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In a humanistic SOciety where the

State is God, the worst anathema, the

number one sin, is discrimation. After
all, we are told, basically good
and the humanistic ideal of
egalitarianism has been universally
accepted. Consequently, it is unfair
for people to be treated differently for
any reason and it is certainly unfair for
one person to have more money, land
or a better car than anyone else. (One
wonders how the humanistic elite will
solve the problem of unequal
intelligence). As a result of the
prevailing egalitarianism,
eve):l the most atrocious and
wicked legislation can be
ramrodded through
Congress if only it carries
the words "Civil Rights" or
"anti-discrimination" in its
title: What congressman
would want to answer
accusations that he is against
civil rights? HoW is anyone
who favors discrimination
going to be re-elected? In
our "enlightened" age to
discriminate against
anything is something on
the order of being opposed
to mom, apple pie, and baseball.
Riding on the tidal wave of this
anti-discrimination, civil rights
crescendo come the advocates for
homosexual rights. Over the course of
the last several years, the major media
has saturated the minds of the
American public with so much
prochomosexual proganda that it is
almost impOssible to sit through a
single edition of the CBS Evening News
or National Public Radio's All Things
Distorted, without hearing some gooey,
icky, sticky, hearHending, senrimental
report on how poor oppressed
homosexuals are unfairly treated and
how heartless are the American people
for not "caring" about the AIDS crisis.
It is amazing to me that the media
constantly portray those who die of a
veneral disease as noble martyrs dying
for a sacred cause. The AIDS crisis:
discrimination rears its ugly headagain!
It is clear, however, that the God of
the universe is a discriminating God.
The Lord declares in Romans 9: 13
'jacob I have loved, but Esau I have
hated." God discriminated against
Esau, even before the children were born
(see Rom. 9:11). In Acts 13:48 we
learn thatasa result of Paul's preaching
of the gospel to the Gentiles that "as
many as had been appointed to eternal
life believed." Sovereign election, by
definition, is an act of discrimination.
God chooses some for salvation and
passes by others. God has His reasons
for discrimating. Discrimination,
therefore, is not evil in itself. The Bible
also clearly teaches that God
discriminates against homosexuals.
We learu in I Corinthians 6:9 that
"Neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor
adulterers, nor homosexuals (those
submitting to homosexual sex), nor
sodomites (those actively performing
homosexual sex}... will inherit the
kingdom of God." God discriminates
against unrepentant homosexuals by
not allOwing them into His holy
Kingdom. Furthermore, God demands
that His people discriminate against
those who practice sodomy. Leviticus
19 decribes the homosexual act as an
18 THE COUNSEL of Chalcedon JannarylFebrnary 1994
abomination. The chapter further
describes the land where
homosexuality is openly tolerated as
being defiled. To condone open
homosexual behavior is to have a
defiled land. The land is defiled not so
much because homosexual behavior
may occasionally take place, but
because God's people allow it to be
practiced openly. In this way rebellion
is flaunted in the face of God. God will
judge such a defiled land. God's law
repeatedly commands God's people to
remove the wicked person that the
land might not be defiled
(Deut. 21:22,23).
Jesus Christ
commands His Church to
take seriously her civic
responsibility to speak out
on the important moral
issues of the day. Thefew
Christians who have the
courage to speak out
against homosexuality are
often criticized by other
professing Christians as
possessing a dearth of
"love and compassion." I
believe it to be absolutely
critical for the health and
prosperity of our nation for all of our
citizens to understand the biblical and
Christian perspective on this
controversial issue. Our once Christian
land has been defiled by the wicked
precisely because Christians have
abdicated theirresponsibility to be the
salt and light of Almightly God.
