HS 408C Course Syllabus

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HS 408C Course Syllabus

Bachelor of Science Allied Health and

Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Fieldwork Experience
College of Health and Human Services
Department of Health Sciences
CREDIT HOURS: 1-3 semester hours
INSTRUCTOR: Deborah J. McCormick, Ph.D.
OFFICE CONTACTS: Deborah J. McCormick, Ph.D.
Health Professions (Building 66), Room 227B
E-mail within Blackboard
OFFICE HOURS: By appointment
Approval of academic advisor and NAU Online Internship Coordinator
Supervised fieldwork experience in a professional community health-promotion setting. Requires 45 hours for each credit earned. Application for
fieldwork approved by the department at least three months before starting the fieldwork. Pass-fail only. Course fee required. May be repeated for a
maximum of 12 units. Prerequisite: Health Sci-Comm Hlth Milestone CAP
Fieldwork provides students with the opportunity to apply classroom theory in professional health and wellness settings. HS 408C is a substantial
commitment of time, energy, and professional responsibility. One academic credit is earned for every 45 hours of work successfully completed. For
three credit hours, a minimum of 135 clock hours is required. Advance approval of fieldwork site and project is required; contracts must be executed
between the university and the agency, thus advance planning is essential.

The internship is a cooperative effort undertaken by various community agencies, the Department of Health Sciences, and the students to fulfill the following objectives:
1. To provide opportunities for students to establish competencies for a professional career in a health-related area.
2. To provide first-hand experiences in the nature of community health and public health services.
3. To apply classroom knowledge and theories of health behavior to health problems in the community and work environments.
4. To plan, implement, or evaluate projects that are useful to the host agencies.
5. To provide opportunities for students and faculty to meet regularly with health professionals other than those inside the University setting.
6. To offer occasions for students to observe the competencies, skills, and responsibilities of professionals at the host agencies.
7. To afford opportunities for students to obtain job references from health professionals who can testify to their competencies in a professional context.
8. To enable students to identify skills, knowledge, and competencies that may still be needed and may be acquired through additional academic study and training.
1. Contact Information: No later than the first week of your fieldwork experience, e-mail the NAU HS Online Internship Coordinator (Debby McCormick) within the HS
408C Blackboard course with: (a) contact phone numbers where you can be reached; and (b) your agency supervisor's name, work address, and contact information, including e-mail
address. All future internship correspondence should take place within Blackboard.
2. Activity Reports: By Monday at noon of specified weeks, you will post a written report of the previous two weeks of activities within your private electronic journal in
Blackboard. A form for these reports is accessible via a folder on the Course Content page. Your agency supervisor should be familiar with these forms but does not need to sign each
report. Feel free to reproduce this form or type your own report (as long as you address all areas on the form). Activity Reports should include a breakdown of the hours you have
worked, as well as a reflection of what you have learned from the time invested. This should be recorded on a dailybasis. Each log should also contain a running total of hours
worked for each week and cumulative hours for the internship.
3. Discussion Board Participation: By Monday at noon of specified weeks, you will see a Discussion Topic related to the required book for the class "The Hard Truth About Soft
Skills." If you have not yet ordered this required book, you should do so immediately and expedite the shipping. Information about the book, including the ISBN #, is available on the
NAU Bookstore website for the class. This is a popular press book that can be ordered through any online bookstore and may also be available in some storefront bookstores.
Instructions regarding expectations for posting to the Discussion Board will be given prior to the first discussion.
4. Mid-experience Report: About the midpoint of your internship hours (when you have completed about half of the clock hours required), complete and submit a mid-experience
report of your fieldwork experience. A list of questions to address for this report is accessible via a folder on the Course Content page. Both you and your agency supervisor should
review and sign this report. You may submit this report electronically via e-mail attachment through your private electronic journal; however, the signature page must be scanned and
sent electronically or faxed to my attention at 928-523-0148.
5. Agency Supervisor Evaluation and Review: Provide your agency supervisor with two copies of the Agency Supervisor Evaluation of Fieldwork Student form. You can locate
this in a folder on the Course Content page. Ask your supervisor to complete this evaluation: (a) once at the midpoint of your fieldwork (about the same time that you complete your
mid-semester report), and (b) once at the end of your fieldwork placement. Review these evaluations with your supervisor. Both you and the agency supervisor should sign and date
these evaluations. These documents may be submitted electronically via e-mail attachment through your private electronic journal; however, the signature page must be scanned and
sent electronically or faxed to my attention at 928-523-0148.
6. Summary of Fieldwork Experience: Near the end of the semester, you will complete a Summary of Fieldwork Experience report. You can locate this in a folder on the Course
Content page. This report does not have to be shared with or signed by your agency supervisor. When you have completed this report, sign and date it. You may submit this report
electronically via e-mail attachment through your private electronic journal; however, the signature page must be scanned and sent electronically or faxed to my attention at 928-523-
7. Graduation Papers: If you are graduating this semester (and most of you will be!), obtain graduation papers from your advisor during the first two weeks of your internship.
Graduation application papers should be finalized during the first month of the semester.

