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32 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Directional drilling) 2000

Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 Excavation & backfill
1.1 Drilling, including excavation of insertion and
exit holes, and trial holes as required
[ ] CRI
minus supply cost (item 1.2 below) [ ] CRI
Road crossing tie-ins, branch main & pipeline,
in-line mains connection
Testing & commissioning #VALUE!
Traffic management #VALUE! [ ] CRI
As-builts #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Council charges, mains location, additional
site visits
Location of main [ ] CRI
Additional site visits [ ] CRI
Council charges [ ] CRI
Subtotal per meter #VALUE!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
1.2 Supply & install pipeline [ ] CRI
1.3 Restoration
Restoration of non-finished surfaces [ ] CRI
Restoration of finished surfaces
[ ] CRI
Information contained within square brackets [ ] CRI has been designated
as Restricted Information by the Commission under the s100 Order
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Subtotal per meter #DIV/0!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
1.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
2. 32 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Trenched) 2000
Item Decription PBA Rate
2.1 Excavation & backfill
Trenching (average soil conditions), backfilling
& reinstatement (non-finished surfaces)
[ ] CRI
minus supply cost (item 2.2 below) [ ] CRI
Road crossing tie-ins, branch main & pipeline,
in-line mains connection
Testing & commissioning [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
Traffic management #VALUE! [ ] CRI
As-builts #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Council charges, mains location, additional
site visits
Location of main [ ] CRI
Additional site visits [ ] CRI
Council charges [ ] CRI
Subtotal per meter #VALUE!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.2 Supply & install pipeline [ ] CRI
2.3 Restoration
Restoration of non-finished surfaces [ ] CRI
Restoration of finished surfaces
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
Rounded to [ ] CRI #DIV/0!
2.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
3. 32 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Average)
Item Decription PBA Rate
Base unit price, before scale factor #VALUE! 0.40
Base unit price, with scale factor #VALUE! 0.60
Rounded to 40.00
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, item 6.3, distance
exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002 :
Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), item 6.3,
distance exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Included in standard drilling rate
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "Main PE unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls" - Sheet "32nbpe SES",
items 1.2 & 1.3 (based on 1000m sample). Adjusted
for 7 connections, instead of 14.
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002
: Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), items
6.53 to 6.56). Item 6.3 however already includes
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "Main PE unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls". (Powerco price provided
for 1000 m installation) - Sheet "32nbpe SES", items
1.4, 1.5 & 1.6
each (2 allowed)
each (8 allowed)
Rounded up for consistency with 50mm pipe size
rate (same drilling cost)
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, item 6.9, distance
exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002 :
Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003, item 6.9,
distance exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Assumed size of insertion or trial holes (m)
Assumed number of holes per 100m pipeline
m per 100 m of pipeline to restore
Basic reinstatement cost already in item 6.3 of
Siemens Field Service Contract - includes grassed
berm. However, Powerco calculation (item 2.4,
spreadsheet "Main PE unit cost Trenchless SES
v1.3.xls", Sheet "32nbpe SES" indicates $[ ]
CRI/m. Assume $[ ] CRI/m
Powerco, Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract
(FAS-002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.48 - 6.52)
Concrete footpath (/m)
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56). Item
6.3 however already includes commissioning.
Information contained within square brackets [ ] CRI has been designated
as Restricted Information by the Commission under the s100 Order
Asphalt footpath (/m)
Chip & seal (/m)
Road sealing (/m)
Cobblestone (/m)
Average cost for finished surface (/m)
Assumed proportion of finished surface to restore
Average restoration cost / m
Restoration cost / 100 m pipeline
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates; Australian
average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, item 6.5, distance
exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002 :
Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), item 6.5,
distance exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Included in standard excavation rate
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "Main PE unit cost
Open cut SES v1.3.xls"- Sheet "32nbpe SES", items
1.2 & 1.3 (based on 1000m sample). Adjusted for 7
tie-ins, instead of 14.
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002
: Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), items
6.53 to 6.56). Item 6.6 however already includes
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "Main PE unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls". (Powerco price provided
for 1000 m installation) - Sheet "32nbpe SES", items
1.4, 1.5 & 1.6
each (2 allowed)
each (8 allowed)
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, item 6.9, distance
exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002 :
Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003, item 6.9,
distance exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56). Item
6.6 however already includes commissioning.
Assumed trench width (m)
Basic reinstatement cost already in item 6.3 of
Siemens Field Service Contract - includes grassed
berm. Powerco calculation (item 2.4, spreadsheet
"Main PE unit cost Trenchless SES v1.3.xls", Sheet
"32nbpe SES" indicates $[ ] CRI/m. Assume 50%
of this.
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.48 - 6.52)
Concrete footpath (/m)
Asphalt footpath (/m)
Chip & seal (/m)
Road sealing (/m)
Cobblestone (/m)
Average cost for finished surface (/m)
Assumed proportion of finished surface to restore
Average restoration cost / m
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates; Australian
average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
Source data
Assumed proportion of trenched installation
Assumed proportion of trenchless installation
1. 50 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Directional drilling) 2000
Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 Excavation & backfill
1.1 Drilling, including excavation of insertion and
exit holes, and trial holes as required
[ ] CRI
minus supply cost (item 1.2 below) #VALUE!
Road crossing tie-ins, branch main & pipeline,
in-line mains connection
Testing & commissioning #VALUE!
