in demolishing the former
Jaya Supermarket building may have triggered the collapse. Eight heavy demolition
tractors were in the building when the incident occurred.
Consequences of not implementing good occupational safety and health practices at the
The structure of that part of the four-storey building which collapsed was unbonded,
while the undamaged part was bonded that made to bear the load of heavy machinery
which the section was unable to cope with.
Lack of first studied from engineer and the safety officer of heavy machinery was
allowed to be installed at these sections without the load bearing capacity that can hold
the machinery.


Page 6

Safety elements that required during Demolition

Safe Work Practice

When hand demolition is required, it should be carried out from a working platform.
Experienced personnel must install a self-supporting tubular scaffold, suspended
platform, or knee-braced scaffolding around the chimney.
Particular attention should be paid to the design, support, and tie-in (braces) of the
A competent person should be present at all times during the erection of the scaffold.
It is essential that there be adequate working clearance between the chimney and the
work platform.
Access to the top of the scaffold should be provided by means of portable walkways.
The platforms should be decked solid and the area from the work platform to wall
bridged with a minimum of 2-inch thick lumber.
A back rail 42 inches above the platform with a midrail covered with canvas or mesh
should be installed around the perimeter of the platform to prevent Injury to workers
below. Debris netting may be installed below the work platform.
Excess canvas or plywood attachments can form a wind sail that could cause collapse of
the scaffold.
When working on the work platform, all personnel should wear hard hats, long sleeve
shirts, eye/face protection, such as goggles and face shields, respirators and safety belts,
as required.
Care should be taken that the proper number of workers are assigned to the task.
Too many people on a small work platform can lead to accidents.
An alternative to the erection of a self-supporting tubular steel scaffold is to "climb" the
structure with a creeping bracket scaffold. Careful inspection of the masonry and a decision as
to the safety of this alternative must be made by a competent person. It is essential that the
masonry of the chimney be in good enough condition to support the bracket scaffold.

Page 7

The area around the chimney should be roped off or barricaded and secured with appropriate
warning signs posted. No unauthorized entry should be permitted to this area. It's also good
practice to keep a worker, i.e. a supervisor, operating engineer, another worker, or a "safety
person", on the ground with a form of communication to the workers above.

Special attention should be paid to weather conditions when working on a chimney. No work
should be done during inclement weather such as during lightning or high wind situations. The
worksite should be wetted down, as needed, to control dust.


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