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Faculty of Arts and Sciences
August Examinations 2013
ECO 204 Y1Y

Duration: 3 hours Total Points: 100 points

Examination Aid Allowed: Calculator.
- This exam consists of 3 questions in 19 pages, single-sided.
Please Write Your Name and ID # as these appear in ROSI
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Question Maximum Possible Points Score
1 50
2 30
3 20
Total Score out of 100 =

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204 Cupcakes owns and operates shops across the city of Two-ronto (TwO) and it is the only company that
sells cupcakes in TwO. All stores are identical and each store has ample capacity.
(1.1) [3 POINTS] The quantity of cupcakes that can be produced at shop per day is given by the production function:


Technological Level of shop ;

Number of workers per day at shop ;

Number of cash registers

per day at shop , and

are store-specific parameters. Calculate: the optimal number of workers and cash
registers required to process an (exogenously given) target output

per day and derive store

cost function
Show all necessary calculations.

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(1.2) [3 POINTS] [THIS PART IS INDEPENDENT OF ALL PARTS BELOW] True or false: an individual store has constant returns to
scale but diseconomies of scale. Show all necessary calculations.

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(1.3) [3 POINTS] [THIS PART IS INDEPENDENT OF ALL PARTS BELOW] Calculate store s marginal cost due to a small increase in
the wage rate (i.e. the change in due to a change in

). Show all necessary calculations.

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(1.4) [3 POINTS] Use these parameter values in all parts below:

and at each store, a cash

register is staffed by two workers. Show that each stores 20 and use this figure in all parts below. Show all
necessary calculations and state all assumptions.

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(1.5) [10 POINTS] Let price of a cupcake sold at any store and

number of cupcakes sold at store (where

). Suppose that the demand curve facing the 204 Cupcakes chain is:

Here are exogenously given parameters. Suppose that all stores act independently and compete with each
other as Cournot rivals in a one-shot game. Calculate the profit maximizing output and price at each store; the total
quantity of cupcakes sold across all stores; the gross profit at each store; and the gross profit across all stores. Show all
necessary calculations and state all assumptions and dont forget to use

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for the case

when all stores are competing as Cournot rivals. How many stores must there be for the cupcakes market (at store-level)
to be characterized as competitive? Do not use this value of in later parts. Show all necessary calculations and dont
forget to use

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(1.7) [5 POINTS] Now suppose that each store produces cupcakes as if its a monopoly. Assuming this is a one-shot
game, calculate the profit maximizing output and price at each store; the total quantity sold across all stores; and the
gross profit at each store as well as across all stores. Show all necessary calculations and state all assumptions and dont
forget to use

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(1.8) [3 POINTS] Consider a hypothetical scenario when there atomistic competition in TwOs cupcake market (i.e. as
). Calculate the profit maximizing output and price at each store as well as the total quantity sold across all
stores. Is atomistic competition the same thing as perfect competition? Show all necessary calculations and state all
assumptions and dont forget to use
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(1.9) [3 POINTS] Now suppose that the 204 Cupcakes Head Quarters chooses the output of each store to maximize
total profits across all stores. Assuming there are stores and that this is a one-shot game, calculate the profit
maximizing output and price at each store, the total quantity sold across all stores, and the gross profit at each store as
well as across all stores. Show all necessary calculations and state all assumptions and dont forget to use

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(1.10) [10 POINTS] Suppose that the 204 Cupcakes chain has 2 stores and that the price of cupcakes at store is:

Recall that

Solve for the pure strategies Nash Equilibrium in a simultaneous move one shot game where
each store can produce either the Cournot output or the Cartel output. Please enter your answers in the matrices
below. Show all necessary calculations and state all assumptions

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(1.11) [4 POINTS] Suppose that the simultaneous move game in part (1.10) is played repeatedly forever. Solve this
dynamic game. Show all necessary calculations and state all assumptions.

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In Project 3 you used the Supermarket Scanner Data Set containing various data on reg and lit varieties of two
brands of soda (X and Y) sold in seven stores over 52 weeks.
The following table contains a portion of the regression output for the supermarkets demand function for Brand Y: the
quantity of brand Y was regressed on a constant, the price of brand X, the price of brand Y and a dummy variable

which takes the value 1 if there was an in-store promo (i.e. not a price promo) on brand Y (and 0 otherwise):
Dependent Variable =

Constant 40091.17132




The following table contains a portion of the regression output for the supermarkets function for Brand Y: the
of brand Y was regressed on the quantity of brand Y:
Dependent Variable =

Constant 0


Throughout this question assume that the supermarket has ample capacity and answer all parts up to 4 decimal places.

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(2.1) [5 POINTS] Suppose that currently:

and there are no in-store promos on Brand Y.

Without deriving the utility function calculate the change in the representative Brand Y customers utility due to a 1%
decrease in

across all stores. Show all necessary calculations.

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(2.2) [10 POINTS] Suppose that currently:

and there are no in-store promos on Brand

Y. Derive the utility function of the representative Brand Y consumer and calculate the change in the representative
Brand Y customers utility due to a 1% decrease in

without computing and using the new output. Show all necessary
calculations. Note: Due to rounding errors your answer in part (2.2) may be slightly different from the answer in part
(2.1) this is OK.

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(2.3) [10 POINTS] Suppose that currently:

and there are no in-store promos on Brand

Y. Calculate the price, income and substitution effects from a 1% decrease in

. Show all necessary calculations.

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(2.4) [5 POINTS] Suppose that currently:

and there are no in-store promos on Brand Y.

Does the current price of brand Y maximize profits? If not, calculate the optimal uniform price of brand Y. Show all
necessary calculations.

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Question 3 [20 POINTS]

(3.1) [10 POINTS] Under what conditions will a company with market power charging a uniform price produce at full
capacity? Then derive the optimal price rule for the case when the company is producing at full capacity. Answer this
question in general form (i.e. without using numerical values). Hint: Solve the PMP:

() ()
And only examine the case when the company produces at full capacity. Show all necessary calculations.

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(3.2) [10 POINTS] Suppose that the solution to this PMP is:

() () ()

You are told that at the optimal solution:

Whats the most this company should pay per unit of extra capacity? Show all necessary calculations and calculate all
numbers to 4 decimal places.

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