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From the Chiefs Desks By: Chief James Trzaski & Assistant Chief Brian DeGeorge

We hope everyone is enjoying their summer. With the Carnival behind us and a typical lull in
department activities, it is a perfect time to catch up on things. We have been busy behind the
scenes scheduling appointments for physicals and getting equipment and apparatus updated
with yearly inspections. SOP's are being reviewed and some updating will be taking place.
Last month we asked what some of the inherent problems are that contribute to some
members lack of involvement. In the Top Six answers were the phrase " No Consequences".
We have interpreted that to mean whether you are active or not, the rewards are the same.
We have developed several spreadsheets to track member's progress throughout the year. Our
goal, as officers, is to enable everyone to reach at least the minimum qualifications for the
Service Awards. We will schedule trainings, activities and present plenty of opportunities for
members to reach their goal, however we need members to take advantage of these

We realize that everyone has joined our department for different reasons and during different
stages of our life we have varied amounts of time that we can commit. However, our Number
One priority is to provide the best and most professional emergency services to our
community. With this in mind , it is imperative that we stay focused and committed to our
mission statement and department core values. It is proven that your reaction to a situation is
based directly to your training and past experiences. So, we are asking our members to renew
their commitment to training. We understand that our time is a most precious asset. Our
intent is to create meaningful training that is relevant to our department and enhances
members safety.

We also realize that our more Senior members can be a great influence to our newer
members. It is often said that " These new guys have no clue". Although we don't fully sign
onto those thoughts, to some extent that is a true statement. Do the new guys not have a clue"
or have they not been lead by their senior members? Yes ,the new generation may seem selfish,
arrogant, unmotivated and perhaps even whiners but I believe this is mainly a mislead
perception. The newer generation has been brought up with instant information at their
finger tips and ask questions to why we do things....they challenge us! Now we must except
that challenge and impart our knowledge so they may become our future leaders. Thank you
to everyone for the time you give and enjoy the rest of your summer!!

Jim and Brian
Fire Calls = 10
EMS Calls = 32
Congratulations To
Shane Henion
Michael McGee
Matthew Rau
Matthew Testani
For Successfully Completing
The Firefighter II Class
at Wolcott Fire School
The Captains Corner By: Captain Howard Leeper
Hello All!
Id like to say thank you to all who helped with Julys Training. I have heard all positive
responses from members who attended.
August Training ~ We will be playing in the water and working with the boat. Id like to have
EMS involved too. All are welcome and encouraged to attend!!
Beacon Hose will be hosting a Forcible Entry Class by the Valley Fire School. This will be a
great class to gain some tips. The Fire School is holding many classes and they are posted on
the board in the Meeting Room.
Thank you for your support and hope to see you at training.
Stay Safe and Happy Summer
Farm Market Friday!!
WHEN: Every Friday Until October
3:00pm and 6:00pm
WHERE: The Parking Lot Between The
Firehouse And Torreiras
Local Venders Selling
Fresh Produce, Flowers, Baked Goods & More!!!
*Please Support Local Farming*
August 3rd-9th is
National Farmers Market Week!!
The Lieutenants Seat By: 1st Lieutenant Paul DeGeorge, Jr.
Portable Water Extinguishers are effective tools during fire attack. Until the initial attack
hoseline is in position to attack the fire, the portable pressurized water extinguisher, aka The
Can allows a firefighter to get close to a door where fire is extending out and close it,
confining the fire to that area of the structure. The can is also useful when protecting a
member conducting a search for victims by allowing the firefighter to access areas past the fire
or protecting the escape route back to safety.
TIP: The portable water fire extinguisher can be used in a multitude of situations and in
different types of fires. It can be used on Class A and some Class B fires. If using on a Class B
fire, place a finger over the nozzle tip to produce a fine spray. The spray pattern is also useful
on other types of fires as well; this pattern achieves a cooling effect with better applications.
Do NOT use on electrical fires. **Fire Rescue 1 News**
Looking for a quick delicious lunch
at a great price??????
Stop by and see Chef Kristen Trzaski
Between the Firehouse and Torreiras
Every Monday thru Friday..Sarah Permitting :)
From 11:00am to Sold Out
Hot Dogs, Chips, Soda, Water & Sweet Treats
Great Daily Specials TOOOOO!!!!!!!!
August 2nd ~ 3rd Crew # 1
August 9th ~ 10th Crew # 2
August 16th ~ 17th Crew # 3
August 23rd ~ 24th Crew #4
August 30th ~ 31st Crew # 5
Whats Up At BHC In August
4th ~ Monthly Meeting
6th ~ Captain Trzaskis Retirement Party
15th ~ Bridgewater Parade
16th ~ Winsted Parade
T.B.A. ~ EMS Training Meeting
22nd ~ Kent Parade
23rd ~ Citizens Lobster/Steak Dinner
27th ~ Department Officers Meeting
Special Thanks!!!
BHC would like to thank
Ed Hanson of Hanson Farms, Beacon Valley Road
For his most generous donation of
Mr. Hanson presented Chief Trzaski with his
donation on Friday, August 1st at the
Farmers Market
For all of you Beacon Falls
Natives old enough to
remember the Naugy News
Mystery Photo
Here is our version!!!!
While working for the
Naugatuck News, Jeremy
Rodorigo would travel around
town taking photos and
challenging subscribers to name
and identify the location where
the Mystery Photo was taken.
Who am I????? Can you guess??????
(Thanks to James Comeau for sharing this great slogan)
On average, 38 children die in hot cars each year from heat-related deaths after being trapped
inside motor vehicles. Even the best of parents or caregivers can unknowingly leave a
sleeping baby in a car; and the end result can be injury or even death!!!!
Check out our website @ for more on Summer Vehicle Safety!!
35 North Main Street
Beacon Falls, CT 06403
Phone: (203) 729-1470
Fax: (203) 723-2209
Visit us at
Like us on Facebook
Beacon Hose Company No. 1 is dedicated
to the protection of life, property and the
environment from the effects of fire,
medical emergencies and
hazardous conditions
August Birthdays
Ian Speanburg ~ 10th
Kathleen Kelly ~ 13th
Pattie Crossley ~ 14th
Arthur Daigle ~ 18th
William Gavrish ~ 19th
Jonathan Fitzpatrick ~ 24th
Kenneth Ventresca ~ 26th
Jennifer Hemstreet ~ 27th
To Jeffrey and Michele
August 19th

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