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Welcome to Dropbox!

Unlike other programs, Dropbox doesn't have a complicated interface to learn. It's built right into your
desktop! ere's ho! to get started"
Step 1: Drag and drop any file or folder into your Dropbox folder.
Step 2: #nce your file$folder is inside your Dropbox folder, the program immediately starts syncing it to
our secure servers. #nce this has finished, the file's icon is marked !ith a green check. %our file is no!
safely backed up online and also accessible from the Dropbox !ebsite. &http"$$!!!'
Step 3: Install Dropbox &http"$$!!!$install' on other computers you use, and they'll also
receive a copy of the files you've put in your Dropbox.
(hat's it! )o! that Dropbox is !atching your file, any changes you make !ill sync up instantly and
automatically. (his gives you the freedom to !ork on any computer you choose. *or more help adding
files to Dropbox, see here" https"$$!!!$help$+,
appy Dropboxing!
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About Dummy Text

Dummy text: Its function as a filler or as a tool for

comparing the visual impression of different typefaces
Dummy text is text that is use in the publishing inustry or by !eb esigners to occupy the
space !hich !ill later be "ille !ith #real# content$ This is re%uire !hen& "or example& the "inal
text is not yet a'ailable$ Dummy text is also (no!n as #"ill text#$ It is sai that song composers o"
the past use ummy texts as lyrics !hen !riting meloies in orer to ha'e a #reay)mae# text to
sing !ith the meloy$ Dummy texts ha'e been in use by typesetters since the *+th century$
The usefulness of nonsensical content
Dummy text is also use to emonstrate the appearance o" i""erent type"aces an layouts& an in
general the content o" ummy text is nonsensical$ Due to its !iesprea use as "iller text "or
layouts& non)reaability is o" great importance, human perception is tune to recogni-e certain
patterns an repetitions in texts$ I" the istribution o" letters an #!ors# is ranom& the reaer
!ill not be istracte "rom ma(ing a neutral .ugement on the 'isual impact an reaability o"
the type"aces /typography0& or the istribution o" text on the page /layout or type area0$ For this
reason& ummy text usually consists o" a more or less ranom series o" !ors or syllables$ This
pre'ents repetiti'e patterns "rom impairing the o'erall 'isual impression an "acilitates the
comparison o" i""erent type"aces$ Furthermore& it is a'antageous !hen the ummy text is
relati'ely realistic so that the layout impression o" the "inal publication is not compromise$
Incomprehensibility or readability? That is the question.
The most !ell)(no!n ummy text is the #Lorem Ipsum#& !hich is sai to ha'e originate in the
*+th century$ Lorem Ipsum is compose in a pseuo)Latin language !hich more or less
correspons to #proper# Latin$ It contains a series o" real Latin !ors$ This ancient ummy text is
also incomprehensible& but it imitates the rhythm o" most European languages in Latin script$
The a'antage o" its Latin origin an the relati'e meaninglessness o" Lorum Ipsum is that the
text oes not attract attention to itsel" or istract the 'ie!er#s attention "rom the layout$
1ne isa'antage o" Lorum Ipsum is that in Latin certain letters appear more "re%uently than
others ) !hich creates a istinct 'isual impression$ Moreo'er& in Latin only !ors at the
beginning o" sentences are capitali-e2 this means that Lorem Ipsum cannot accurately represent&
"or example& German& in !hich all nouns are capitali-e$ Thus& Lorem Ipsum has only limite
suitability as a 'isual "iller "or German texts$ I" the "ill text is intene to illustrate the
characteristics o" i""erent type"aces& it sometimes ma(es sense to select texts containing the
'arious letters an symbols speci"ic to the output language$
There is no! an abunance o" reaable ummy texts$ These are usually use !hen a text is
re%uire purely to "ill a space$ These alternati'es to the classic Lorem Ipsum texts are o"ten
amusing an tell short& "unny or nonsensical stories$
rigin and meaning of the !orem Ipsum text
Accoring to most sources& Lorum Ipsum can be trace bac( to a text compose by 3icero in 45
63$ Allegely& a Latin scholar establishe the origin o" the text by compiling all the instances o"
the unusual !or #consectetur# he coul "in an e'entually recogni-e it as a passage "rom #De
"inibus bonorum et malorum# /1n the extremes o" Goo an E'il0 by 3icero& a boo( that !as
'ery popular in the Mile Ages, 78e%ue porro %uis%uam est& %ui olorem ipsum& %uia olor sit&
amet& consectetur& aipisci 'elit$$$ 7 /Approximately, 78or is there anyone !ho lo'es or pursues
or esires to obtain pain o" itsel"& because it is pain$$$70$ A typical Lorem Ipsum text goes li(e
this, 7Lorem ipsum olor sit amet& consectetur aipisici elit& se eiusmo tempor inciunt ut
labore et olore magna ali%ua$ 9t enim a minim $$$7$
It seems that only "ragments o" the original text remain in the Lorem Ipsum texts use toay$ 1ne
may speculate that o'er the course o" time certain letters !ere ae or elete at 'arious
positions !ithin the text$ This might also explain !hy one can no! "in slightly i""erent
'ersions$ Due to the age o" the Lorem Ipsum text there are no copyright issues to conten !ith$
In the *:+;s& the text suenly became (no!n beyon the pro"essional circle o" typesetters an
layout esigners !hen it !as use "or Letraset sheets /ahesi'e letters on transparent "ilm&
popular until the *:<;s0 =ersions o" the text !ere subse%uently inclue in DT> programmes
such as >ageMa(er etc$
"utomatic recognition of !orem Ipsum during the pre-press
The sprea o" computers an layout programmes thus mae ummy text better (no!n$ ?hile in
earlier times se'eral lines o" the Lorem Ipsum text !ere repeate in the creation o" ummy texts&
toay the "ull text o" 3icero#s #De "inibus# ser'es as the basis "or many ummy text or Lorem
Ipsum generators$ 6ase on #De "inibus#& these generators automatically create longer sections o"
the Lorem Ipsum text or 'arious other "iller texts$
The phrasal se%uence o" the Lorem Ipsum text is no! so !iesprea an commonplace that
many DT> programmes can generate ummy text using the starting se%uence 7Lorem ipsum7$
Fortunately& the phrase #Lorem Ipsum# is no! recogni-e by electronic pre)press systems an&
!hen "oun& an alarm can be raise$ This a'ois a publication going to print !ith o'erloo(e
ummy text$
3ertain internet pro'iers exploit the "act that "ill text cannot be recogni-e by automatic search
engines ) meaning"ul in"ormation cannot be istinguishe "rom meaningless, Target)generate
ummy text mixe !ith a certain combination o" search terms can lea to an increase "re%uency
o" 'isits by search machine users$ As a conse%uence& a'ertising re'enues& !hich rely on !ebsite
#hits#& are increase$
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