Your grade (Pass/Fail) for the internship experience will be assigned by the NAU HS Online Internship Coordinator. It will be based upon successful completion of the fieldwork
experience, timely submission of activity reports and the written assignments, and evaluation by the agency supervisor. Any student action that results in termination of the internship
is grounds for failure (grade of F) in the internship. All written materials must be received before a grade will be assigned.
For Spring 2014: In order to receive your grade in a timely manner, your internship hours must be completed and all internship materials received by the NAU DL-HS Internship
Coordinator no later than Monday, May 12, 2014, at 11:55 p.m.

Students are responsible for turning assignments in on or before the assigned due date to receive credit. Allow adequate time to correct potential technology problems.

Academic dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated. Any violations of this policy will result in a zero (0) for the assignment and be figured into the final grade accordingly.
Additionally, you should be aware that academic dishonesty may result in University disciplinary action, including suspension/expulsion.

For information on NAU policies on Safe Working and Learning Environment, Students with Disabilities, Institutional Review Board process, and Academic Integrity, please see the
following section of this syllabus.
Approach your internship experience with a positive attitude. This experience, like life, will be what YOU make of it. What you get out of it is largely up to you.

Prepare ahead of time! Leave yourself time to be successful.

Take good care of yourself. Rest, good nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction are not only keys to a healthy lifestyle but to good academic performance as well.

If you have any questions about this class or personal concerns that I can assist you with, please contact me. I am concerned about you as a student and as a person.
University Policies:
Students are expected to follow University Policies accessible at: http://www2.nau.edu/academicadmin/UCCPolicy/plcystmt.html)
For information on NAU policies on Safe Working and Learning Environment, Students with Disabilities, Institutional Review Board process, and Academic Integrity, please see the
following section of this syllabus.

Northern Arizona University

Policy Statements

Safe Environment Policy
NAUs Safe Working and Learning Environment Policy seeks to prohibit discrimination and promote the safety of all individuals within the university. The goal of this policy is to
prevent the occurrence of discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status and to prevent sexual harassment,
sexual assault or retaliation by anyone at this university.

You may obtain a copy of this policy from the college deans office or from the NAUs Affirmative Action website http://home.nau.edu/diversity/. If you have concerns about this
policy, it is important that you contact the departmental chair, deans office, the Office of Student Life (928-523-5181), or NAUs Office of Affirmative Action (928-523-3312).

Students with Disabilities
If you have a documented disability, you can arrange for accommodations by contacting Disability Resources (DR) at 523-8773 (voice)or 523-6906 (TTY), dr@nau.edu (e-mail)or
928-523-8747 (fax).Students needing academic accommodations are required to register with DR and provide required disability related documentation. Although you may request an
accommodation at any time, in order for DR to best meet your individual needs, you are urged to register and submit necessary documentation (www.nau.edu/dr) 8 weeks prior to the
time you wish to receive accommodations. DR is strongly committed to the needs of student with disabilities and the promotion of Universal Design. Concerns or questions related to
the accessibility of programs and facilities at NAU may be brought to the attention of DR or the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity (523-3312).

Institutional Review Board
Any study involving observation of or interaction with human subjects that originates at NAUincluding a course project, report, or research papermust be reviewed and approved
by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the protection of human subjects in research and research-related activities.

The IRB meets monthly. Proposals must be submitted for review at least fifteen working days before the monthly meeting. You should consult with your course instructor early in the
course to ascertain if your project needs to be reviewed by the IRB and/or to secure information or appropriate forms and procedures for the IRB review. Your instructor and
department chair or college dean must sign the application for approval by the IRB. The IRB categorizes projects into three levels depending on the nature of the project: exempt from
further review, expedited review, or full board review. If the IRB certifies that a project is exempt from further review, you need not resubmit the project for continuing IRB review as
long as there are no modifications in the exempted procedures.

A copy of the IRB Policy and Procedures Manual is available in each departments administrative office and each college deans office or on their website:
http://www.research.nau.edu/vpr/IRB/index.htm. If you have questions, contact the IRB Coordinator in the Office of the Vice President for Research at 928-523-8288 or 523-4340.

Academic Integrity
The university takes an extremely serious view of violations of academic integrity. As members of the academic community, NAU s administration, faculty, staff and students are
dedicated to promoting an atmosphere of honesty and are committed to maintaining the academic integrity essential to the education process. Inherent in this commitment is the belief
that academic dishonesty in all forms violates the basic principles of integrity and impedes learning. Students are therefore responsible for conducting themselves in an academically
honest manner.