Traffic management #VALUE! [ ] CRI
As-builts #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Council charges, mains location, additional
site visits
Location of main [ ] CRI
Additional site visits [ ] CRI
Council charges [ ] CRI
Subtotal per meter #VALUE!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
1.2 Supply & install pipeline [ ] CRI
1.3 Restoration
Restoration of non-finished surfaces [ ] CRI
Restoration of finished surfaces
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Subtotal per meter #DIV/0!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
1.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
2. 50 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Trenched) 2000
Item Decription PBA Rate
2.1 Excavation & backfill
Trenching (average soil conditions), backfilling
& reinstatement (non-finished surfaces)
[ ] CRI
minus supply cost (item 2.2 below) #VALUE!
Road crossing tie-ins, branch main & pipeline,
in-line mains connection
Testing & commissioning #VALUE!
Traffic management #VALUE! [ ] CRI
As-builts #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Council charges, mains location, additional
site visits
Location of main [ ] CRI
Additional site visits [ ] CRI
Council charges [ ] CRI
Subtotal per meter #VALUE!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.2 Supply & install pipeline [ ] CRI
2.3 Restoration
Restoration of non-finished surfaces [ ] CRI
Restoration of finished surfaces
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
Rounded to [ ] CRI #VALUE!
2.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
3. 50 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Average)
Item Decription PBA Rate
Base unit price, before scale factor #VALUE! 0.40
Base unit price, with scale factor #VALUE! 0.60
Rounded to 42.00
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, item 6.2, distance
exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002 :
Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), item 6.2,
distance exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Included in standard drilling rate
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "Main PE unit cost
Open cut SES v1.3.xls"- Sheet "50nbpe SES", items
1.2 & 1.3 Total cost noted $[ ] CRI, however
adjusted for consistency to 33.3% increase over
32mm pipes.
Price based on 1000m sample. Adjusted for 7 tie-
ins, instead of 14.
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002
: Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), items
6.53 to 6.56). Item 6.2 however already includes
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "Main PE unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls". (Powerco price provided
for 1000 m installation) - Sheet "50nbpe SES", items
1.4, 1.5 & 1.6
each (2 allowed)
each (8 allowed)
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, item 6.8, distance
exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002 :
Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003, item 6.8,
distance exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Assumed size of insertion or trial holes (m)
Assumed number of holes per 100m pipeline
m per 100 m of pipeline to restore
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56). Item
6.2 however already includes commissioning.
Basic reinstatement cost already in item 6.3 of
Siemens Field Service Contract - includes grassed
berm. However, Powerco calculation (item 2.4,
spreadsheet "Main PE unit cost Trenchless SES
v1.3.xls", Sheet "50nbpe SES" indicates $[ ]
CRI/m. Assume $[ ] CRI/m
Powerco, Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract
(FAS-002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.48 - 6.52)
Concrete footpath (/m)
Asphalt footpath (/m)
Chip & seal (/m)
Road sealing (/m)
Cobblestone (/m)
Average cost for finished surface (/m)
Assumed proportion of finished surface to restore
Average restoration cost / m
Restoration cost / 100 m pipeline
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates; Australian
average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, item 6.5, distance
exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002 :
Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), item 6.5,
distance exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Included in standard excavation rate
Powerco - Spreadsheet "Main PE unit cost Open cut
SES v1.3.xls"- Sheet "50nbpe SES", items 1.2 & 1.3
Total cost noted $[ ] CRI, however PBA does not
accept this magnitude of increase is justified.
Therefore adjusted increase to 33.3% over 32mm
pipe rates.
Price based on 1000m sample. Adjusted for 7 tie-
ins, instead of 14.
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002
: Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), items
6.53 to 6.56). Item 6.5 however already includes
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56). Item
6.5 however already includes commissioning.
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "Main PE unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls". (Powerco price provided
for 1000 m installation) - Sheet "50nbpe SES", items
1.4, 1.5 & 1.6
each (2 allowed)
each (8 allowed)
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, item 6.8, distance
exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002 :
Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003, item 6.8,
distance exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Assumed trench width (m)
Basic reinstatement cost already in item 6.3 of
Siemens Field Service Contract - includes grassed
berm. Powerco calculation (item 2.4, spreadsheet
"Main PE unit cost Trenchless SES v1.3.xls", Sheet
"50nbpe SES" indicates $[ ] CRI/m. Assume 50%
of this.
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.48 - 6.52)
Concrete footpath (/m)
Asphalt footpath (/m)
Chip & seal (/m)
Road sealing (/m)
Cobblestone (/m)
Average cost for finished surface (/m)
Assumed proportion of finished surface to restore
Average restoration cost / m
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates; Australian
average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
Source data
Assumed proportion of trenched installation
Assumed proportion of trenchless installation
1. 80 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Directional drilling) 2000
Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 Excavation & backfill #VALUE!
1.2 Supply & install pipeline [ ] CRI
1.3 Restoration
Restoration of non-finished surfaces [ ] CRI
Restoration of finished surfaces
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Subtotal per meter #DIV/0!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
1.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
2. 80 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Trenched) 2000
Item Decription PBA Rate
2.1 Excavation & backfill #VALUE!
2.2 Supply & install pipeline [ ] CRI
2.3 Restoration
Restoration of non-finished surfaces [ ] CRI
Restoration of finished surfaces
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
Rounded to [ ] CRI #DIV/0!
2.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
3. 80 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Average)
Item Decription PBA Rate
Base unit price, before scale factor #VALUE! 0.40
Base unit price, with scale factor #VALUE! 0.60
Rounded to 53.00
m Installation length assumed
Source data
This is the interpolated value between the 50mm
and 100mm PE pipe size drilling cost
Interpolated from 32, 50 and 100 mm pipe sizes,
allowing for polynomial data fit. Calculated value $[
] CRI, rounded. (See interpolation graph.)
