Age Relaxation Rule3

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( As amended upto 24-10-2007)
Government of Pakistan
Cabinet Secretariat
stab!is"ment #ivision
%s!amabad& t"e 4
'ovember& 1(()*
S*+*,* 107((%)-()*- %n pursuance of ru!e 12 of t"e Civi! Servants (Appointment& Promotion
and .ransfer ) +u!es& 1(7)& t"e President is p!eased to make t"e fo!!o/in0 ru!es & name!12-
(1) ."ese +u!es ma1 be ca!!ed t"e %nitia! Appointment to Civi! Posts (+e!a3ation of 4pper
A0e 5imit) +u!es& 1(()*
(2) ."e1 s"a!! come into force /it" immediate effect
Provided t"at not"in0 in t"ese ru!es s"a!! app!1 to t"e appointment to t"e posts in 6PS-17 to be
fi!!ed t"rou0" C*S*S* Competitive 3amination*
()) 7a3imum a0e !imit as prescribed in t"e recruitment ru!es s"a!! be re!a3ed in respect of t"e
candidates mentioned in co!umn (2) be!o/ to t"e e3tent mentioned a0ainst eac" under co!umn
Sl.No. Cateo!" o# $a%&'&ate( Ae !ela)at'o% a&*'(('+le
1 , )
i) (a)* Candidates be!on0in0 to Sc"edu!ed Castes&
6udd"ist Communit1& reco0ni8ed tribes of t"e
.riba! Areas& A8ad 9as"mir and 'ort"ern Areas
for a!! posts under t"e :edera! Government
) 1ears*
(b) Candidates be!on0in0 to Sind"(+) and
6a!oc"istan for posts in 6PS-1; and be!o/ under
t"e :edera! Government
) 1ears*
ii) +e!eased or +etired ,fficers - personne! of t"e Armed
:orces of Pakistan
1; 1ears or t"e number of 1ears
actua!!1 served in t"e Armed :orces
of Pakistan& /"ic"ever is !ess*
iii) Government servants /"o "ave comp!eted 2 1ears
continuous Government service on t"e c!osin0 date for
receipt of app!ications*
10 1ears& upto t"e a0e of ;;
iv) #isab!ed persons for appointment to posts in 6PS-1;
and be!o/*
10 1ears
v) <ido/s& son or dau0"ter of a deceased civi! servant
/"o dies durin0 service
; 1ears
(4) <"ere a candidate is entit!ed to a0e re!a3ation under more t"an one cate0ories specified
in ru!e ) & "e s"a!! be a!!o/ed re!a3ation in a0e on!1 in one cate0or1*
=4A> (1) Sub?ect to sub-ru!e(2)& t"e ma3imum a0e !imit prescribed for initia! appointment
under an1 ru!es for t"e time bein0 in force s"a!! be re!a3ed b1 a period of five 1ears2
(2) ."e re!a3ation in upper a0e !imit s"a!! be over and above t"e re!a3ation of a0e
admissib!e to candidates specified in ru!e ) or in an1 ot"er ru!es for t"e time bein0 in
=46> 'ot/it"standin0 t"e provisions contained in t"ese ru!es or an1 ot"er ru!es for t"e time
bein0 in force& t"e President or t"e Prime 7inister ma1& on e3treme compassionate
0rounds& 0rant a0e re!a3ation to an individua! candidate for a period not e3ceedin0 t"ree
1ears over and above t"e re!a3ation in upper a0e !imit a!read1 admissib!e& if an1>*
=4C> 'ot/it"standin0 an1t"in0 contained in t"ese ru!es& or an1 ot"er ru!es for t"e time bein0
in force& one time re!a3ation in t"e upper a0e !imit s"a!! be admissib!e to t"e persons
appointed to t"e posts& on ad-"oc basis& from t"e %st ,ctober& 1(@1& to t"e )1
1((;& to t"e e3tent t"e1 are overa0e for initia! appointment to t"e posts& "e!d b1 t"em& as
and /"en advertised b1 t"e :edera! Pub!ic Service Commission*>
=4#*> 'ot/it"standin0 an1t"in0 contained in t"ese ru!es or an1 ot"er ru!es for t"e time bein0 in
force& t"e President or t"e =Prime 7inister> ma1 0rant a0e re!a3ation to t"e /ido/& son or
dau0"ter of a deceased civi! servant /"o dies durin0 service for suc" period as ma1 be
considered appropriate*>
(;) Re-eal.- A!! e3istin0 ru!es& orders and instructions re!atin0 to a0e re!a3ation issued from
time to time are "ereb1 repea!ed*

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