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Kurt Cobain: the journals

Early 1991: 'I cried to "Seasons of the Sun"'

Nirvana, hitherto a cult 'alternative' band, sign with Gefen Records, securing a handsome advance;
the recording sessions for the album Nevermind are under wa and within months, !ost"'#mells
$ii%e &een #!irit', Cobain will become the biggest roc% star in the world' (e !ens a brief
autobiogra!h in his noteboo%'
Next page: Bingeing on fame, autumn 1991 to spring 199
!urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special
Kurt Cobain: the journals
'utumn 1991 to spring 199: 'I got a little ha#it((('
$oser no more' (uge fame hits, as onl overnight roc% fame can: the massivel successful album
)Nevermind ousts *ichael +ac%son's ,angerous as -illboard's number one.; the high"!ro/le girlfriend
)he marries Courtne $ove on 0ebruar 12 3441. and a develo!ing drug habit with what he li%es to
call 'heroine'' (e's also ta%en a disli%e to the -ritish !ress'
Next page: 'Smells li)e thirtysomething(((', spring 199
!urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special
Kurt Cobain: the journals
Spring 199: 'Smells li)e thirtysomething((('
5ne favourite Cobain strateg for dealing with fame is to ado!t !un% roc% attitudes, !la the rebel' (e
writes to Rolling #tone e6!laining wh he won't do an interview, an unmailed letter' )(e agrees to do the
interview a few months later.
Next page: *atherhood and sur&i&al, summer 199
!urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special
Kurt Cobain: the journals
Summer 199: '+e ,ill sur&i&e((('
0rances -ean Cobain is born on 7ugust 38' -ut while $ove gives birth, Cobain is in the chemical
de!endenc wing of the same hos!ital, Cedars"#inai in $os 7ngeles' 9anit 0air !ublishes an article b
$nn (irschberg alleging that $ove had a habit during !regnanc; a stor !ic%ed u! b *&9' Cobain blasts
his media tormentors' )Kurt $oder is also a journalist.
Next page: !urdt's many moods, late 199
!urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special
Kurt Cobain: the journals
-ate 199: '.ay#e I could s/uee0e my friends in'
Cobain ta%es to calling himself or, more s!eci/call his roc% !ersona, 'Kurdt' " with an added 'd'' &he
*an *oods galler he creates from medical te6tboo%s of deformed bodies'
Next page: 1isappointing my father, spring 1992
!urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special
Kurt Cobain: the journals
Spring 1992: '3e's gonna #e a foot#all player((('
5r not' 7fter the birth of 0rances, Cobain starts to re:ect on his relationshi! with his father ,on, from
whom he is estranged' ;n the s!ring of 4<, he writes an unsent letter to ,on describing his contem!t for
him' ;n this earlier cartoon, Cobain suggests that he had not met ,on's macho e6!ectations'
Next page: -o&e letter to "ourtney, spring 1992
!urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special
Kurt Cobain: the journals
Spring 1992: 'I parade you around proundly((('
;n 0ebruar, Cobain and $ove celebrate their /rst anniversar; a tem!estuous relationshi! which Cobain
tries to ma%e sense of in his s%etch of a letter'
Next page: 3o, drugs consume you, spring 1994
!urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special
Kurt Cobain: the journals
Spring 1994: 'It can gradually consume you((('
Nirvana are a few das into their /nal =uro!ean tour, when Cobain sits down in his *adrid hotel room to
ofer his most detailed account of the wor%ings of his drug habit'
Spring 1994: 'I choose death'
#oon afterwards, Cobain was rushed to hos!ital in Rome with a distraught Courtne $ove, having ta%en
an a overdose of Roh!nol, leaving behind a suicide note' '$i%e (amlet, ; have to choose between life and
death' ; choose death'' (e is in a coma for 1> hours but he survives' ?ee%s later, he tries again at home
in #eattle' (is dead bod is found on 8 7!ril'
!urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special

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