Assumed size of insertion or trial holes (m)
Assumed number of holes per 100m pipeline
m per 100 m of pipeline to restore
Same as rate for 50mm pipe
Powerco, Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract
(FAS-002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.48 - 6.52)
Concrete footpath (/m)
Asphalt footpath (/m)
Chip & seal (/m)
Road sealing (/m)
Cobblestone (/m)
Average cost for finished surface (/m)
Assumed proportion of finished surface to restore
Average restoration cost / m
Restoration cost / 100 m pipeline
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Average value between the 50mm and 100mm PE
pipe size excavation cost
Interpolated from 32, 50 and 100 mm pipe sizes,
allowing for polynomial data fit. Calculated value $[
] CRI. (See interpolation graph.)
Assumed trench width (m)
Based on price for 50mm pipe
Powerco, Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract
(FAS-002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.48 - 6.52)
Concrete footpath (/m)
Asphalt footpath (/m)
Chip & seal (/m)
Road sealing (/m)
Cobblestone (/m)
Average cost for finished surface (/m)
Assumed proportion of finished surface to restore
Average restoration cost / m
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates; Australian
average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
Source data
Assumed proportion of trenched installation
Assumed proportion of trenchless installation
1. 100 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Directional drilling) 2000
Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 Excavation & backfill
1.1 Drilling, including excavation of insertion and
exit holes, and trial holes as required
[ ] CRI
minus supply cost (item 1.2 below) #VALUE!
Road crossing tie-ins, branch main & pipeline,
in-line mains connection
Testing & commissioning [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
Traffic management #VALUE! [ ] CRI
As-builts #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Council charges, mains location, additional
site visits
Location of main [ ] CRI
Additional site visits [ ] CRI
Council charges [ ] CRI
Subtotal per meter #VALUE!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
1.2 Supply & install pipeline [ ] CRI
1.3 Restoration
Restoration of non-finished surfaces [ ] CRI
Restoration of finished surfaces
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Subtotal per meter #DIV/0!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
1.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
2. 100 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Trenched) 2000
Item Decription PBA Rate
2.1 Excavation & backfill
Trenching (average soil conditions), backfilling
& reinstatement (non-finished surfaces)
[ ] CRI
minus supply cost (item 2.2 below) #VALUE!
Road crossing tie-ins, branch main & pipeline,
in-line mains connection
Testing & commissioning [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
Traffic management #VALUE! [ ] CRI
As-builts #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Council charges, mains location, additional
site visits
Location of main [ ] CRI
Additional site visits [ ] CRI
Council charges [ ] CRI
Subtotal per meter #VALUE!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.2 Supply & install pipeline [ ] CRI
2.3 Restoration
Restoration of non-finished surfaces [ ] CRI
Restoration of finished surfaces
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
Rounded to [ ] CRI #DIV/0!
2.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
3. 100 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Average)
Item Decription PBA Rate
Base unit price, before scale factor #VALUE! 0.40
Base unit price, with scale factor #VALUE! 0.60
Rounded to 65.00
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, item 6.1, distance
exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002 :
Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), item 6.1,
distance exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Included in standard drilling rate
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "Main PE unit cost
Open cut SES v1.3.xls"- Sheet "100nbpe SES",
items 1.2 & 1.3 Total cost noted $[ ] CRI.
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002
: Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), items
6.53 to 6.56). Item 6.1 however already includes
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "Main PE unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls". (Powerco price provided
for 1000 m installation) - Sheet "100nbpe SES",
items 1.4, 1.5 & 1.6
each (2 allowed)
each (8 allowed)
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, item 6.7, distance
exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002 :
Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003, item 6.7,
distance exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Assumed size of insertion or trial holes (m)
Assumed number of holes per 100m pipeline
m per 100 m of pipeline to restore
Basic reinstatement cost already in item 6.3 of
Siemens Field Service Contract - includes grassed
berm. Powerco calculation (item 2.4, spreadsheet
"Main PE unit cost Trenchless SES v1.3.xls", Sheet
"100nbpe SES" indicates $[ ] CRI/m. Assume $[
] CRI/m
Powerco, Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract
(FAS-002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.48 - 6.52)
Concrete footpath (/m)
Asphalt footpath (/m)
Chip & seal (/m)
Road sealing (/m)
Cobblestone (/m)
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56). Item
6.1 however already includes commissioning.
Average cost for finished surface (/m)
Assumed proportion of finished surface to restore
Average restoration cost / m
Restoration cost / 100 m pipeline
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, item 6.4, distance
exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002 :
Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), item 6.4,
distance exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Included in standard excavation rate
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "Main PE unit cost
Open cut SES v1.3.xls"- Sheet "100nbpe SES",
items 1.2 & 1.3 Total cost noted $ [ ] CRI/m
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002
: Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), items
6.53 to 6.56). Item 6.5 however already includes
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "Main PE unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls". (Powerco price provided
for 1000 m installation) - Sheet "100nbpe SES",
items 1.4, 1.5 & 1.6
each (2 allowed)
each (8 allowed)
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, item 6.9, distance
exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002 :
Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003, item 6.9,
distance exceeding 2000m) : $ [ ] CRI/m
Assumed trench width (m)
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56). Item
6.5 however already includes commissioning.
Basic reinstatement cost already in item 6.3 of
Siemens Field Service Contract - includes grassed
berm. Powerco calculation (item 2.4, spreadsheet
"Main PE unit cost Trenchless SES v1.3.xls", Sheet
"100nbpe SES" indicates $[ ] CRI/m. Assume
50% of this.