As a Christian pastor, I am greatly
concerned about the growing
anti -Christian bigotry espoused by
radical homosexual organizations. A
fellow Presbyterian pastor in San
Francisco, who is a contributing editor
to this magazine, has had his home
fire-bombed (he and his family barely
escaping death) in addition to enduring
repeated death threats and disruption
of worship services. I highly
recommend his fine book, When the
Wicked SeiZe a City. It is a compelling mE BIBLICAL TEACHING murderers, rapists, child molesters and
story of Chuck and Donna McIlhenny's ON HOMOSEXUALITY thieves. It is an insane idea even to
courageous snuggle to be faithful to The Bible has been man's objective consider. The Bible, the objective
GodinthesodomycapitaloftheUnited standard of right and wrong since standard of morality for man,
States. Moses first penned God's unequivocaUydeclareshomosexuality
A popular tactic employed by commandments around 1400 B.C. If to be a sin and a crime. (See Genesis
homosexual organizations is one in the Scriptures of the Old and New 1:27,28; 2:24; Leviticus 18:22-30; I
which they seekto compare the CUlTent Testaments are not accepted as the Corinthians 6:9-10). It is not to be
outcry forthe rights of homosexuals to absolute standard of morality, then tolerated by any society which seeks
the struggle for civil lights for blacks moral laws are reduced to conventions the blessings of the Almighty. A man
earlier this century. Opposition to among men. If that is true, then and a woman, united outwardly in the
homoseX\lal rights can in no way be ;tnything is possible because there is institution of holy mattimony, united
compared to some sort of mindless no standard for justice. Without an inwardly by love and affection, and
prejudice of. a majority against a objective standard of right and wrong, united physically in the sexual
minority. Christians who speak relationship, reflect the image
out against equal lights for .------------------., of God and are the means of
homosexuals are not acting out "The AIOS epidemic is a transmitting and nurturing
of a hateful prejudice which life, and it is that life, the
seeks to revoke the access of direct judgment upon our family, which is the
minorities to the benefits of t" I d h foundation of society.
mainstream society. Because na Ion In genera an 0- Homosexualityis a perversion
God has created the entire mosexuals in particular for of God's created order and
human race from one (Acts contrary to producing life,
17:26) biblical Christians abhor tolerating and encouraging produces nothing but death,
all folTUS of racial prejudice. homosexual behavior." destruction and despair. The
When, however, it comes to AID S epidemic is a direct
opposing rights for homo- judgment upon our nation in
sexuals, we are not dealing with the man makes up his own standard. general and homosexuals in particular
oppressionofaminority, we are dealing Historically, this has been accompanied for tolerating and encouraging
with the restraining of a Sinful, by terrible consequences. Nazi homosexual behavior. The Apostle
dangerous activity. God does not Gennany,forexample,decidedthatit Paul writes "Likewise also the men,
discriminateraciaUy, nor does He allow was perfectlyjusttoexterminateJews. leaving the natural use of the woman,
His people to do so, but God always Who is to say they were wrong? Ifman bumed in their lust for one another,
has discriminated against immoral determines morality without an men with men committing what is
behavior. Noone living a life of objective standard, there is no basis to shameful, and receiving ill themselves
unrepentant sin can join Westtninster say they are wrong! Homosexuals must the penalty oj their error which was due
Presbyterian Church, nor is just any be discriminated against because God (Romans 1:27). Yes, I realize that
Christian qualified to be an elder. God declares that homosexuality is an evil, "innocent" people sometimes contract
sets down disCriminating qualifications pervened behavior. It is an act, not a AIDS. When God judges a nation,
based on knowledge, maturity, and minority group. In fact, the Bible even the righteous must suffer to a
holiness of life. Society rightly declares homosexuality to be more certain extent. The Righteous in Israel
discriminates against convicted felons thanasin, itis declared to bea criminal and Judah suffered alone with the
(denying them the light to bear arms act which carries the death penalty umighteous when God brought the
and vote) nor does society allow (Leviticus 20: 13). Indeed, the Oliginal judgments of war, famine and plague.
pedophiles to operate day care centers laws of most states rellected biblical Still, the vast majOlity of AIDS cases
or convicted rapists to be custodians morality by making homosexual belong to homosexuals.
in women's dormitories. Discrimation activity a crime. It is still a crime in
against unwanted or immoral behavior many States, including Louisiana. THE PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE
is an absolute neceSSity. Without such Giving equal rights to homosexuals
disClimination, civilization would be would therefore fall in the same
impossiblefor there would be anarchy, category as providing equal rights for
From a public health standpoint
alone, it would be exceedingly
dangerous to grant homosexuals the
Jannaryll'ebruary 1994 f. THE COUNSEL of Chalcedon 19
"right" to commit the despicable and
atrocious acts associated with
homosexuality. If people believe that
homosexuaIsarejustlike heterosexuals
who carry on a loving monogamous
relationship with one partner they are
fooling themselves. There is nothing
remotely resembling love in a
homosexual relationShip. If the reader
had the courage to enter a "gay"
bookstore he would find a cornucopia
of violent pornography. There would
be books on bestiality, pedophilia,
sado-masochism, physiogeny,
necrophilia, dementiogeny, and
biliaphilia. Monogamousrelationships
in the homosexual community are
exceedingly rare. According to the
January 1984issue of Psychology Today
(hardly a right-wing or Christian
oriented magazine) 50% of male
homosexuals surveyed had over 500
sexual partners. The article also nmed
that AIDS victims averaged over 1100
partners. This kind of promiscuity leads
to an incredibly high inCidence of
disease among homosexuals.
