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i. Review the
Course Profile:
Check that:
course learning objectives clearly and comprehensively describe the
learning to be developed by students
the assessment tasks you have designed provide adequate opportunity
for students to demonstrate intended learning objectives.
ii. Clarif
y your
of the terms
criteria and
standards !
"t is important to understand the distinction between criteria and standards. # clear
understanding of these terms will make the development task easier. $adler %&'()*
defines these terms as:
Criterion: a property or characteristic by which the quality of something may be
judged. $pecifying criteria nominates qualities of interest and utility but does not
have anything to offer+ or make any assumptions about+ actual quality.
"n the e,ample below+ the criterion -fluency of e,pression. is e,pressed as a noun phrase
which does not imply a specific quality. "t is better to avoid the use of adjectives or
adverbs %eg. fluent e,pression.+ -e,pression is fluent or -e,presses ideas fluently* as
these imply a level or standard rather than a criterion.
Standard: a definite level of achievement aspired to or attained. $tandards are
about definite levels of quality %or achievement+ or performance*.
Table 1: Distingis!ing bet"een #riteria and standards
Criteria Standards
/ail standard
%012 marks*
Pass standard
%31) marks*
4igh standard
%(1&5 marks*
quality of
stilted+ awkward and6or
oversimplified e,pression
resulting in overall lack
of clarity of meaning.
correct but occasionally
stilted or awkward
e,pression although
meaning is generally
clear+ concise+ scrupulously
accurate polished and sometimes
innovative or original language
used to e,press comple, and
abstract ideas and information
7he standards described in this e,ample illustrate three distinct levels of quality+
achievement or performance.
8hile it is true that standard labels such as -9,cellent.+ -Proficient. or -/ail.+ often used
in conjunction with marks+ can convey standards to some e,tent+ the guidelines that follow
are based on the belief that verbal descriptors %such as those in the e,ample above* are the
most effective way of supporting student learning. Criterion1and standards1referenced
assessment does not require the use of marks or percentages+ however+ should marks or
percentages be required+ they can be assigned to the verbal descriptions as illustrated
iii. :ocat
e useful
"nstitutional resources
3.30.2 Marking and Award of Grades
3.20.5 Statement of Graduate Attributes
/aculty+ school or department resources %eg guidelines+ models+
Personal resources
Course Profile
Course #ssessment program
Assessment resource developed by Dr Clair Hughes (TEDI/The University of ueensland!
9,emplars of student learning at different levels
;ther resources
<eneric ta,onomies
o =looms 7a,onomy of 9ducational ;bjectives
o =iggs structure of+ the observed learning outcome %$;:;* ta,onomy>$olo.pdf
o ;rrell+ ?. %@550*. A Generic Learning Rubric. #vailable online at:
o Price+ A.+ B Rust+ C. %@552*. Assessment Grid. Retrieved @( ;ctober+ @552+ from>object.aspCidD
@5@E0BpromptDyesBfilenameD#$$5&E %=usiness*
Fiscipline1related guidelines or e,amples %eg from the 4igher
9ducation #cademy subject network or
general resource sections*.
iv. "nves
possibilities for
Feveloping criteria and standards in collaboration with colleagues is a good
opportunity to share the workload and gain additional perspectives.
"nvolving students in the development of criteria and standards is an effective teaching
and learning activity as well as a way of promoting shared understanding of the basis
for assessment judgments.
v. $elec
t6develop and
organise criteria
#ssessment criteria are intended to increase the transparency of assessment judgments
by alerting students to all the factors that will be considered in the making of
judgments. "f criteria such as creativity or use of writing conventions %eg spelling+
punctuation* are considered to be important to the assessment judgment+ they should
be included in the written criteria.
Sor#es o$ #riteria
7he criteria that will form the basis of assessment judgments should reflect the
learning objectives of the course and should be worded and organised in a way that
makes this obvious to students. %=looms 7a,onomy is a useful resource.* "f learning
objectives have been grouped according to the GH <raduate #ttributes+ criteria can
also be organised according to this framework as illustrated below.
Table %: Lin&ing learning ob'e#ti(es and #riteria
Learning Ob'e#ti(e Assess)ent #riteria
In*de+t! &no"ledge o$ t!e $ield
Femonstrate knowledge of literature relevant to I.. /amiliarity with literature relevant to ...
E$$e#ti(e Co))ni#ation
Communicate ideas and information in written and oral
forms appropriate to the I.discipline
#ppropriateness of citation and
referencing to the Idiscipline
Criti#al 'dg)ent
Fevelop and support arguments on current issues
relating to I.
Fevelopment and support of arguments
relating toI
Criteria for all the assessment tasks that comprise the course assessment program
should together provide a comprehensive coverage of the major learning objectives of
the course. 7hey should not introduce additional learning objectives such as those
implied by the selection of unfamiliar te,t types that have not been addressed during
the teaching and learning activities of this or any prior courses %eg technical report+
client interview*. Rather+ this new learning should be specified with the learning
objectives of the course.