Individual students and faculty members are responsible for identifying instances of academic dishonesty. Faculty members then recommend penalties to the department chair or
college dean in keeping with the severity of the violation. The complete policy on academic integrity is in Appendix G of NAUs Student

Academic Contact Hour Policy
The Arizona Board of Regents Academic Contact Hour Policy (ABOR Handbook, 2-206, Academic Credit) states: an hour of work is the equivalent of 50 minutes of class timeat
least 15 contact hours of recitation, lecture, discussion, testing or evaluation, seminar, or colloquium as well as a minimum of 30 hours of student homework is required for each unit of
credit. The reasonable interpretation of this policy is that for every credit hour, a student should expect, on average, to do a minimum of two additional hours of work per week; e.g.,
preparation, homework, studying.*

*Please note that the University contact hour policy was intended for residential course work. It is difficult to "translate" this policy to a web-based format, since the amount of time
that you spend on assignments is determined by your level of proficiency with the computer and your need to address any technical difficulties that may arise.
Students are often surprised that web-based courses require so much of their time. I realize that you may have other very important commitments, such as full-time employment and
family. I strongly encourage you to review your personal time commitments and expectations--both at the beginning of the semester and throughout the course--in order to determine
whether you are scheduling your time realistically. Please contact me immediately if you need guidance in this matter. I will be happy to try to assist you.

Sensitive Course Materials
If an instructor believes it is appropriate, the syllabus should communicate to students that some course content may be considered sensitive by some students.

University education aims to expand student understanding and awareness. Thus, it necessarily involves engagement with a wide range of information, ideas, and creative
representations. In the course of college studies, students can expect to encounterand critically appraisematerials that may differ from and perhaps challenge familiar
understandings, ideas, and beliefs. Students are encouraged to discuss these matters with faculty.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONFIRMATION OF CLASS MEMBERSHIP* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In order to confirm your membership in this class, you must send an e-mail class confirmation to the instructor within Blackboard during the first 5 days of the semester. The subject
line of the e-mail should read: Course Confirmation

The body of the e-mail must contain the following text:
I have read and understand the syllabus for this class, and I agree to abide by its content for this class. (Type your name at the bottom of the statement.)

Until this class confirmation is received, a student will not receive credit for any assignments for the class.


To post a message to the Blackboard Discussion Board, follow these instructions: Go to the "Discussions" link within Blackboard located on the left-hand side of your screen.
Click on the Discussions link to see the Discussion Topics. Read the initial instructions for the discussion to which you want to reply.

Then click "Create Message" to create your response message in the textbox. If you are composing a lengthy message, you may prefer to compose the message in a Word document
and then cut and paste it into the Discussion Board message. You have the option to preview your message (always recommended) as it will appear on the Discussion Board before
posting it by clicking on "Preview."

When you are finished, click on "Post," and the message will be sent to the Discussion Board. Keep in mind that Discussion Board postings are open to viewing by ALL members of
the class. If you want to send personal information that you do not want the entire class to view, send it to the instructor or teaching assistant privately by going to the "Mail Messages"
link within Blackboard, click "Create Message" and then browse to bring up the correct e-mail address. You can also send private course-related e-mail to your fellow students by
selecting their e-mail address.

In order to view your posting on the Discussion Board, you may need to "Expand All" to refresh your page. This will update the Discussion Board and allow you to view your posting.
To read Discussion Board messages, click on "Expand All" to expand the message thread. You have the option to see your messages in "List View" or "Tree View." I recommend
"Tree View," because this will post the messages in a logical thematic order. There is a small link in the very bottom right-hand corner of the page entitled "Edit Paging" that allows
you to determine how many discussion messages that you see at one time. In order to see ALL of the discussion messages, be sure to set this to a large number.

You can use the "Collect" function to select all of your messages and read them at one time.

To reply to the posting of a fellow student (to be used for secondary postings only):

Click on the message to which you want to reply. This will open the message. Then while you are still in that message, click on "Reply." This will allow you to post a message in
response to your fellow student's message. When you refresh your page, your message will then appear properly in order under that student's message.

To send E-mail within Blackboard:

Go to the "Mail Messages" link within Blackboard located on the left-hand side of your screen. Click on the "Mail Messages" link to enter Blackboard mail. Then click on "Create
Message" and browse to bring up the e-mail address of the instructor or teaching assistant to whom you want to send private mail. You can also send private course-related e-mail to
your fellow students by selecting their e-mail address. If you want to send course-related e-mail to ALL of your fellow students, you can select all names at one time to send the
To send an attachment in Blackboard mail, follow the instructions above. Then at the bottom of the message, click on the "Add Attachment" button to locate your file. When you find
the file you want to attach, double-click on it. The file should upload to your e-mail message, and file name should be visible under the "Add Attachment" button. Be sure you see this
link prior to sending your message. PLEASE NOTE: I cannot open files unless they are saved as Microsoft Word or rtf files. I cannot open WordPerfect or Works files. If you do not
have Microsoft Word, you MUST save your files as Rich Text Format (.rtf) files prior to sending them.

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