De Tuyen THPT Vinh Phuc 08-09

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S GD & T Vnh phc

chnh thc
thi tuyn vo lp 10 THT
n!" h#c $00%&$00'
Mn: Ting Anh
Thi gian lm bi: 60 pht
--------- Th sinh lm bi ln t thi ---------
() *hoo+, th, -o./ in ,0ch 1.oup th0t h0+ un/,.lin,/ p0.t
p.onounc,/ /i2,.,ntly 3.o" th, .,+t4
1.A.usage B.message C.village D.age
2.A.ache B.chorus C.chip D.schedule
3.A.most B.nose C.purpose D.hold
.A.good B.!oo" C.!oot D.#oot
$.A. touched B. %eighed C. removed D. rein#orced
(() *hoo+, th, 5,+t 0n+-,. to co"pl,t, th, 3ollo-in1 +,nt,nc,+4
&. M' mother %ishes she (((((( !eauti#ul and 'oung #orever.
A. can !e B. %ould !e C. %ould D. can
). *he #ailed the e+am (((((( she studied hard.
A. as B. %hen C. eventhough D. and
,. -ou have read this novel. (((((( /
A. haven0t 'ou B. don0t 'ou C. have 'ou D. do 'ou
1. 2e has (((((. interesting !oo" that %e all %ant to !orro% it.
A. such B. such a C. such an D. so
13. Than" 'ou #or loo"ing (((((.. the children %hile 4 %as out.
A. at B. a#ter C. #or D. up
11. Tam Dao is one o# the ((((( areas o# 5inh 6huc 6rovince.
A. mountains B. mountainousl' C. mountainous D. mountaineer
12. M' !rother loves (((((. to music ver' much.
A. listened B. to !e listened C. to listen D. listening
13. The 'ear (((((. %e visited 2ue %as 111,.
A. %hen B. in the time C. %hich D. that
1. M' !i"e (((((. 'esterda' !' m' #ather.
A. %as repaired B. repaired C. is repaired D. repairs
1$. 2e ((((( the piano since he %as a child.
A. practises B. %as practising C. practised D. has practised
1&. 2e said he ((((( return later.
A. %ould !e B .can C. %ould D. %ill
1). 78hen is 2allo%een /7 74t0s ((((( octo!er.7
A. in B. #or C. on D. at
1,. 2e suggested ((((((. to the cinema.
A. go B. %e %ent C. to go D. going
11. 4# 'ou ((((( time. please %rite to me.
A. had B. have C. have had D. %ill have
23. The little girl. (((((.. has 9ust gone out. is m' niece.
A. %hich B. she C. %ho D. that
((() *hoo+, th, un/,.lin,/ -o./ o. ph.0+, 67898* o. D: th0t n,,/+
21. :oo" at the t%o dictionar's and 'ou %ill see the' are the same in some
22. This is the !est place %hich 4 have ever seen
23. There is no %ater in the house. 4# there is. %e could coo" dinner.
2. 8ould 'ou mind turn on the light. please / 4t0s too dar" #or me to read.
2$. *he did her test care#ul last %ee".
(V) ;,0/ th, p0++01, c0.,3ully 0n/, th, 5,+t 0n+-,.)
An ;2&< ((((.. num!er o# people are no% going on holida' to =g'pt.
:ast 'ear. #or e+ample. a!out one a nd a hal# million tourists ;2)< ((((
=g'pt. The population o# =g'pt is a!out >#t' million and the capital is =l
?ahira ;Cairo<. a !us' cit' o# 9ust under nine million people. ;2,< ((((. the
climate is hot and dr' and most o# the countr' is desert. the average ;21<
(((( #rom @cto!er to March is not too high. The most #amous sights are
the p'ramids at AiBa. 2o%ever. it is also pleasant to visit Ale+andria. 6ort
*aid and serveral other places and do as ;33< (((( as possi!le in the time
availa!le. A trip to :e+or is an un#orgeta!le e+perience. and there are
#reCuent Dights there #rom Cairo.
2&. A. increased B. amusingl' C. increasing D.