Powerco, Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract
(FAS-002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.48 - 6.52)
Concrete footpath (/m)
Asphalt footpath (/m)
Chip & seal (/m)
Road sealing (/m)
Cobblestone (/m)
Average cost for finished surface (/m)
Assumed proportion of finished surface to restore
Average restoration cost / m
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates; Australian
average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
Source data
Assumed proportion of trenched installation
Assumed proportion of trenchless installation
1. 150 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Directional drilling) 2000
Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 Excavation & backfill
1.1 Drilling, including excavation of insertion and
exit holes, and trial holes as required
[ ] CRI
minus supply cost (item 1.2 below) #VALUE!
Road crossing tie-ins, branch main & pipeline,
in-line mains connection
Testing & commissioning [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
Traffic management #VALUE! [ ] CRI
As-builts #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Council charges, mains location, additional
site visits
Location of main [ ] CRI
Additional site visits [ ] CRI
Council charges [ ] CRI
Subtotal per meter #VALUE!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
1.2 Supply & install pipeline [ ] CRI
1.3 Restoration
Restoration of non-finished surfaces [ ] CRI
Restoration of finished surfaces
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Subtotal per meter #DIV/0!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
1.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
2. 150 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Trenched) 2000
Item Decription PBA Rate
2.1 Excavation & backfill
Trenching (average soil conditions), backfilling
& reinstatement (non-finished surfaces)
minus supply cost (item 2.2 below) #VALUE!
Road crossing tie-ins, branch main & pipeline,
in-line mains connection
Testing & commissioning [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
Traffic management #VALUE! [ ] CRI
As-builts #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Council charges, mains location, additional
site visits
Location of main [ ] CRI
Additional site visits [ ] CRI
Council charges [ ] CRI
Subtotal per meter #VALUE!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.2 Supply & install pipeline [ ] CRI
2.3 Restoration
Restoration of non-finished surfaces [ ] CRI
Restoration of finished surfaces
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
Rounded to [ ] CRI #DIV/0!
2.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
3. 150 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Average)
Item Decription PBA Rate
Base unit price, before scale factor #VALUE! 0.40
Base unit price, with scale factor #VALUE! 0.60
Rounded to 103.00
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Interpolated from 32, 50 and 100 mm pipe sizes,
allowing for polynomial data fit. Calculated value $[
] CRI, adapted upward to reflect actual experience
with larger pipe sizes. (See interpolation graph.)
Included in standard drilling rate
Based on 100mm pipeline costs, increased by 33.3%
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002
: Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), items
6.53 to 6.56). Item 6.2 however already includes
Idential to figure used for 32mm, 50mm and 100mm
each (2 allowed)
each (8 allowed)
Interpolation from 32, 50 and 100 mm pipe sizes,
allowing for polynomial data fit results in price of $[
] CRI/m. Extrapolation of prices for 50mm and
100mm pipes results in price of $[ ] CRI/m. For
consistency with these figures and the smaller pipe
sizes costs, assumed price of $[ ] CRI/mm.
Assumed size of insertion or trial holes (m)
Assumed number of holes per 100m pipeline
m per 100 m of pipeline to restore
Same rate as for 100mm pipe
Powerco, Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract
(FAS-002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.48 - 6.52)
Concrete footpath (/m)
Asphalt footpath (/m)
Chip & seal (/m)
Road sealing (/m)
Cobblestone (/m)
Average cost for finished surface (/m)
Assumed proportion of finished surface to restore
Average restoration cost / m
Restoration cost / 100 m pipeline
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56). Item
6.2 however already includes commissioning.
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates; Australian
average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Rate based on extrapolated trenching rate for
100mm pipe (assumed 600mm size trench),
adjusted for supply & install cost for pipe. Reduced
by 5% to reflect lower relative setup costs for larger
Included in standard excavation rate
Based on 100mm pipeline costs, increased by 33.3%
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002
: Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), items
6.53 to 6.56). Item 6.5 however already includes
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "Main PE unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls". (Powerco price provided
for 1000 m installation) - Sheet "50nbpe SES", items
1.4, 1.5 & 1.6
each (2 allowed)
each (8 allowed)
Interpolation from 32, 50 and 100 mm pipe sizes,
allowing for polynomial data fit results in price of $[
] CRI/m. Extrapolation of prices for 50mm and
100mm pipes results in price of $[ ] CRI/m. For
consistency with these figures and the smaller pipe
sizes costs, assumed price of $[ ] CRI/mm.
Assumed trench width (m)
Based on 100mm pipeline costs, adapted for
600mm wide trench
Powerco, Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract
(FAS-002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.48 - 6.52)
Concrete footpath (/m)
Asphalt footpath (/m)
Chip & seal (/m)
Road sealing (/m)
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56). Item
6.5 however already includes commissioning.
Cobblestone (/m)
Average cost for finished surface (/m)
Assumed proportion of finished surface to restore
Average restoration cost / m
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates; Australian
average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
Source data
Assumed proportion of trenched installation
Assumed proportion of trenchless installation
1. 200 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Directional drilling) 2000
Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 Excavation & backfill
1.1 Drilling, including excavation of insertion and
exit holes, and trial holes as required
[ ] CRI
minus supply cost (item 1.2 below) #VALUE!
