Full Corporate Offer On Gold Dore Bars C.I.F / and SPA

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Sellers letter head


Seller Ref: Buyer Ref: xxxxxx
Date: 05/08/2014
To: The Gold Buyer,
Via: Mr. Sai Babu Chitala.
!e, """"" #i$ited, %e&re'eted by """""", Maa(i( Dire)tor * Chie+ ,"e)uti-e .++i)er
/C,.0 1ith +ull )or&orate re'&o'ibility, uder &ealty o+ &er2ury de)lare that 1e are the
'eller' ad Title 3older' o+ the abo-e re+ere)ed o++er, +or 'ale i the 4teratioal $ar5et
that the 20 5( o+ Gold Dore bei( o++ered +or 'ale i' a-ailable ad (euie.
6%.D7CT : Gold Dore 8 9uru$ 7taliu$ /9u0
.%4G4: : """
T,ST T%9:C3, : """"
;79:T4T< : =urther $othly ;uatitie' to be e(otiated bet1ee the t1o &artie'
67%4T< : """"
4+ &urity i' +oud to be le'' tha 'tated i the =.C.., the the &ri)e 1ill be ad2u'ted to 'uit the
6%4C, : 7SD >0,000.00/?( C4= Dubai 9ir&ort =ree @oe
ADDRESED TO : xxxxxx
C7%%,:C< : .ly 7S dollar o++er' are a))e&table.
69C?9G4:G : 4 $etal e"&ort bo"e'
#.9D4:G 6.%T : """""
M.:T3#< D,#4V,%<: To be e(otiated bet1ee the t1o &artie'
D,#4V,%< 6#9C, : Dubai 9ir&ort =ree @oe
C.:T%9CT : Te't Tra)he o+ 20 5( ad a+ter 'u))e''+ul +ialiAatio o+ Te't the
+urther $othly tra)he' 1ill be e(otiated by the Buyer ad the Seller.
BUYERS RESPONSIBILITY: Buyer $u't ta5e )are o+ the )o't o+ Seller' %e&re'etati-eB'
Vi'a, 9irlie Ti)5et ad 3otel 9))o$$odatio i Dubai ad all the )o't 'hall be dedu)ted
+ro$ SellerB' +ial 6ay$et'.
Validity: Thi' =C. i' -alid +or 21 Day' +ro$ the date 'ho1 abo-e.
T3, D.C7M,:T9T4.: !34C3 39S T. 9CC.M69:< T3, C.:S4G:M,:T !34C3
!4## B, 39:D C9%%4,D B< S,##,%BS %,6%,S,:T9T4V, 9:D !34C3 M7ST B,
S,:D T. B7<,% V49 ,8M94# 243.7%S B,=.%, D,69%T7%,, 9%,:
Buyers initial: Pae ! "f # Seller$s Initial:
Sellers letter head
1. Co$$er)ial i-oi)e,
2. 4'ura)e,
>. Cert o+ ori(i,
4. ,"&ort &er$it/ )erti+i)ate,
5. .1er'hi& )erti+i)ate,
C. Certi+i)ate o+ ta"e' &aid +or e"&ort,
D. &a)5i( li't
8. Co&y o+ 9ir1ay ti)5et * 6a''&ort Co&y o+ Seller' %e&
TER'S O( PAY'ENT: Dire)t TT /T!T0 to Seller' 9/C 1ithi D2hr' a+ter +ial a''ay re&ort.
To be )leared by GG%/6M4 it $u't 'tate the +ollo1i( i the EShi& toE &ortio o+ the 1aybill
,F9CT#< to be )leared:
B"x !#!!!
Attenti"n: 'r+ xxxxxx+ Als" in t,e -andlin Se%ti"n it s,"uld read .N"tify /"nsinee
u0"n arri1al 'r+ xxxxx "n Tel N"+ 2xxxxx.
Sellers 3arranty
The Seller $u't 1arrat that the &rodu)t a' de')ribed i the =C. i' i hi' le(al &o''e''io
or that he ha' bee+i)ial o1er'hi& o+ the &rodu)t ad that he ha' the ability ad the
authority to 'ell it:
8Seller/Buyer to e")ha(e their &a''&ort )o&y.
