A Bibliography For Creative Writers

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A Bibliography for Creative Writers

by Dr. Hollis Seamon

Note: Some of these items are available in our Library and some are not. Ask a reference
librarian for help in locating those items that the Neil Hellman Library does not own.
Bailey, Rick, et al. The reative !riter"s raft: Lessons in #oetry$ %iction and &rama.
Lincolnwood IL: NTCE, !!!. "Not owned by t#e Neil Hellman Library$
Bell, %adison Smartt. Narrative &esign: A !riter"s 'uide to Structure. N&:
Norton,!!'. "Not owned by t#e Neil Hellman Library$
Be#n, Robin and C#ase Twic#ell, eds. The #ractice of #oetry: !riting ()ercises from
#oets !ho Teach. N&: Har(er, !!). "Not owned by t#e Neil Hellman Library$
Bernays, *nne and +amela +ainter. !hat *f+ !riting ()ercises for %iction !riters. N&:
Har(er, !!."Not owned by t#e Neil Hellman Library$
Bis#o(, ,endy. !orking !ords: The #rocess of reative !riting. %o-ntain .iew C*:
%ay/ield, !!). "Not owned by t#e Neil Hellman Library$
Bradb-ry, Ray. ,en in the Art of !riting. N&: Bantam, !!). "Not owned by t#e Neil
Hellman Library$
B-rnett, Hallie. -n !riting the Short Story. N&: Har(er, !01. "Not owned by t#e Neil
Hellman Library$
B-rroway, 2anet. !riting %iction: A 'uide to Narrative raft. N&: Har(er, !!!. "Call 3
./..0 12345w$
Cassill, R. .. !riting %iction. Saddle Ri4er N2: +rentice Hall, !'5. "Call 3 060.1
Co#en, Ric#ard. !riter"s 6ind: rafting %iction. Lincolnwood IL: NTCE, !!5."Not
owned by t#e Neil Hellman Library$
Dillard, *nnie. Living by %iction. N&: Har(er, !0).
"Call 3 06!.167 D5'0l$
888. The !riting Life. N&: Har(er, !0!. "Not owned by t#e Neil Hellman Library$
9ardner, 2o#n. The Art of %iction: Notes on raft for 7oung !riters. N&: .inta:e, !01.
"Call 3060.1 9));a$
9oldber:, Natalie. !ild 6ind: Living the !riter"s Life. N&: Bantam, !!6. "Not owned
by t#e Neil Hellman Library$
Heard, 9eor:ia. !riting Toward Home: Tales and Lessons to %ind 7our !ay.
+ortsmo-t# NH: Heinemann, !!5."Not owned by t#e Neil Hellman Library$
2oselow, Bet# Bar-c#. !riting !ithout the 6use: 8/ 1eginning ()ercises for The
reative !riter. Browns4ille <R: Story Line +ress, !!5. "Not owned by t#e Neil
Hellman Library$
Lamott, *nne. 1ird by 1ird: Some *nstructions on !riting and Life. N&: Do-bleday,
!!7. "Not owned by t#e Neil Hellman Library$
Le9-in, =rs-la. Steering the raft: ()ercises and &iscussions on Story !riting for The
Lone Navigator or the 6utinous rew. +ortland <R: Ei:#t# %o-ntain +ress, !!0. "Not
owned by t#e Neil Hellman Library$
%inot, Ste(#en. Three 'enres: The !riting of #oetry$ %iction and &rama. Saddle Ri4er
N2: +rentice Hall, !!0. "Call 306;.6;; %;;;t$
Ne-ba-er, *le>ander, ed. onversations on !riting %iction. N&: Har(er, !!7. "Not
owned by t#e Neil Hellman Library$
No4ako4ic#, 2osi(. %iction !riter"s !orkshop. Cincinnati: Story +ress, !!5. "Call 3
060.1 N!15!/$
+etracca, %ic#ael. The 'raceful Lie: A 6ethod for 6aking %iction. Saddle Ri4er N2:
+rentice Hall, !!!. "Not owned by t#e Neil Hellman Library$
R-le, Rebecca and S-san ,#eeler. reating the Story: 'uides for !riters. +ortsmo-t#
NH: Heinemann, !!1. "Call 3061.1 R !15c$
S#eln-tt, E4e. The !riting 9oom: :eys to the raft of %iction and #oetry. *tlanta:
Lon:street +ress, !0!.
"Call 3 060.67) ,7)1w$
Smit#, %ic#ael and S-?anne 9reenber:. (veryday reative !riting: #anning for 'old
*n the :itchen Sink. Lincolnwood IL: NCTE, !!;. "Not owned by t#e Neil Hellman

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