Road crossing tie-ins, branch main & pipeline,
in-line mains connection
Testing & commissioning [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
Traffic management #VALUE! [ ] CRI
As-builts #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Council charges, mains location, additional
site visits
Location of main [ ] CRI
Additional site visits [ ] CRI
Council charges [ ] CRI
Subtotal per meter #VALUE!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
1.2 Supply & install pipeline [ ] CRI
1.3 Restoration
Restoration of non-finished surfaces [ ] CRI
Restoration of finished surfaces
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Subtotal per meter #DIV/0!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
1.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
2. 200 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Trenched) 2000
Item Decription PBA Rate
2.1 Excavation & backfill
Trenching (average soil conditions), backfilling
& reinstatement (non-finished surfaces)
[ ] CRI
minus supply cost (item 2.2 below) #VALUE!
Road crossing tie-ins, branch main & pipeline,
in-line mains connection
Testing & commissioning [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
Traffic management #VALUE! [ ] CRI
As-builts #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Council charges, mains location, additional
site visits
Location of main [ ] CRI
Additional site visits [ ] CRI
Council charges [ ] CRI
Subtotal per meter #VALUE!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.2 Supply & install pipeline [ ] CRI
2.3 Restoration
Restoration of non-finished surfaces [ ] CRI
Restoration of finished surfaces
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
Rounded to [ ] CRI #DIV/0!
2.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
3. 200 mm dia MP PIPELINE (Average)
Item Decription PBA Rate
Base unit price, before scale factor #VALUE! 0.40
Base unit price, with scale factor #VALUE! 0.60
Rounded to 139.00
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Interpolated from 32, 50 and 100 mm pipe sizes,
allowing for polynomial data fit. Calculated value $[
] CRI. (See interpolation graph.)
Included in standard drilling rate
Based on 150mm pipeline costs, increased by 33.3%
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002
: Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), items
6.53 to 6.56). Item 6.2 however already includes
Idential to figure used for 32mm, 50mm and 100mm
each (2 allowed)
each (8 allowed)
Interpolation from 32, 50 and 100 mm pipe sizes,
allowing for polynomial data fit results in price of $[
] CRI/m. Extrapolation of prices for 50mm and
100mm pipes results in price of $[ ] CRI/m. For
consistency with these figures and the costs of the
smaller pipe sizes, assumed price of $[ ] CRI/mm.
Assumed size of insertion or trial holes (m)
Assumed number of holes per 100m pipeline
m per 100 m of pipeline to restore
Same rate as for 150mm pipe
Powerco, Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract
(FAS-002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.48 - 6.52)
Concrete footpath (/m)
Asphalt footpath (/m)
Chip & seal (/m)
Road sealing (/m)
Cobblestone (/m)
Average cost for finished surface (/m)
Assumed proportion of finished surface to restore
Average restoration cost / m
Restoration cost / 100 m pipeline
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56). Item
6.2 however already includes commissioning.
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Based on same trench as for 150mm pipe, adapted
for supply & installation cost of pipe
Included in standard excavation rate
Based on 150mm pipeline costs, increased by 33.3%
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002
: Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), items
6.53 to 6.56). Item 6.5 however already includes
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "Main PE unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls". (Powerco price provided
for 1000 m installation) - Sheet "50nbpe SES", items
1.4, 1.5 & 1.6
each (2 allowed)
each (8 allowed)
Adapted upwards to reflect trend from smaller pipe-
Interpolation from 32, 50 and 100 mm pipe sizes,
allowing for polynomial data fit results in price of $[
] CRI/m. Extrapolation of prices for 50mm and
100mm pipes results in price of $[ ] CRI/m. For
consistency with these figures and the costs of the
smaller pipe sizes, assumed price of $[ ] CRI/mm.
Assumed trench width (m)
Based on 150mm pipeline costs (/m)
Powerco, Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract
(FAS-002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.48 - 6.52)
Concrete footpath (/m)
Asphalt footpath (/m)
Chip & seal (/m)
Road sealing (/m)
Cobblestone (/m)
Average cost for finished surface (/m)
Assumed proportion of finished surface to restore
Average restoration cost / m
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates; Australian
average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56). Item
6.5 however already includes commissioning.
Source data
Assumed proportion of trenched installation
Assumed proportion of trenchless installation
From Powerco & Vector SES schedules :
Sizes Drill Supply Trench
32 [ ] CRI [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
50 [ ] CRI [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
100 [ ] CRI [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
Trench size assumed
Pipe size Width Excavation cost Extrapolated
32 [ ] CRI #VALUE!
50 [ ] CRI #VALUE!
80 [ ] CRI
100 [ ] CRI #VALUE!
150 [ ] CRI #VALUE!
[ ] CRI
Interpolated values - Polynomial fit
Interpolated values - Exponential fit
Interpolated values - Polynomial fit
Interpolated values - Exponential fit
0 20
0 20
Interpolated values - Polynomial fit
Interpolated values - Exponential fit
0 20
Interpolated values - Polynomial fit Size Extrapolation from 50& 100 mm pipe sizes
[ ] CRI 80
[ ] CRI 150 #VALUE!
[ ] CRI 200 #VALUE!
Interpolated values - Exponential fit
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
Interpolated values - Polynomial fit Cost Size Extrapolation from 50& 100 mm pipe sizes
[ ] CRI 80
[ ] CRI 150 #VALUE!
[ ] CRI 200 #VALUE!