8Seller to 'ub$it )o$&ay re(i'tratio )erti+i)ate.
8Seller to 'ub$it Ta" )leara)e )erti+i)ate
8Seller re&re'etati-e 1ill a))o$&ay the (ood' to BuyerB' re+iery +or '$elti( ad
+ial &ay$et a+ter a''ay re&ort.
Seller 'ed' =C.
Buyer ad Seller 'i( the =C.
Seller &ay' the Go-er$et ta"e',
Certi+i)ate o+ .1er'hi&
Certi+i)ate o+ .ri(i
Certi+i)ate o+ 7: Cleari(
Co&y o+ 9ir1ay ti)5et * 6a''&ort Co&y o+ Seller' %e&,
Cu'to$' )leara)e ad +rei(ht )o't'
The Seller or the SellerB' re&re'etati-e i''ue Co&y o+ 9ir1ay ti)5et 6a''&ort Co&y o+ Seller' %e&
1ho 1ill a))o$&ay the Co'i($et to BuyerB' +ial de'tiatio to 1ite'' ad e'ure the
+ull &ay$et a+ter the +ial a''ay at the buyerB' re+iery.
Pay&ent: TT 1ire tra'+er /T!T0 +ro$ buyer )otra)ted authoriAed authority a))out a' &er
i'tru)tio' +ro$ the Seller de+ied i the S69. 9+ter buyer &ay' the +ull &ay$et o+ (ood' to
Buyers initial: Pae 4 "f # Seller$s Initial:
Sellers letter head
the 'eller, the &rodu)t 1ill the be relea'ed to buyer. /:ot relea'ed 8 it 1ill be )ha(e o+
The 9u 1ill duri( the deli-ery &ro)e'' re$ai i SellerB' o1er'hi& util Buyer ha' $ade
+ully &ay$et to SellerB' 9))out.
Buyer i' re'&o'ible +or all )o't at Dubai 9ir&ort Cleara)e, 'e)urity Tra'&ort to %e+iery,
i)ludi( but ot li$ited to re+ii( ad 'e)urity 'tora(e )o't i Dubai.
Deli1ery Instru%ti"ns 6/I( Buyers Destinati"n7
The Seller 1ill 'hi& the &rodu)t to the de'i(ated Buyer 9ir&ort =ree @oe -ia air+rei(ht to the
attetio o+ Buyer' %e+iery a' &er the i'tru)tio' de+ied ad to be li'ted o the
do)u$et' ad the &a)5a(i( o+ the &rodu)t.
Seller, Buyer /:o S69 1ill be i''ued or )o&ied to ay 4ter$ediate'0 'hall 5ee& the S69 i
'tri)t )o+ide)e ad 'hall i'tru)t all &er'o' i-ol-ed i the )o$&letio o+ thi' S69 i 'tri)t
)o+ide)e. /4ter$ediate' 'hould a$e oe 6ay$a'ter a' there Tru'tee ad thi' &ay$a'ter
re)ei-e' the total )o$$i''io ad di'tribute' a' &er 4'tru)tio o+ 4ter$ediate'0
Dis0utes Settle&ent
9ll di'&ute' ari'i( out o+, or i )oe)tio 1ith the S69 1ith buyer i)ludi( di'&ute' o it'
)o)lu'io, bidi( e++e)t, a$ed$et' ad ter$iatio 'hall be re'ol-ed by ordiary )ourt
i Dubai 79, ad/or a' de+ied i the S69.
'"difi%ati"ns and A&end&ents
9ll $odi+i)atio' ad a$ed$et' to the S69 1ith buyer $u't be $ade i 1riti( ad are
'ub2e)t to the $utual 1riti( a&&ro-al o+ both &artie'.
