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EMG 002 Energy Modeling Project

Course Outline

The interactions between building
envelope, HVAC systems and plant, and
occupants form a highly integrated,
dynamic system.

The design or retrofit of buildings towards
integrated systems and energy efficiency
requires the ability to perform detailed
simulations and analysis using today's most
sophisticated building energy use
simulation techniques. Research has shown that the efficacy of dynamic thermal
performance simulation tools dependent not only on the facilities offered by the tools
and the rigour of the underlying calculations but on the skills of the user.

The course time will be divided between thematic lectures and activities, and facilitated
tutorials and open lab time to complete the Project simulations. Topics include such
items as Fundamentals of Simulation, Thermal Zoning, Envelope and Internal Loads,
HVAC System Simulations, Utility Rates, Energy Management Measures and Parametric

Project Description

The Energy Modeling Project will introduce you to contemporary sophisticated
simulation software, which you will use to create a dynamic and functional model of a
commercial building. Against this baseline, you will examine the energy and operating
impact of a number of selected conservation measures, and calculate the economics
attributable to the measures.

You will then prepare a preliminary energy budget for a building, outlining the
anticipated energy costs, and evaluating certain design alternatives for their impact on
energy costs. It will summarize the key characteristics of the building, lists the
assumptions used in the simulation(s), and provides input to the design team on the
cost-benefits of the design alternatives.

The report will be 3000 - 5000 words in length, and written in a manner appropriate for
submission to a project team and stakeholders. The report will include an executive
summary, a description of building, outline of the simulation methodology, simulation
assumptions, baseline simulation results,
EMG 002 Energy Modeling Project

description of design alternatives, results of simulation of the design alternatives,
conclusions and recommendations.

In addition to the report, you will create and deliver a 15 minute formal presentation on
your simulation and results.

Texts and Resources

eQuest Introductory Tutorial V 3.65 e-version provided

eQuest Modeling Procedures Reference 2009 e-version provided

While number of computers will be available in the Building Sciences lab, it is
recommended that you utilize a personal laptop (preferred).

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this project, you will be able to:

Demonstrate an understanding of the foundations of Building Simulation and a
design tools
Perform valid simulations based on provided input, and identify the impact of
input changes on results
Perform a series of parametric analyses on a base simulation case and explain
the reasons for variations in the results
Create a complete Project Assignment Report, similar to that provided in the
Consulting Industry, to provide an initial energy budget for a building in the
design concept stage, as well as assessing the operating and financial impacts of
a number of design alternatives


Mid-Term Test

Class Participation 5%
Assignments 10%
Project Assignment 60% (50% Report, 10% Presentation)
Total 100%

*You must achieve a passing grade in all parts to pass this course
Each week we will be building on principles covered in prior labs and classes; attendance
at all the classes is critical to your success.
EMG 002 Energy Modeling Project

Course Schedule (The Schedule is subject to change)

Week Day / Date Topic Assignments, etc


7 Jan 10 Jan
Introduction to energy design
Overview of Simulation
Building and Industry

Presentation Handouts,
Read Tutorial, pages 5-28


13 Jan - 17 Jan

Energy Modeling Software: eQuest
Fundamentals; Schematic Design Wizard
Read Tutorial 29-32, 44-48, 80
Read Reference 2.1-2.6,


20 Jan 24 Jan
Introduction to Design Development
Term Project Overview
Schematic Design Exercise (5%)
Read Tutorial 141-145
Read Reference 6.32-6.50


27 Jan 31 Feb
Loads and Profiles
- Electrical and Process
- Occupancy
- Weather File

Read Tutorial 56-59
Read Reference 7.1-8.13

3 Feb 7 Feb
Building Envelope simulation Exercise
Rates & Charges

Read Tutorial 60-73


10 Feb 14 Feb

HVAC Systems Modeling
Simulation Output
Energy Intensity
Read Tutorial 74-81, 122-134
Read Reference 6.1-6.21,
Lighting Simulation Exercise (5%)
7 17 Feb 21 Feb MIDTERM TEST (2 parts) Two parts Theory & Praxis
8 24 Feb 28 Mar STUDY WEEK Scope out Project Parameters