Interpolated values - Exponential fit
[ ] CRI
y = 0
40 60 80 100 120
Supply & install
y = 0
40 60 80 100 120

[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
Interpolated values - Polynomial fit Cost Size
[ ] CRI 80
[ ] CRI 150
[ ] CRI 200
Interpolated values - Exponential fit
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
y = 0
40 60 80 100 120

1. 50 mm dia IP PIPELINE (Trenched) [ ] CRI
Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 Excavation & backfill
Trenching (average soil conditions),
backfilling & reinstatement (non-finished
#VALUE! 1.43
Testing & commissioning [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
Traffic management #VALUE! [ ] CRI
As-builts #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Council charges, mains location,
additional site visits
Location of main [ ] CRI
Additional site visits [ ] CRI
Council charges [ ] CRI
Subtotal per meter #VALUE!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.2 Supply & install pipeline
Supply & install steel pipe #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Install steel bends, with joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
T, with joints #VALUE! 185.00
Radiographic tests of joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.3 Restoration [ ] CRI
2.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
Rounded to 99.00
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Escalation factor - based on excavation rate for
50mm MP, adjusted for trench depth of 1000mm
(instead of 700mm deep)
Calculated cost for trenching, adjusted down by 10%
to account for no increase in surface reinstatement,
unchanged set-up cost
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "IP Main Steel Unit
cost open cut v1.3.xls". (Powerco price provided for
1000 m installation) - 50 mm IP sheet, items 1.7, 1.8
& 1.9
each (2 allowed)
each (8 allowed)
Supply & install steel pipe - Powerco rate, from
spreadsheet titled "IP Main Steel Unit Cost Open
cut v1.3.xls" (sheet for 50mm IP pipe), item 1.2.
Rate based on Rawlinson's (2004). Powerco
assumptions w.r.t. installation costs are considered
liberal, unit rate reduced by 5%.
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "Main PE
unit cost Trenchless SES v1.3.xls", (50mm IP
sheet), item 1.3
Number of bends required (for assumed
installation). Based on Powerco figure for 1000m
pipe, as per spreadsheet "IP Main Steel Unit cost
open cut v1.3.xls", item 1.3 (sheet for 50 mm IP
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (50mm IP sheet),
item 1.4. 1 Unit assumed
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (50mm IP sheet),
item 1.5
Allowance for site trips of test crew
Number of joints to be tested, based on 6m pipe
lengths, plus 1 joint per bend
Adjusted downward for consistency with 80mm and
100mm pipe supply & install prices and size
Same as figure for MP trenched installation
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56).
Item 6.5 however already includes commissioning.
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates;
Australian average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
1. 80 mm dia IP PIPELINE (Trenched) 2,000
Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 Excavation & backfill [ ] CRI
2.2 Supply & install pipeline
Supply & install steel pipe [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
Install steel bends, with joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
T, with joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Radiographic tests of joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.3 Restoration [ ] CRI
2.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
Rounded to 130.00
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Interpolated between price for 50mm and 100mm
Supply & install steel pipe - Powerco rate, from
spreadsheet titled "IP Main Steel Unit Cost Open
cut v1.3.xls" (sheet for 80mm IP pipe), item 1.2.
Rate based on Rawlinson's (2004).
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (80mm IP sheet),
item 1.3
Number of bends required (for assumed
installation). Based on Powerco figure for 1000m
pipe, as per spreadsheet "Main PE unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls", item 1.3 (sheet for 80 mm
IP pipe)
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (80mm IP sheet),
item 1.4. 1 Unit assumed
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (80mm IP sheet),
item 1.5
Allowance for site trips of test crew
Number of joints to be tested, based on 6m pipe
lengths, plus 1 joint per bend
Same as figure for MP trenched installation
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates;
Australian average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
1. 100 mm dia IP PIPELINE (Trenched) 2,000
Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 Excavation & backfill
Trenching (average soil conditions),
backfilling & reinstatement (non-finished
#VALUE! 1.43
Testing & commissioning - [ ] CRI
Traffic management #VALUE! [ ] CRI
As-builts #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Council charges, mains location,
additional site visits
Location of main [ ] CRI
Additional site visits [ ] CRI
Council charges [ ] CRI
Subtotal per meter #VALUE!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.2 Supply & install pipeline
Supply & install steel pipe [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
Install steel bends, with joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
T, with joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Radiographic tests of joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.3 Restoration [ ] CRI
2.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
Rounded to 152.00
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Escalation factor - based on excavation rate for
100mm MP, but adjusted for trench depth of
1000mm (instead of 700mm deep)
Calculated cost for trenching, adjusted down by
2.5% to account for no increase in surface
reinstatement, unchanged set-up cost. (Lower
discount than for smaller sizes allows for reduced
impact of setup costs on larger trench.)
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "IP Main Steel Unit
cost open cut v1.3.xls". (Powerco price provided for
1000 m installation) - 100 mm IP sheet, items 1.7,
1.8 & 1.9
each (2 allowed)
each (8 allowed)
Supply & install steel pipe - Powerco rate, from
spreadsheet titled "IP Main Steel Unit Cost Open
cut v1.3.xls" (sheet for 100mm IP pipe), item 1.2.
Rate based on Rawlinson's (2004).
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (100mm IP
sheet), item 1.3
Number of bends required (for assumed
installation). Based on Powerco figure for 1000m
pipe, as per spreadsheet "Main PE unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls", item 1.3 (sheet for 100
mm IP pipe)
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (100mm IP
sheet), item 1.4. 1 Unit assumed
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (100mm IP
sheet), item 1.5
Allowance for site trips of test crew
Number of joints to be tested, based on 6m pipe
lengths, plus 1 joint per bend
Adjusted upwards to be consistent with trend from
smaller pipe-sizes
Same as figure for MP trenched installation
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56).
Item 6.5 however already includes commissioning.