Ri,t t" Refuse S,i0&ent
Seller $u't )erti+y that ay ad all Material 'et to ay o+ /buyer0 re+ierie' 'hall be +ree o+
haAardou' 'ub'ta)e' i)ludi( but ot li$ited to berylliu$, )ad$iu$, $er)ury,
&oly)hloriated bi&heyl' ad radioa)ti-e $aterial. Should a Seller 5o1 or 'u'&e)t that the
$aterial $ay )otai a haAardou' 'ub'ta)eG the Seller uderta5e' to oti+y/buyer0 re+iery
ad /buyer0 i ad-a)e o+ the 'hi&$et. 4t i' uder'tood that the re+iery $ay ta5e 'a$&le
ad te't the $aterial +or the &re'e)e o+ haAardou' 'ub'ta)e' &rior to &ro)e''i(. 4t eed'
be uder'tood that the re+iery 'hall ha-e the ri(ht to re2e)t $aterial 1hi)h, i the re+ieryB'
o&iio doe' ot )o+or$ to the de')ri&tio '&e)i+ied uder 'ub&ara(ra&h HaI or i', or
be)o$e', u'uitable or ude'irable +or hadli(, 'a$&li( ad '$elti( 1hether +or
$etallur(i)al, e-iro$etal or other rea'o'. Material, 1hi)h doe' ot )o+or$ to the
reJuire$et' '&e)i+ied uder 'ub&ara(ra&h '&e)i+ied i the S69 or i' re2e)ted by the re+iery
&ur'uat a' de+ied i the S69, 1ill be retured to the SellerB' arra(e$et +or the retur o+
the Material. 6edi( re)ei&t o+ 'u)h i'tru)tio' it i' uder'tood that the re+iery $ay ta5e
a)tio a' it )o'ider' a&&ro&riate +or hadli( the Material. 9y da$a(e' 'u++ered by the
/buyer0 or the re+iery a' a re'ult thereo+ 1ill be dedu)ted +ro$ the SellerB' a))out. 9y ad
all da$a(e' 'u++ered by the re+iery a' a re'ult o+ the &ro)e''i( o+ Material )otaii(
haAardou' 'ub'ta)e' 1ill be to the a))out o+ a Seller.
/"ntra%t Ex%,aner Instru%ti"ns
Seller $u't a(ree that +a)'i$ile / ,8Mail do)u$et' or )orre'&ode)e i 1ritte +or$'hall
be )o'idered a' ori(ial'. 3o1e-er, /buyer0 ad 'eller )a retai the o&tio to e")ha(e
Buyers initial: Pae 8 "f # Seller$s Initial:
Sellers letter head
hard )o&ie' i all tra'a)tio' /Seller0 'i(' ad 'ed' the )otra)t by +a" or e$ail to buyer
/Buyer0 'i(' ad +a"e' or 'ed' the )otra)t to the 'eller -ia e8$ail
N"n9%ir%u&1enti"n and n"n9dis%l"sure
The Buyer ad the Seller a(ree ot to )ir)u$-et or atte$&t to )ir)u$-et buyer / 'eller i
ay )urret or +uture tra'a)tio +or a &eriod o+ three year' +ro$ the e"e)utio o+ the S69. 9
S69 1ill bid all &artie', their a(et', a''o)iate', e$&loyee', tra'+er', a''i(' or
Ban:in Inf"r&ati"n Seller:
Ba5 :a$e :
Ba5 9ddre'' :
Tele&hoe :
=a" :
9))out :K :
S1i+t Code :
9))out :a$e :
9y tra'+er' 1ill be $ade throu(h S!4=T ba5 tra'+er
N"te "n Inter&ediaries
The +ollo1i( iter$ediarie' 'hall (et a total o+ 7SD L 2,000.00 &er 5( )o$$i''io +ro$ the
:a$e: S94 B9B7 C34:T9#9
:atioality: 4:D49:
6a''&ortM: GD2552DC
,$ail: )'baiduN($ail.)o$
Ban:in Inf"r&ati"n Buyer:
Ba5 :a$e : TB9
Ba5 9ddre'': TB9
Tele&hoe : TB9
=a" : TB9
9))out :K : TB9
S1i+t Code : TB9
9))out :a$e: TB9
9y tra'+er' 1ill be $ade throu(h S!4=T ba5 tra'+er
Buyer Seller
Buyers initial: Pae < "f # Seller$s Initial:
Sellers letter head
Sellers Pass0"rt /"0y
Seller=s /"&0any Reistrati"n
Buyers initial: Pae > "f # Seller$s Initial:
Sellers letter head
Buyers initial: Pae # "f # Seller$s Initial:

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