3 Mar 7 Mar

EE Measures Wizard
CAD drawing input
Read Tutorial 82-100
Complete DD Exercise
Project Work


10 Mar 14 Mar
Detailed Design Interface Tutorial
Simulation Quality Assurance Output
Read Tutorial 33-43, 112-120 Read
Reference 4.1-4.19 Complete
CAD/DD Exercise
Project Work


17 Mar 21 Mar

Advanced Applications Tutorial
Read Tutorial 49-55
Read LCC 4-39
Red LEED Compliance 1-27
Project Work

24 Mar 28 Mar
Reports & Presentation Guideline
Open Lab / Individual Tutorials

Project Work

31 Mar 4 Apr

Open Lab / Individual Tutorials
Project Work, Prepare

7 Apr 11 Apr
Project Deadline
Final Report due, April 9, 2011
4:15PM (In Class Submission)
15 14 Apr 18 Apr EXAM WEEK

EMG 002 Energy Modeling Project


The best way to see me is to book a time that fits both your class schedule and my
teaching schedule. The best way to arrange a meeting is to email me with your available
times. If you have questions or are experiencing difficulty, I highly recommend that you
arrange a time for us to meet and chat.


I will use the electronic blackboard system to post course documents, assignments,
make announcements, or set up discussion groups. It is your responsibility to check
blackboard and your Seneca email frequently. To ensure authenticity and privacy, all
emails and work submissions must come from your Seneca email account.

Ground Rules

For this class, I ask three things of you

Meaningful participation

Don't cheat or plagiarize

Don't prevent someone else from learning

There are a number of Seneca's Policies and Procedures which affect you as students.

Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedures
Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Protocols
Personal Safety/Security Threats Policy
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Academic Policy

Students at Seneca College are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic
endeavors. When students falsify their research results, steal the words or ideas of
another, or cheat on an examination, it corrupts the essential process by which
knowledge is advanced.
EMG 002 Energy Modeling Project

The consequences for cheating and plagiarizing are significant and swift - the penalty for
a first offence of cheating or plagiarism is a grade of "0" on the assignment or
examination. The penalty for a second offence is immediate expulsion from the college
for the remainder of that semester or longer, depending on the circumstances.

What can you do to avoid cheating or plagiarism?

Familiarize yourself with the Academic "Cheating and Plagiarism Policy"
Prepare thoroughly for examinations and assignments
Take the initiative to prevent other students from copying exams or assignments;
for example, shield answer sheets from other students during examinations, and
do not loan completed assignments to other students
Check your subject outlines dealing with cheating/plagiarism for the subject. Ask
the faculty member what his or her expectations are, particularly concerning
collaboration and citation
Do not look in the direction of other students' papers during examinations
Utilize a recognized handbook for instruction on citing source materials in papers
Consult with faculty or academic departments when in doubt
Discourage dishonesty among students
Refuse to assist students who cheat

Academic Year Dates

Winter 2014 Semester

Winter 2014 Semester Fees Due Date
(Day Programs):
New Students
Returning Students
Registration opens for
Winter 2014 FCET Classes
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013
College Re-opens Thursday, January 2
Winter 2014 Term Day Classes Begin Monday, January 6
New Student Orientation Monday, January 6
First Day of Full-Time Classes Tuesday, January 7
FCET Classes Begin Friday, January 10
Last Day to Add Day Subjects Friday, January 10
EMG 002 Energy Modeling Project
Last Date to Drop a Day Subject
(without grading)

Friday, January 17

Last Date for (Day) Refund Application Friday, January 17
Family Day Holiday (College Closed) Monday, February 17
Study Week Begins Monday, February 24
Last Date to Drop a Day Subject
(without academic penalty)

Friday, March 14

"Request to Graduate" forms due

for June 2014 Convocation
Friday, March 28

Friday, April 11
to Thursday, April 17
Exam Week

Winter 2014 Semester Ends Thursday, April 17
Good Friday (College Closed) Friday, April 18

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