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Did you know?

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Two hundred and three
abortion restrictions were
passed on the state level; thats
more than in the entire preceding
Clinics in Michigan, Florida,
Wisconsin and Texas were
attacked with explosives in
22 states passed 70
restrictions on abortion.
The U.S. House of
Representatives approved a 20-
week ban on abortion.
An abortion clinic in Indiana
was vandalized with an axe.
A man attempted twice to burn
down a Planned Parenthood in
Another man was convicted of
planning to assassinate an
abortion doctor in Wisconsin.
A clinic in Montana was so
viciously vandalized that it has
been closed indenitely.
West Virginia and Mississippi
passed 20 week bans against
Oklahoma and Louisiana passed
the hospital privileges law that
will shut down half their clinics
(leaving 2-3 in each state).
Alabama House of
Representatives passed a ban
on abortion at six weeks, with
no exception for rape or incest!
This comes on top of: parental
consent, state-mandated
"counseling" and ultrasounds,
mandatory 48-hour waiting
periods, and limited access to
public funds for reproductive
healthcare. 19 percent of
women in Alabama are living
below the poverty line.
women around the world
die every year from
illegal, unsafe abortions
women in the U.S. are
estimated to have died every
year from illegal, unsafe
abortions before Roe v.
Wade legalized abortions
states prohibit abortion
at some point in the
of all counties in the U.S.
have no abortion provider
states have only one
surgical abortion clinic
abortion providers
(doctors and staff) have
been murdered by anti-
abortion fanatics
There can be no common ground with those
Women across the country who cannot access safe abortions are attempting
to self-abort using dangerous methods. Many more are forced to give birth to
unwanted children and are trapped in abusive relationships, driven (deeper)
into poverty, or are separated at birth from a baby they cant care for. This is
the future for all women if these attacks are not resisted and defeated!
The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that buffer zone laws
protecting abortion clinics in Massachusetts are unconstitutional.
Those laws were originally enacted in the wake of the murder of 2
female clinic workers in 1994. This striking down of protective
measures for women and clinic staff calls into question similar
buffer zone laws across the U.S.
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby employers are
not obligated to cover birth control in their health insurance plans.
This has opened the door to possibilities of unfettered bigotry being
applied in the name of freedom of religion.
The last clinic in Mississippi is still waiting to hear if the 5th
District Court will rule that due to bogus hospital privileges law,
the clinic will be forced to close. Anti-abortion fanatics regularly
tell the fearless MS clinic escorts to kill themselves
At hundreds of clinics all across the country, anti-abortion
fanatics accuse Black and Latina women of carrying out genocide
against their race, they call women murderers, and spread lies
about the dangers of abortion.
Legislation passed in Texas last year has been devastating. The last
abortion clinic in the impoverished Rio Grande region had to stop
providing abortions in March, after reporting an increase of
patients attempting to self-induce. The abortion pill is now
extremely difcult to get. Last year, Texas had 44 abortion
clinics, and by September 2014, if nothing changes, there will
who are ghting for female enslavement. The ght over abortion has never
been about babies, it has always been about control over women.
For far too long, pro-choice people have hoped that the Democrats or the
courts would somehow stop this fascist assault on women. Too many people
have remained passive, or funneled all their energies into supporting politicians
who openly seek common ground with forces who are ghting for female
enslavement. Unacceptable! Common ground has really meant losing
ground to this whole onslaught. As a result, for decades we have watched as yesterday's outrage became today's
compromise position and tomorrow's limit of what can be imagined.
In reality, the future is up to us! This whole direction must be uncompromisingly resisted and defeated! This
requires changing the terms by telling the truth: Fetuses are NOT babies. Abortion is NOT murder. Women are NOT
incubators. Women need: Abortion On Demand and Without Apology! And it requires going out into the streets and waging
massive, public, uncompromising, political resistance. We must rely on ourselves and mobilize the
outrage of others to STOP THIS WAR ON WOMEN.
Sources cited at:
Hillary Clinton: I for one, respect those who believe that there are no
circumstances under which any abortions should ever be available.
Wendy Davis: I would have and could have voted to allow [a ban on abortions
at 20 weeks] to go through, if I felt like we had tightly dened the ability for a
woman and a doctor to be making this decision together...
...and Obama has repeatedly said he supports restrictions on abortion and respects
the views of and seeks common ground with those who will not be satised until all
abortions are illegal.
Abortion Rights Freedom Ride 2014:
Abortion rightsand the lives and future of womenare in a state of emergency.
Nowhere is this more concentrated than in Texas.
In 2011 there were 46 abortion clinics in Texas; if all the current restrictions go
into effect as scheduled, by September 1st of 2014 there will be only 6 clinics
remaining. Texas is over 800 miles wide and has over 26 million residents.
Women who cannot access safe, legal abortions have their lives foreclosed
when they are forced to have children against their will. Or, they risk their lives,
die, or go to prison for attempting to self-induce abortions.
Women who live in poverty, especially immigrant women and others in the Rio
Grande Valley along the Mexican border, have been hit the hardest. Unable to
come up with the money to travel hours to the nearest clinic and/or unable to
travel through the immigration checkpoints for lack of legal documents, these
women are trapped. On September 1st, if a medically unnecessary law designed
to close abortion clinics goes into effect, the nearest clinic will be closed and
these women will have to travel approximately 300 miles to the next nearest
It is immoral to abandon the women of Texas. It is also delusional to think that
these attacks will not spread to the rest of the country if they are not stopped
there. In reality, Texas is a concentration of the nationwide war on women. 6
states have only one abortion clinic. 203 laws restricting abortion have been
passed nationwide since 2011. 8 doctors and clinic workers have been murdered
by anti-abortion violence, and in March 2014 a clinic was so severely vandalized
in Montana that it was forced to close. Everywhere, women who seek abortions
are harassed, shamed, humiliated and terrorized.
Forced Motherhood Is Female Enslavement!
Abortion Providers Are Heroes!
Abortion On Demand and Without Apology!
Join and support the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride 2014:
In August (dates to be announced soon) the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride will caravan though Texas, stopping in Houston,
Austin, San Antonio, and then down to the Rio Grande Valley near the Mexican border. People from around the country and
around Texas will politically confront and protest those behind the anti-abortion attacks and laws, rally support for those on the
front lines providing abortions, fight to change the way people think about abortion by raising the slogans: Abortion On Demand
and Without Apology, and Forced Motherhood Is Female Enslavement -- and wake people up nationwide to this emergency.
What you can do now: SIGNUP to take part in the Ride, VOLUNTEER to house people down in Texas, DONATE to this effort,
volunteer to SPREAD and SUPPORT this nationwide. Contact: @StopPatriarchy

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