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates;
Australian average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
1. 150 mm dia IP PIPELINE (Trenched) 2,000
Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 Excavation & backfill
Trenching (average soil conditions),
backfilling & reinstatement (non-finished
#VALUE! 1.43
Testing & commissioning - [ ] CRI
Traffic management #VALUE! [ ] CRI
As-builts #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Council charges, mains location,
additional site visits
Location of main [ ] CRI
Additional site visits [ ] CRI
Council charges [ ] CRI
Subtotal per meter #VALUE!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.2 Supply & install pipeline
Supply & install steel pipe [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
Install steel bends, with joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
T, with joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Radiographic tests of joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.3 Restoration [ ] CRI
2.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
Rounded to 233.00
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Escalation factor - to adjust for trench depth of
1000mm (instead of 700mm deep)
Calculated cost for 150mm MP trenching.
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "IP Main Steel Unit
cost open cut v1.3.xls". (Powerco price provided for
1000 m installation) - 100 mm IP sheet, items 1.7,
1.8 & 1.9
each (2 allowed)
each (8 allowed)
Adjusted to same rate as trench for 200mm pipe
Supply & install steel pipe - Powerco rate, from
spreadsheet titled "IP Main Steel Unit Cost Open
cut v1.3.xls" (sheet for 150mm IP pipe), item 1.2.
Rate based on Rawlinson's (2004).
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (150mm IP
sheet), item 1.3
Number of bends required (for assumed
installation). Based on Powerco figure for 1000m
pipe, as per spreadsheet "Main PE unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls", item 1.3 (sheet for 150
mm IP pipe)
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (150mm IP
sheet), item 1.4. 1 Unit assumed
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (150mm IP
sheet), item 1.5
Allowance for site trips of test crew
Number of joints to be tested, based on 6m pipe
lengths, plus 1 joint per bend
Same as figure for MP trenched installation
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates;
Australian average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56).
Item 6.5 however already includes commissioning.
1. 200 mm dia IP PIPELINE (Trenched) 2,000
Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 Excavation & backfill
Trenching (average soil conditions),
backfilling & reinstatement (non-finished
#VALUE! 1.43
Testing & commissioning - [ ] CRI
Traffic management #VALUE! [ ] CRI
As-builts #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Council charges, mains location,
additional site visits
Location of main [ ] CRI
Additional site visits [ ] CRI
Council charges [ ] CRI
Subtotal per meter #VALUE!
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.2 Supply & install pipeline
Supply & install steel pipe [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
Install steel bends, with joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
T, with joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Radiographic tests of joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.3 Restoration [ ] CRI
2.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
Rounded to 296.00
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Escalation factor - to adjust for trench depth of
1000mm (instead of 700mm deep)
Calculated cost for 200mm MP trenching.
Powerco - Spreadsheet titled "IP Main Steel Unit
cost open cut v1.3.xls". (Powerco price provided for
1000 m installation) - 100 mm IP sheet, items 1.7,
1.8 & 1.9
each (2 allowed)
each (8 allowed)
Supply & install steel pipe - Powerco rate, from
spreadsheet titled "IP Main Steel Unit Cost Open
cut v1.3.xls" (sheet for 200mm IP pipe), item 1.2.
Rate based on Rawlinson's (2004).
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (200mm IP
sheet), item 1.3
Number of bends required (for assumed
installation). Based on Powerco figure for 1000m
pipe, as per spreadsheet "Main PE unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls", item 1.3 (sheet for 200
mm IP pipe)
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", 200mm IP sheet),
item 1.4. 1 Unit assumed
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (200mm IP
sheet), item 1.5
Allowance for site trips of test crew
Number of joints to be tested, based on 6m pipe
lengths, plus 1 joint per bend
Same as figure for MP trenched installation
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates;
Australian average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56).
Item 6.5 however already includes commissioning.
1. 250 mm dia IP PIPELINE (Trenched) 2,000
Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 Excavation & backfill [ ] CRI
2.2 Supply & install pipeline
Supply & install steel pipe [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
Install steel bends, with joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
T, with joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Radiographic tests of joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.3 Restoration [ ] CRI
2.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
Rounded to 358.00
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Same trench as for 200mm IP pipeline
Supply & install steel pipe - Powerco rate, from
spreadsheet titled "IP Main Steel Unit Cost Open
cut v1.3.xls" (sheet for 250mm IP pipe), item 1.2.
Rate based on Rawlinson's (2004). Price adjusted
down, as proposed increment from 200mm size
appears unreasonable.
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (250mm IP
sheet), item 1.3
Number of bends required (for assumed
installation). Based on Powerco figure for 1000m
pipe, as per spreadsheet "Main PE unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls", item 1.3 (sheet for 250
mm IP pipe)
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", 250mm IP sheet),
item 1.4. 1 Unit assumed
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (250mm IP
sheet), item 1.5
Allowance for site trips of test crew
Number of joints to be tested, based on 6m pipe
lengths, plus 1 joint per bend
Same trench size as for 200 mm pipe
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates;
Australian average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
1. 300 mm dia IP PIPELINE (Trenched) 2,000
Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 Excavation & backfill
Rounded to [ ] CRI #VALUE!
2.2 Supply & install pipeline
Supply & install steel pipe [ ] CRI
Install steel bends, with joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
T, with joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Radiographic tests of joints #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2.3 Restoration [ ] CRI [ ] CRI
2.4 SIDSF factor allowance (12% of
construction total)
Rounded to 421.00
m Installation length assumed
Source data
Based on 250 mm pipeline trench cost, but adapted
for wider trench (800mm).
Based on linear curve fitted to data points for other IP
pipe sizes (calculated value $ [ ] CRI/m)
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (250mm IP sheet),
item 1.3
Number of bends required (for assumed installation).
