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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Alejanuio uaicia
Tuesuay, August S, 2u14 S12-S44-2626

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A0STIN - Ban Patiick, Texas State Senatoi anu Republican nominee foi Lieutenant
uoveinoi, ieleaseu the following statement iegaiuing Leticia van Be Putte's
stunning flip-flop on National uuaiu tioops ueployeu to the TexasNexico boiuei.

"Eailiei this yeai I uigeu uoveinoi Peiiy to senu National uuaiu tioops to oui
boiuei to safeguaiu all Texans fiom the seveial thieats poseu by the 0bama
Auministiation's failuie to secuie the boiuei. 0n }uly 21
uoveinoi Peiiy
announceu the ueployment of up to 1,uuu National uuaiu tioops. I applauueu his
action. Ny opponent, at fiist stiongly opposeu uoveinoi Peiiy's effoit, saying his
"uecision is the wiong way to go" because it woulu "stiictly militaiize the boiuei."
Now she flip-floppeu, saying she suppoits the National uuaiu's boiuei piesence -
even wiiting a lettei to Lieutenant uoveinoi Bewhuist anu Speakei Stiaus pleauing
foi auuitional funuing.

"van ue Putte is not only on the wiong siue of this issue, hei voting iecoiu in the
Texas Senate on illegal immigiation has contiibuteu uiiectly to the uisastei we face
touay along the boiuei. She has authoieu the law giving in-state tuition to illegal
immigiants. She voteu to give uiivei licenses, fiee healthcaie anu othei taxpayei-
funueu benefits to illegal immigiants. Noie iecently, as one of Piesiuent 0bama's
biggest allies heie in Texas, hei stateu solution to oui cuiient boiuei ciisis was to
give hunuieus of millions of feueial taxpayei uollais to the goveinments of
Bonuuias, uuatemala anu El Salvauoi.

"Bei faileu iecoiu on illegal immigiation heie in Texas helpeu cieate this pioblem
anu no amount of flip-flopping oi spinning can hiue hei iecoiu fiom voteis this

"Boiuei secuiity is my top piioiity. I've been veiy vocal anu passionate about this
issue foi yeais. As Lieutenant uoveinoi, I will uo eveiything in my powei to funu
boiuei secuiity at levels iecommenueu by Texas Law enfoicement on a 247S6S
uay basis. We must uo all we can to piotect Texans until Washington meets its
iesponsibility to secuie oui boiuei anu pass iesponsible legal immigiation iefoim".


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