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List of Medicines with Symptoms

Biochemic (i.e. white tablets in brown glass bottles with blue caps):-
1. Five Phos
This medicine provides the necessary nutrition to nerves, brain and bones. A general tonic for
all chronic diseases, general debility and exhaustion with lack of vitality. It also covers
neurasthenia, anxiety states, impaired memory and physical and mental exhaustion due to

2. Number 5
First stage remedy for inflammatory febrile, catarrhal conditions of cold and cough, coryza
with dull headache specially suited to sensitive persons. Sneezing, continuous thick white
watery discharge or yellowish white discharge due to inflamed mucous membranes.
Medicines ( i.e. round globules in transparent bottles)
Silicea 30 (Pharyngitis)

o Oversensitivity to cold
o Chronic catarrh of pharynx; sore throat

Hepar Sulf 30 (Sore throat, indigestion
o With pus formation; shooting and piercing pain; oversensitive to cold, touch etc.
o Accumulation of mucous, loose cough, difficult respiration, worse by cold and in cold air.
o Severe bloating; frequent belching; faintness in morning; desire for spicy food

Bryonia 30 ( cold , indigestion
o dry cough; headache, wants to lie still and alone; better by pressure; tongue is white;
o Distress in stomach soon after food, heartburn, hiccough
Kali Bi 30 ( cough and cold, )
o Accumulation of mucous in larynx and rattling in chest.
o Nose stuffed up; obstructed; very dry; discharge yellow mucous, nose feels heavy, septum
o Headache due to sinusitis, pressure and pain at root of nose

Arsenic 1M 9( Sore throat, sneezing, Vomiting
Dryness and burning in throat
Vomiting with burning pain in the stomach;
Food poisoning, over eating , and anxiety ; gastroenteritis

Nux Vomica 1M (Vomiting, migraine
o Gastric complaints due to worry or sedentary life
o Mental over exertion
o Aching in limbs and back
o Stuffed up nose at night
o Very chilly and feels cold even in bed
o Exposure intensifies the sensation of cold

Aloes 30
o Offensive flatus; rumbling in abdomen, loose motions,
China 30 (FEVER)
o Chill, worse by motion better by warmth.
o Vomiting, diarrhoea
o Loose motions
Iris V 30
o Indigestion, colic

Colocynth 30
o Stomach ache
Ipecac 30 ( Vomiting
o Constant nausea
o Hoarseness from cold or congestion of vocal cord
o Gastroenteritis
Eupatorium Perf 30 (Fever)
o Sever aching bone pains as if bones are broken, bursting headache ;shivering and chills;
eyeball sore
Merc sol 30 (Sore throat, fever)
o Excess of saliva; Pus formation without pain in throat
o Fever with loose stools
o Ulceration in mouth and tongue
How to take medicines
1. Choose medicine by symptoms which best fits your assessment.
2. If severe take first at an interval of 10 minutes; three dose
3. Later after some relief take medicines at 2 hour intervals
4. On further relief increase the duration of medicine to morning, afternoon, evening and night
5. Stop when healed
6. Take 4 globules at a time
7. Do not eat anything 10 mins before or after taking medicine
8. Keep your medicine properly capped and do not touch it by hand
9. Keep it safe as it does not expire for next use.

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