2). A. have visited B. visit C. visiting D. visited
2,. A. Although B. Because o# C. Because D. And
21. A. measure B. temperature C. climate D. %eather
33. A. seeing B. loo"ing C. vie%ing D. sightseeing
V) ;,0/ 0n/, th, 5,+t 0n+-,.)
Bet%een the months o# Eovem!er and Ma' a %ind !lo%s #rom the %est
in most part o# 4ndonesia. 4t comes #rom ocean and carries rain. Clouds !uild
up around the mountains. and ever' a#ternoon rain #alls. The rain is al%a's
heav'. and rivers no% !ecome dangerous. 8hen it rains the %hole da'. the'
ma' suddenl' overDo% and cause great damage to the land.
Most #armers are glad %hen the %et season !egins. There is %ater #or
their >elds and the' can again start gro%ing rice. But people in to%n are not
so glad #or the streets soon get mudd' and dirt'. The' pre#er the dr' seasons
%hen the' can sit outside and en9o' cool evening.
31. 8hat come #rom the ocean /
A. a river B. a %ind C. a rain D. a cloud
32. 8hat causes the rain /
A. Clouds !uilding up around the mountains B. The a#ternoon
C. The mountains D. The ocean
33. 8hat damages the land /
A. The %et season B. The overDo% o# the rivers
C. The dru season D. The sudden rain
3. 8h' can #armers start gro%ing rice again /
A. Because the land has !een damaged. B. Because the river overDo%
C. Because There is %ater #or their >elds D. Because the dr'
season has !egun
3$. 8h' are people in to%n not so happ' in the %et season /
A. Because the streets are #ull o# mud. B. Because the evenings are
C. Because the' are mudd' and dirt' D. Because the' can sit
V() *hoo+, on, +,nt,nc, th0t h0+ th, +0", ",0nin1 0+ th, .oot on,)
3&. "I'm working now", said she.
A. *he said that she %ill have %or"ed no% B. *he said that she is
%or"ing no%
C. *he said that she %ill !e %or"ing then D. *he said that she %as
%or"ing then
3). *hall %e go to the supermar"et /
A. :et0s to go to the supermar"et. B. :et0s go to the supermar"et.
C. :et go to the supermar"et. D. :et %e go to the
3,. She thanks me or lending her m! "nglish grammar book.
A. *he than"s me #or !orro%ing her m' =nglish grammar !oo".
B. *he is than"#ul #or me lending her m' =nglish grammar !oo".
C. *he is than"#ul to me #or lending her m' =nglish grammar !oo".
A. *he is than"#ul #or lending her m' =nglish grammar !oo".
31. #eter #ike $se dto dri%e a ta&i.
A. 2e is used to driving a ta+i B. 2e still drives a ta+i
C. 2e doesn0t drive a ta+i an' more D. 2e got used to driving a
3. She t!'ed this re'ort !esterda! morning
A. This report %as t'ped 'esterda' morning
B. This report %as !eing t'ped 'esterda' morning
C. This report t'ped 'esterda' morning
D. This report is t'ped 'esterda' morning
<p <n = thi >S vo lp 10 THT
n!" h#c $00'&$010
Mn: Ting Anh
MGi HIp In HJng HKc 3.2$ HiLm
*?u h@i 1 2 3 $
<p <n D C C C C
*?u h@i & ) , 1 13
<p <n B C A C B
*?u h@i 11 12 13 1 1$
<p <n C D A A D
*?u h@i 1& 1) 1, 11 23
<p <n C A D B C
*?u h@i 21 22 23 2 2$
<p <n A C B B C
*?u h@i 2& 2) 2, 21 33
<p <n C D A B D
*?u h@i 31 32 33 3 3$
<p <n B A B C C
*?u h@i 3& 3) 3, 31 3
<p <n D B C C A

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