Although AIDS has captured the
media spotlight and is the mOSl
dangerous disease associated with '.
Q.omosexual behavior, sodomy and
other perverted homosexual practi<:e$
(which this magazine would not print
if I were to describe them) breed a
veritable zoo of exotic diseases. These
include: fecal .incontinence; rectal
gonorrhea; amebiasis, a colon disease
caused by parasites; giardiasis, a
parasitic bowel disease; shigellosis, a
bacterial bowel disease; and hepatitis
A, which victims can easily spread to
others through food handling. These
are only a few of the many diseases
spread primarily by homosexual
behavior. Homosexuality is not an
alternative lifestyle, it is a destructive,
perverted deathstyle.
I know what some of you are
thinking: "What consenting adults do
in the privacy of their bedrooms is no
busmess of anyone else." While I totally
disagree with this mindless and banal
statement, one of the things which .
makes homosexual rights so dangerous '
is that the things they do, they often do
publically and many homosexuals are
not conteilt with practicing their
perversion onlywith consenting adults.
Many big-city public parks are
notorious for hosting homosexual
behavior by sodomites who feel the
need to exhibit their promiscuity.
Colleges and universities have been
forced to install steel walls between
the stalls m public rest rooms to prevent
the drilling of holes in the walls for
homosexual activity. Other colleges
have had to remove stalls altogetherin
order to discourage homosexual sex.
During the homosexual march on
Washington held last April, public sex
was commonplace. A veteran Park
Service employee was shocked by
public nudity and open sex acts along
tl:J,e Washington mall and in the parks.
AJustice Department workerwimessed
homosexuals parading in the nude,
simulating sex acts and unleashing a
constand barrage of profanity. The
news media, greatly sympathetic to
the homosexual agenda, did not report
on this wanton display of public
wickedness which would have most
cettainlyturned publicopinionagainst
the homosexual agenda.
Far 'worse, however, than public
nudity and sex is what I call the
NAMBLA connection. What is
NAMBLA, you ask? NAMBLA is an
acronym standing for The North
American Man/Boy Love Association.
Few people understand the insidious
wickedness of homosexuality.
Pedophilia historically has been
inseparable from homosexuality. An
editorial published in the homosexual
stated: "love between men and boys is
at the foundation of homosexuality."
NAMBLA understands this and has a
20 t THE COUNSEL of Chalcedon JanuarylFebruary 1994
political agenda to have all age of
consent laws abolished. Usmg the same
rhetoric as "maInStream" homosexual
groups, NAMBLA maintains that
children should have the right to
engage in sex, and to deny children
that right is to deny them their civil
liberties. One such pedophile has
popUlarized the slogan "sexbeforeeight
or it's too late." Another homosexual
pedophile has boldly stated:
"We shall sodomize your sons,
emblems of your feeble masculinity,
of your shallow dreams and vulgar
lies. We shall seduce them in your
schools, in your dormitories, in your
gymnasiums, in your locker
rooms,in your sports arenas, in your
seminaries, in your youth groups, in
your movie theater bathrooms, in
your army bunkhouses, in your
truck stops, in your all-male clubs,
in your houses of Congress, where
ever men are with men together."
The public must understand this
insidious agenda. All parents who
love their children must oppose
homosexual rights before it is too late.
Since homosexuals 0 bviousl y
cannot breed, they must be very active
recruiters. It is therefore high on the
homosexual agenda to have a presence
in the public schools. Some school
systems in California (and perhaps in
other pans of the country) are required
to hire homosexual counselors to help
teens who have a difficult time
understanding their awakening sexual
orientation. They then funnel these
"gay" teens In the homosexual
community where they will be
traumatized for the rest of their lives
unless God intervenes. This is ex-
tremely dangerous. What teen ager
basnot been mixed up by sexual issues?
