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The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience
our heritage.

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For Immediate Release CONTACT:
National Park Service
Jodi French-Burr
Be a Birder
Join us for ranger-guided programs in the National Park!
Glen Jean, West Virginia, August 4, 2!4 National Parks are ecitin! "laces to #ind adventure$
es"eciall% &hen %ou e"lore li#e alon! the river' (an!er-!uided &alks in are national "arks "rovide a #un
&a% to !et outdoors and learn )ore a*out the natural &orld that surround us and the "eo"le &ho sha"ed
our "ast' +his &eekend a Bluestone +urn"ike ,ike o##ers a s"ecial chance #or an in-de"th look at this
a)a-in! &ater&a% on a hike into the &ilds o# the Bluestone (iver !or!e' .ll ran!er "ro!ra)s are F(//
unless other&ise noted' 0ear co)#orta*le &alkin! shoes #or !uided &alks' 0ater$ snacks$ ca)era and
*inoculars are other use#ul tools to *rin! alon!' Belo& is a list o# this &eekend1s #eatured ran!er
"aturda#, August $, 2!4:
3rand Birdin!
4200 a) - 10230 a)' 5eet at 3randvie& 6isitor 7enter' 1 )ile &alk' Stroll the "ark lookin! and listenin!
#or *irds' Brin! *inoculars or so)e &ill *e availa*le'
Bluestone 0alk
10200 a) - 11230 a)' 5eet at the *ase o# Pi"este) (esort State Park tra)&a%' 2 )ile &alk' 0alk &ithin
Bluestone National Scenic (iver #or a )ile and return' .lon! the &a%$ en8o% the #lora and #auna o# the
area and discover re!ional histor%' Brin! 92'25 #or the return tra) ride'
,istoric +hur)ond +our
11200 a) - 12200 ")' 5eet at the +hur)ond :e"ot 6isitor 7enter' 0'5 )ile &alk' 0hat &as li#e like in one
o# the Ne& (iver 3or!e1s )ost reno&ned to&ns; 5eet a ran!er in +hur)ond1s historic district #or an
in#or)al tour o# this once *ustlin! railroad to&n$ hearin! stories o# da%s !one *%'
"unda#, August !, 2!4:
,istoric +hur)ond +our
11200 a) - 12200 ")' 5eet at the +hur)ond :e"ot 6isitor' 0'5 )ile &alk' 0hat &as li#e like in one o# the
Ne& (iver 3or!e1s )ost reno&ned to&ns; 5eet a ran!er in +hur)ond1s historic district #or an in#or)al
tour o# this once *ustlin! railroad to&n$ hearin! stories o# da%s !one *%'
Ne !iver "orge
National !iver
P. #. $ox %&'
1(& )ain Street
"len *ean+ ,- %./&'
0(&1&'.1(.(/ phone
0(&1&'.1(.21 fax
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the
The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience
our heritage.

Page %
For )ore in#or)ation a*out area National Park Service sites visit htt"2<<&&&'n"s'!ov<neri$ check out the
"ark Face*ook "a!e at htt"2<<&&&'#ace*ook'co)<ne&river!or!en"s$ or sto" *% an% Ne& (iver 3or!e
National (iver visitor center'

A%out t&e National 'ar( "er)i*e
+,'+RI +NC+ -O.R A/+RI CA
+he National Park Service cares #or s"ecial "laces saved *% the .)erican "eo"le so that all )a%
e"erience our herita!e' For )ore in#or)ation a*out the National Park Service$ visit htt"2<<&&&'n"s'!ov.
P3#T# 4APT5#N6 !anger looks for birds on a birdalk. National Park Service photo.

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