A Zárójelbe Tett Igéket Tedd A Megfelelő Igeidőbe!

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Blthy Ott Titusz Informatikai Szakkzpiskola s Gimnzium

Elkszt vfolyam !n"ol rs#$li f$lvt$li f$la%atok &''()

A zrjelbe tett igket tedd a megfelel igeidbe!
At the moment they ____________ (read) a book.
I ____________ (teach) my students about the USA yesterday.
Jennifer doesn't like working in the office but she ____________ (lo!e) working at home.
"e#t $ednesday my brother ____________ (go) to dinner in that new restaurant.
She ____________ (fly) to the USA last winter.
%homas ____________ (not be) at the office at the moment. &e's on holiday.
'$hat ____________ you ____________ (do)(' 'I'm doing my homework.'
&e ____________ (work) on the com)uter at the moment.
____________ you ____________ (ha!e got) any brothers or sisters(
*ast winter she ____________ (dri!e) to +ermany.
Teszt. Karikzd be a helyes vlaszt!
1. She ____________ goes to a restaurant at the weekend.
( ) a lot of ( ) much ( ) sometimes
2. David likes ____________ to music in the evening.
( ) listen ( ) to listen ( ) listening
3. "Im a secretar!. "nd ____________ do !ou do#"
( ) how ( ) what ( ) who
$. ____________ %o!s over there are &erman.
( ) 'hat ( ) 'hese ( ) 'hose
(. Its the )icture ____________ the wall.
( ) on ( ) in ( ) in front
*. 'his cake is ____________ than that one.
( ) %ad ( ) worse ( ) worst
+. ,ould !ou like ____________ wine with !our meal#
( ) a lot ( ) an! ( ) some
-. She hel)s ____________ son with his homework.
( ) !our ( ) her ( ) his
.. 'he! are stud!ing /nglish ____________ the! want to travel to /ngland.
( ) %ut ( ) %ecause ( ) that
10. 1e sometimes works ____________ night.
( ) at ( ) at the ( ) in the
11. 2ar! drives ____________ car to work on Saturda!s.
( ) m! ( ) her ( ) their
12. 'his )ainting is ____________ than his last one.
( ) %est ( ) good ( ) %etter
13. I understand ____________ !ou want to learn /nglish.
( ) %ut ( ) %ecause ( ) that
1$. 3ane would like ____________ to the cinema.
( ) going ( ) go ( ) to go
1(. "Im a doctor. "nd ____________ do !ou do#"
( ) how ( ) what ( ) who
1*. ____________%ook is %! 1emingwa!.
( ) 'hose ( ) 'hese ( ) 'his
1+. ,ere hungr!4 "re there ____________ sandwiches left#
( ) a lot ( ) an! ( ) some
1-. I go to the mountains ____________ in the summer.
( ) a lot of ( ) man! ( ) ver! often
1.. 'he!re the %ooks ____________ the ta%le.
( ) on ( ) in ( ) in front
20. 'he! want to visit /ngland ____________ the! like 5ritish culture.
( ) %ut ( ) %ecause ( ) that
I. rd be a megfelel szavakat a kipontozott rszekre!
,. -our )arents. )arents are your ////..
0. 1hicken cow shee) are ////.
2. A flying saucer lands from 3ars is a //////film.
4. %here are ///////.states in the USA.
5. $rite three ball games6 ,. 0. 2.
7. -ou can football on the football////
8. $hat are you if you ha!en.t got a )artner( ////.
9. If you ha!e a husband or a wife you are ///.
:. -our father.s brother is your ///
,;. %he flag of the United <ingdom is called //////
,,. %he countries of the United <ingdom are /////////////////
,0. $hat kind of film is this( =onald =uck goes on a )icnic. /////.. /
,2. >ruce $illis is an ////
%ell an interesting story that ha))ened to you. $rite ,;?,0 sentences.

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