Name: Student S Number:: Relative Clauses - Obtenido de Topics: 7, 8 and 9

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Name: Students number:

Course title:
English IV
Teachers name:

Module: 3
Reported Speech, Passive Voice and
Relative Clauses
Modular Learning Outcome 3
Date: Team: It does not apply
Text book:
McCarthy, Michael. Et al. Touchstone Full Contact 4.
Cambridge University Press, 2008.
ISBN 9780521757409
Chapter(s). Unit 9
TecMilenio, U. (05 th de March de 2014). Module 3: Reported Speech, Passice Voice and
Relative Clauses . Obtenido de Topics: 7, 8 and 9:

Answer the exercises of the checkpoint, using all knowledge learned in
this module.
Use causative get and have to talk about getting things done.

1) I read the information of the book from topic 7 to 9.
2) I reviewed grammar from the explanation.
3) I read my MLO3 on blackboard.
4) I wrote my conclusion.
5) I sent my homework.

1 What would you have done?
A Complete the story using the correct forms of the verbs and expressions in
the box.
Apply for a credit card Get an allowance
Get out of debt Have a budget
Invest money in Keep track of
Pay good interest Pay in cash
Set aside money Take out a loan

When Andrew was growing up, he was careful with his money. He got an
allowance every week from his parents, and because he wanted to go to
college, he set aside money every month. He opened a savings account that
pay good interest, so his savings grew. In college, he didnt have much money,
but he apply for a credit card and stuck to it. He had a budget of the money he
spent, and when he bought things, he always paid in cash. But then, Andrew
won $ 1 million in lottery, and everything changed. He didnt invest money in
stocks and bonds. Instead, he went on a spending spree. He bought a house, a
car, clothes, and computers, and he spent a lot on travel and entertainment.
Soon he had nothing left, so he kept track of and started charging his everyday
expenses. To pay his college tuition fees, he took out a loan, which he is still
paying off. Andrew has a good job now, but he still hasnt get out of debt.

C pair work Take turns retelling Andrews story. Use the expressions
Apparently, Evidently, and I heard that. Do any parts of it remind you of similar
stories or experiences? Share them using That reminds me or Thats like.

2 How many words can you remember?
Complete the charts with nouns and adjectives. How many words can you think
of to describe personal qualities or emotions? Compare with a partner. Then
ask and answer questions using words from your charts.

Honesty Loyalty Liberty
Delay Cruelty Democracy
Beauty Autocracy Brutality

Happy Beautiful Allergic
Addictive Careful Energetic
Attractive Different Awesome

4 Want some help?
A Complete the conversations with words like ow, ouch, oops, ooh, ugh, uh-oh,
and shoot. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. Then practice with a
1. A: Ow! I just got an electric shock, I should get than iron fixed.
B: ouch! I bet that hurt. Are you OK?

2. A: Ugh! My computer just crashed again. I can`t understand it. It
keeps happening.
B: uh-oh! Maybe you`ve got a virus. Do you want me to look at it.

3. A: Uh-oh! I`m hungry. Do you want a snack?
B: Sure. Let`s see. Do you want some scrambled eggs?
A: Yuck! I can`t stand eggs.
B: Oops! I just dropped them. Oh, well, never mind.

B Pair work: make each sentence shorter if possible, and practice again. Can
you continue the conversations?

A Ow! Just got a shock. I should get that fixed.
B Ouch! Bet that hurt. You OK?
A Yeah. Think so. Guess I ought to

In this module I learned verbs that take an infinitive or gerund form to talk about
services we received, or things done by others. Also, I learned to express things
that should be done. In addition, I can describe and present a problem and how
I plan to solve it. Offer a solution and explain the benefits and explain how the
solution will be implemented.

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