Definitions, OB/Peds

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OB Key Terms

Ch 4-Physiologic and Psychological Changes During Pregnancy

Braxton Hicks Contractions- Intermittent, painless uterine contractions that occur during pregnancy.
They become stronger and more evident in the last trimester and are sometimes mistaken for true
labor signs.
Chloasma-(gravidarum) Increased pigmentation of the face during pregnancy that fades after
delivery; also known as the mask of pregnancy!or melasma.
Colostrum-Yellowish secretion from the breasts before the onset of true lactation.
Diastasis recti abdominis- " separation of the rectus abdominis
muscles in the midline.
Effacement-Thinning and shortening of the cervi# before and during labor.
ordosis- "bnormal anterior curvature of the lumbar spine.
!ia"ele#s $ule-$ethod to calculate the e#pected date of birth; count back % months from the first day
of the last menstrual cycle, and add & days.
Orthostatic Hy%otension- 'ecrease in blood pressure when shifting to sitting or standing from a lying
down position.
&triae 'ra(idarum- Irregular pinkish or purplish streaks (stretch marks) resulting from the stretching
and tearing of connective tissue during pregnancy. They generally appear on the abdomen, breasts,
and thighs.
&u%ine Hy%otensi(e &yndrome-(owered blood pressure and decreased pulse in the supine position
resulting from compression of the inferior vena cava by pressure of the gravid uterus.
Trimesters- " 3-month period representing one third of the gestational time.
Ch )- Health Care and Fetal Assessment During Pregnancy
Cleansin" Breath- " deep breath taken at the beginning and end of each labor contraction.
Doulas- professionally trained to provide support during labor to the woman and her partner.
Effleura"e- " slight stroking movement of the fingertips over the abdomen during labor; used as a
distraction for pain relief during contractions.
Ke"al Exercises- )onscious tightening and rela#ing of the pubococcygeal muscles, which strengthens
the vagina and perineum.
ama*e Techni+ue- " techni*ue taught in childbirth education classes that teaches women ways to
decrease their perception of pain during the childbirth e#perience.
eo%oid#s ,aneu(ers- " series of four maneuvers (abdominal palpation) designed to provide a
systematic approach to determine fetal presentation and position.
,y-late- provides a *uick reference for recommendations needed for a healthy diet.
-aced Breathin"- (earned breathing techni*ue used during labor contractions to promote rela#ation
and increase pain tolerance.
-el(ic Tilt Exercise- "n e#ercise to strengthen abdominal muscles and reduce backache; often used
during pregnancy
-ica- )onsumption of substances ordinarily considered inedible (e."., laundry starch or red clay).
-reconce%tion Care- +ealth care and screening before pregnancy; can identify medical risks or
lifestyle behaviors that can be managed before conception.
/alsal(a#s ,aneu(er- Increasing pressure within the abdomen and thora# by holding one,s breath and
pushing against the glottis.

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