Based on Powerco figure for 1000m pipe, as per
spreadsheet "Main PE unit cost Trenchless SES
v1.3.xls", item 1.3 (sheet for 250 mm IP pipe)
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", 250mm IP sheet),
item 1.4. 1 Unit assumed
Powerco unit price, as per spreadsheet "IP Main
Steel Unit cost open cut v1.3.xls", (250mm IP sheet),
item 1.5
Allowance for site trips of test crew
Number of joints to be tested, based on 6m pipe
lengths, plus 1 joint per bend
Same as figure for 250 mm IP trenched installation
Powerco rate : 12% on-cost on SES rates; Australian
average 15%
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
Pipe size Suppply & install
50 #VALUE!
80 [ ] CRI
100 [ ] CRI
150 [ ] CRI
200 [ ] CRI
250 [ ] CRI
Linear trend [ ] CRI (for 300mm pipe)
y = 0
0 50 100 150 200
200 250 300
1. 20 mm dia MP Service connection Assumed in standard soil conditions
Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 Excavation & backfill #VALUE!
1.2 Supply & install pipeline [ ] CRI
1.3 Restoration #VALUE!
2.4 SIDSF factor allowance (6% of construction
Rounded to [ ] CRI
2. Mains connection, riser & valve
Item Decription PBA Rate
Connection to PE/cast iron main [ ] CRI
Riser valve plus installation [ ] CRI
Location of main [ ] CRI
Testing & commissioning -
Traffic management [ ] CRI
As-builts [ ] CRI
minus [ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
Testing & commissioning -
Traffic management [ ] CRI
As-builts [ ] CRI
minus [ ] CRI
PBA Price, before scale factor [ ] CRI
PBA price after scale factor #VALUE! 20%
Rounded to [ ] CRI
Assumed in standard soil conditions
Source data
Based on cost for 32mm MP pipeline, assuming
standard ground conditions (60:40 split of
Downward interpolation of PE pipe prices, for 20mm
Based on cost for 32mm MP pipe reinstatement,
assuming standard ground conditions (60:40 split of
Reduced factor assumed for service installation, to
reflect reduction in design, supervision, drawings &
funds tied up in construction
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
Source data
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, rev 1 July), item 7.1
Powerco spreadsheet titled "Service PE Unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls", items 1.2, 1.3 (25 nbpe
Powerco spreadsheet titled "Service PE Unit cost
Trenchless SES v1.3.xls", item 1.4(25 nbpe sheet)
No allowance for council fees, as pricing
methodology assumes large number of connections,
making this fee negligible
Assume new network construction - no hot
connections required
Powerco price
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002 :
Price Schedule June 2003, rev 1C), item 7.11
(25mm). This is inclusive of material, mains location.
Assume new network construction - no hot
connections required
Vector price
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56). Item
6.6 however already includes commissioning.
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002
: Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), items
6.53 to 6.56). Item 6.6 however already includes
Based on higher of two estimates
Scale factor
1. 32mm IP Service connection Assumed in standard soil conditions
Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 Excavation & backfill [ ] CRI
1.2 Supply & install pipeline [ ] CRI
1.3 Restoration [ ] CRI
2.4 SIDSF factor allowance (6% of construction
Rounded to 72.00
2. Mains connection, riser & valve
Item Decription PBA Rate
Connection to PE/cast iron main [ ] CRI
Riser valve plus installation [ ] CRI
Location of main [ ] CRI
Bend & radiographic tests -
Testing & commissioning #VALUE!
Traffic management #VALUE!
As-builts #VALUE!
minus [ ] CRI
[ ] CRI
Polyvalve [ ] CRI
Testing & commissioning -
Traffic management #VALUE!
As-builts #VALUE!
minus [ ] CRI
PBA Price, before scale factor [ ] CRI
PBA price after scale factor #VALUE! 20%
Rounded to 1,040.00
Assumed in standard soil conditions
Source data
Based on cost for 32mm MP pipeline, open
Downward interpolation of steel pipe prices, for
32mm connection, includes bends, radiographic
tests, etc
Based on cost for 32mm MP pipe reinstatement,
assuming standard ground conditions (60:40 split of
Reduced factor assumed for service installation, to
reflect reduction in design, supervision, drawings &
funds tied up in construction
Before applying scale factor
Scale factor
Source data
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, rev 1 July), item 7.2
Powerco spreadsheet titled "IP Service steel Unit
cost Trenchless SES v1.3.xls", items 1.2, 1.3 (32 nb
Powerco spreadsheet titled "Service PE Unit cost
open cut Tenix (PES) v1.3.xls", item 1.6 to 1.9 (32 nb
Included in supply & install cost
No allowance for council fees, as pricing
methodology assumes large number of connections,
making this fee negligible
Assume new network construction - no hot
connections required
Powerco price
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002 :
Price Schedule June 2003, rev 1C), item 7.14 . This
includes material, mains location.
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002 :
Price Schedule June 2003, rev 1C), item 7.26 .
Assume new network construction - no hot
connections required
Powerco - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-
002 : Price Schedule 2002, items 6.53 to 6.56). Item
6.6 however already includes commissioning.
Vector - Siemens Field Services Contract (FAS-002
: Price Schedule 2002 (rev 1C, June 2003), items
6.53 to 6.56). Item 6.6 however already includes
Vector price
[ ] CRI
Scale factor
Item Decription PBA Rate
1.1 0-10 Cubic meters/hour [ ] CRI
1.2 10-25 Cubic meters/hour #VALUE! [ ] CRI
1.3 25-60 Cubic meters/hour #VALUE! [ ] CRI
Source data
Canberra DORC valuation, 1999
Powerco meter set replacement cost, adapted for
scale factor
Powerco meter set replacement cost, adapted for
scale factor

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