General Knowledge (GK) Keys For A' Series: Q.No Ans Description

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General Knowledge (GK) Keys for A Series


01 A Normal temperature of human body is 37
02 C The general molecular formula of alkynes is C
03 C
A fair die is rolled! The probability of getting an e"en number on the
face of the die is 1#3
0$ C The election commission of %ndia is situated at Ne& 'elhi
0( A The )uardian of Akbar &as *airam +han
0, A -ho disguished herself as .+ayasandigai/0 1 2animekalai
07 C 3la"i"irus causes 'engue fe"er
04 A Correctly matched is5 Central 6ail&ay 1 2umbai
07 A 8ina means Con9ueror
10 ' The area of a triangle &ith base 7 cm and height 12 cm is ($ cm
11 A 'etroit is famous for Automobile industry
12 C The en:yme used to ;oin the broken 'NA fragments is 'NA <igase
13 A
The mo"ement of planets are controlled by the gra"itational force of
the =un
1$ * =tate >lection Commission conducts the local body elections
1( C
The *ritish ?iceroy responsible for in"ol"ing %ndians in the =econd
-orld -ar &as <inlithgo&
1, A 6eser"e *ank of %ndia &as established in the year 173(
17 ' @ne Horsepo&er AH!BC is e9ual to 7$, &att
14 *
%f the mass number of an electron is 1, and the atomic number is 4
then the number of neutrons is 4
17 ' The "alue of (D2 E D32 F 7D2
20 * The Chairman of the 6a;ya =abha is the ?iceBresident of %ndia
21 *
According to Census estimate of 2001 the rate of literacy of Tamil
Nadu &as 73!(G
22 * =ati &as abolished in 1427
23 A .Nedul Nal ?aadai/ belongs to Agapurapattu
2$ A >dible mushrooms are Agaricus bisporous
2( * The other name of Tuticorin is Bearl city
2, C Annamalai Hni"ersity &as established in 1727
27 *
Brincipal is 6s! 3000 and rate of interest $GI then the difference
bet&een simple interest and compound interest is 6s! $!40
24 *
-orld has become a global "illage due to Communication and
information re"olution
27 C The method of respiration &hich takes place in euglena is 'iffusion
30 A The dam constructed across the ri"er =utle; is *hakraNangal
31 C
The head9uarters of the Tamil Nadu =tate Human 6ights
Commission situated at Chennai
32 *
The first &ar against the *ritish rule &as started in Tamil Nadu by
33 A -heat granary of %ndia is Bun;ab
3$ C Ne&tonJs third la& is applicable to bodies both at rest and in motion
3( C 2etal present in blood is 3e
3, C The median of 27I 23I 2(I 27I 30I 2(I 24 is 24
37 '
HN adopted the Hni"ersal 'eclaration of Human 6ights on
'ecember 17$4
34 A The book &ritten by +rishnade"araya &as Amuktha 2alyada
37 .+adhai podhi paadal/ is kno&n as
$0 A )reenhouse gas is Carbon dioKide
$1 * The highest peak in %ndia is 2t! +anchen;unga
$2 C The smallest unit of the Balla"a administration is @or
$3 %f nAAC F ( then nABAACC is
$$ A 8ames -att is the in"entor of steam engine
$( C *lood platelets help in *lood clotting
$, *
%nitiallyI the cutting action of the &a"es against the base of costal
land produces Cliff
$7 C The first &oman doctor in Tamil Nadu is 'r! 2uthulakshmi
$4 A
The most outstanding military leader of -estern *ihar in the )reat
of 14(7 is +un&ar =ingh
$7 A
The location of an %=6@ launching station dedicated to the Hnited
Nations in 17,4 is Thumba
(0 ' The unit of radiation eKposure is roentgen
(1 C pH "alue of blood is 7!3 to 7!(
(2 C The sum of the first 11 terms of the A!B 3I 4I 13I L is 304
(3 ' The link language of %ndia is >nglish
($ *
%n 102( A!'!I 2ahmud of )ha:ni attacked the most celebrated Hindu
temple at =omnath
-ho saidI .>"ery Tamil student should read Beriya Buranam in
(, * =e"ere diarrhoea is a symptom of Cholera
(7 A The &orldJs deepest M2arina TrenchJ is located in Bacific ocean
(4 * The *rahmo =ama; &as established by 6a;a 6ammohan 6oy
(7 * a F (I b F 3 then the "alue of a
E 2ab is $0
,0 * The first 3i"eNear plan of %ndia &as launched in 17(1
,1 C *eta "ulgaris is a short day plant
,2 A The basic unit of society is family
,3 A
6abindranath Tagore renounced his +nighthood as a measure of
protest after Bun;ab tragedy
,$ C National income is Total of factor incomes
,( A 6edI )reenI *lue are primary colours
,, * The structure of methane is tetrahedral
,7 C
The midpoint of the line segment ;oining the points A1I3C and A(I
7C is A3I(C
,4 C The age for "oting right in %ndia is 14 years
,7 C M=&adeshiJ literally means @neJs o&n country
70 The ri"ers merge in 2ukoodal are
71 A >ffecti"e drug for T* is %sonia:id
72 C Ne& >ducation Bolicy &as announced in 174,
73 ' The first %ndian )o"ernor)eneral of free %ndia &as 6a;a;i
7$ C
The marked price of a bicycle is 6s! 1I700! %f the company gi"es
10G discount I then the price of the bicycle is 6s! 1I(30
7( * The *ank &hose moti"e is not profit making is 6*%
7, C Companion cells is not a kind of cell of Kylem tissue
77 A
2ysore 1 =ilk teKtiles
Httar Bradesh 1 =ugar %ndustry
*angalore 1 >lectronic goods
'hari&al 1 -oollen teKtiles
74 A >lection Commission of %ndia issues the ?oter %dentity Card
77 *
2angal Bandey refused to use the greased cartridge and shot do&n
his sergeant at *arrackpore
40 *
The agricultural production in &hich %ndia may outsmart the H=A in
the near future is -heat
41 A
The first blood bank eKclusi"ely for dogs in Asia &as opened by
Tamil Nadu ?eterinary and Animal =ciences Hni"ersity
42 C
The Cyber crime regulation court &as established by the
)o"ernment of %ndia in the year 2004
43 A @ is the Hni"ersal donor blood group
4$ C @:one layer absorbs Hltra"iolet 6adiation
4( A -orldJs cheapest car produced is Nano by Tata 2otors
4, ' CT =canner machines is used to take sectional images of the body
47 A The *rain of a computer is CBH
44 A
The book .=cience and =ustainable 3ood =ecurity/ is &ritten by 2!=!
47 C =achin Tendulkar is the highest test scorer in cricket
70 ' The Census 2011 is the 1(
National Census
71 ' The po&erful Tsunami attack of the 21
Century &as on 2,!12!200$
72 O The .-orld 'iabetes 'ay/ is obser"ed on No"ember 1$
73 A The first &oman electric train dri"er is Thilaga"athy
7$ A The number digits in %ndian National %dentification card are 12
7( A The first black Bresident of =outh Africa is Nelson 2andela
7, ' The 3inance 2inister of %ndia in 2010 &as Branab 2ukher;ee
77 C The =peaker of <ok =abha in 2010 &as 2eria +umar
74 * %ndian %nstitute of =cience A%%=cC is located in *angalore
77 A
The temple constructed by 6a;ara;a Chola % &as Than;a"ur big
100 A
%ndia &as selected as a nonpermanent member of the Hnited
Nations =ecurity Council on @ctober 12I 2010

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