7o be effective+ criteria should be manageable in number so the desire to be
comprehensive needs to be tempered by a realistic notion of how much information
Assessment resource developed by Dr Clair Hughes (TEDI/The University of ueensland!
students can handle in relation to an assessment task.
vi. Feci
de how many
standards will be
Feveloping verbal descriptions of standards that make adequate distinctions between
and among each of the seven levels of the GH grading scheme would be an e,tremely
difficult task. Aost e,amples find it sufficient to describe four levels in answer to the
following questions:
8hat is the best possible standard that can be anticipated in this learning
8hat is the least standard that will be considered acceptableC
8hat standards lie between these twoC
8hat standard can be anticipated as unacceptableC
$adler+ &''(
4owever+ the number of levels depends on the ability of the assessment task to make
fine distinctions in a reliable way and the degree to which fine discrimination is
required+ eg a competency approach means a -Pass. standard only is required.
7hough some schemes avoid describing a -/ail. standard+ this can be quite useful in
helping students identify behaviours that they should eliminate from their practice.
vii. -:ab
el. the verbal
descriptors of
Jerbal descriptions of standards need to be linked in some way to the model to be used
calculate final grades so that it describes and supports this process. $ome e,amples are
provided below. Note that these are used to label verbal descriptions of standards and
do not serve as substitutes for standards!
Table ,: So)e #o))on ter)s sed to -label. (erbal des#ri+tions o$ standards
&1@ 012 3 E1)
F C = #
0 Bands
510'K 2513'K E51('K (51&55K
512 31&5 &&1&E &)1@5
/ail Competent #dvanced 9,cellent
;f the e,amples above:
& links verbal standards to the university grade descriptors.
@ is used by lecturers who prefer profiling.
0 can be used when percentages are required %eg for the calculation of class of
2 constitutes a simple marking scheme.
3 uses general descriptive terms.
viii. Feve
lop clear
descriptions of
each standard for
each of the
$tandards have to be pitched at a reasonable level. 7hey should be neither so hard that no
one can succeed nor so low that everyone succeeds at the highest level.
7hey must also be described in brief+ clear+ specific language that is accessible to students.
Criteria need to be unpacked before writing standards to identify relevant component
attributes. 4igh standards will often incorporate additional attributes such as
metacognitive understandings or originality of perspective.
#ccept that standards will never be able to carry all the detail of the e,plicit and
Assessment resource developed by Dr Clair Hughes (TEDI/The University of ueensland!
implicit understandings students are to develop. #ttempting to achieve levels of
precision that remove all subjectivity from assessment judgements of comple, learning
will result in documents made unwieldy and therefore unfit for purpose through their
length and obtuseness.
Reference to concrete e,amples in course assessment tasks+ e,amples of student work
and e,emplars obtained from previous iterations of the course will help in framing
clear standards. #dditional writing guidelines are provided in 7able 2.
Table 1: De(elo+ing (erbal des#ri+tions o$ standards
4!en des#ribing
Use5// Rat!er t!an5/
$pecify demonstrable
Rephrases problems in o"n "ords
and identifies ma#or issues
$nderstands and
interprets problems
Fescribe the behaviour 1 not the
%he ideas of others are
ac&no"ledged in "ays outside the
conventions of this discipline
'ou are not good at
Pointing out what "as done in
demonstrating lower than
optimal standards is often more
supportive of learning than
listing what "as not
Argument consists of a series of
assertions only
No supporting evidence
provided for arguments
#void vague terms which are
open to a wide range of
subjective interpretation such as
-critical.+ -appropriate.+
-e,cellent.+ -analytical.
(vidence of familiarity "ith
recommended course reading
Analysis demonstrates an
a"areness of the implications of
significant detail
(vidence of appropriate
)ophisticated analysis
Gse terms likely to be
understood by students ! avoid
the obscure or esoteric
*emonstrates comprehensive and
detailed &no"ledge of ma#or facts
concepts and procedures addressed
in course materials
)ecure and pronounced
&no"ledge+,oolf -../0
#void relative terms 1
comparatives are rarely helpful
without a benchmark standard
1a#or issues are identified "ith
discrimination and "ithout
distraction by irrelevant material
)olutions to problems are original
and2or innovative "ithout losing
Analysis is more analytical
1ore creative solutions
offered to problems
9nsure a balance between
validity and reliability ie dont
seek precision through
quantitative statements which
can trivialise comple, learning
References included have limited
relevance to the problem +lo"
*iscerning selection of references
from "ithin and beyond
recommended course materials
3ncludes t"o references
+lo" standard0
3ncludes more than six
references +high standard0
i,. Chec
k+ review+ revise
Check for:
grammatical consistency
alignment with institutional grade descriptors to maintain
Regularly review your assessment criteria and standards to:
benefit+ through consultation+ from the e,perience and e,pertise of peers
respond to feedback from students
ensure they fit adjusted assessment tasks
maintain currency with changing university policy and regulations
Assessment resource developed by Dr Clair Hughes (TEDI/The University of ueensland!
take advantage of new resources
reflect your increasing e,pertise in their development.
,. Gsin
g criteria and
7o ensure that assessment judgements are defensible+ consist and transparent+ it is
essential that criteria and standards are used in conjunction with e,emplars of student
work and moderation processes. /ormative activities such as practice marking+ self and
peer assessment+ provision of feedback and structured reflection are additional ways of
using criteria and standards for the enhancement of student learning.
Assessment resource developed by Dr Clair Hughes (TEDI/The University of ueensland!

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