Many people who grow up to be
homosexuals were sodomized as
children. Parents of some public school
students in California have had to give
up their children to the homosexual
community. Obviously unable to
reproduce themselves, homosexuals '
have placed a high priority on
recruiting new members from public
schools. Concurrent with this is the
recent push for homosexual
propaganda in the textbooks of our
nation's public schools, from
kindergarten on up. Books written for
young children entitled Daddy's
Roommate and Heather Has
teaches that all sins flow from a
rebellious disposition of heart, a
dispostion that belongs to all men
(Ephesians 2:1-3). I am as great a
sinner as all homosexuals. I, too, have
broken God's holy laws and I deserve
death. My hope rests solely in the fact
that by grace, God has given me the
gift of etemal life in Jesus Christ. lf
anyone has been preserved from the
perversion of homosexuality, it is by
"The same Bible which so
that lifestyle out of loyalty to Jesus
Christ. One of our Presbyteries
supports an active and compassionate
ministty to the homosexual community
in Philadelphia. The fact is, by the
great power of God's grace
homosexuals can and do change. My
rejection of homosexuality should not
be interpreted as narrow minded
bigotry. I have enough compassion for
homosexuals to wam then to repent
from a lifestyle which will
cause their destruction in
this life and the life to come.
Two Mommies, already
introduced in some public
school systems, are
designed to brainwash our
children from their earliest
days into believing that
homosexuality is normal.
I ask: Is this what we
want in America? Do these
people have the right to
have equal rights? Do the
parents of the United States
really want their precious
children to be exposed to
homosexuals as teachers
unequivocally condemns homo-
sexuality also teaches that the
grace and mercy of God in Jesus
Christ is so broad that those
trapped in the pit of homosexu-
ality can find deliverance and
forgiveness by repentance and
faith in Jesus Christ."
The most compassionate
action one can render to a
homosexual is to tell him
of the love ofJesus Chlist.
Jesussaid, "you shall know
the truth and the truth will
set you free" Oohn 8:32).
Only Jesus Christ can set
homosexuals free from the
bondage of their sin and
give them life etemal and
life abundant.
I invite any homo-
and counselors? Do not be
so naive to believe it will not happen in
your "conservative" area. It is pan of
the total homosexual agenda.
Homosexuals, with the help of the
major media wish to portray
themselves as warm loving people who
have been grievously persecuted. They
do not want people to know the kind
of violent perversions they practice.
Their goal is to gradually Wear down
the moral fortitude of mainstream
America until they become accepted
as a minority group whose rights
deserve to be protected by law.
I want to make it perfectly dear
that my opposition to homosexuality
and its insidious agenda does not come
from self-righteousness or any "holier
than thou" attitude. The Bible, which
is the absolute foundation of life and
the final arbiter of light and wrong
God's grace and mercy alone. The same
Bible which so unequivocally
condemns homosexuality also teaches
that the grace and mercy of God in
Jesus Christ is so broad that those who
are trapped in the pit of homosexuality
can find deliverence and forgiveness
by repentance and faith inJesus Christ.
The same passage in which the Apostle
Paul warns that homosexuals will not
inherit the Kingdom of God, declares:
"And such (homosexuals) were some
of you; but you were washed, but you
were sanctified, but you werejustified
in the name of the LordJesus Christ,
and in the Spirit of our God" (J Cor.
Contrary to what homosexuals
would like the pUblic to believe, people
are not born homosexual. Many
churches in our denomination have
people who have turned away from
sexuals who read this who
sincerely wish to know how Jesus
Christ can make them free, to call me,
pastor Mark Duncan, at (318)
Bible believing Christians are not
homophobes. We sincerely want to
see people freed from the bondage of
homosexuality. We want to see God
bless our community and our nation.
This is precisely why we must oppose
homosexual rights with all our might.
The 28th chapter of Deuteronomy
promises blessings for a people who
live according to God's law as well as
promising curses for a people who
despise His law. As we look around in
America and see the rise of violent
crimes, drug abuse, abortion,
oppressive taxes, pornography and
homosexuality, it is clear that the
Almighty is telling us something. If
America is to have a future, we had
better listen. n
JanuarylFebruary 1994 l' TIlE COUNSEL of Chalcedon ~ 21

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