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North Shore Hash House


Selection of Down Down Songs

3rd edition
(with thanks to REVS)

Selection of Down Downs 3

Table of Contents
A game called 20 toes ..................................... 1
Air force song ................................................. 1
Amazing beer .................................................. 1
Ass-hole .......................................................... 2
Autohash Song ................................................ 2
Balls of O'Leary .............................................. 3
Balls to Mr Bangelstein .................................. 3
Battle hymn of the Hasher .............................. 4
Battle Hymn Of The Hasher(2) ...................... 4
BIMBO ........................................................... 5
Cats on the Rooftops ....................................... 5
Does a hasher .................................................. 6
Donny ............................................................. 6
Down Down Down your beer ......................... 7
German Song .................................................. 7
Get it up, get it in ............................................ 7
Hamersley ....................................................... 8
Hashy Birthday ............................................... 8
Hashers after all .............................................. 9
Hashers, hashers ............................................. 9
He ought to be publicly pissed on ................. 10
He sings her a song ....................................... 10
Hes the meanest ........................................... 11
Hitler only had one ball ................................ 11
How many Queers ........................................ 12

How much beer ............................................. 12
Hurray ........................................................... 13
Hymn ............................................................ 13
Leprosy ......................................................... 13
Mrs Murphy .................................................. 14
Returner song ................................................ 15
Returned to us ............................................... 15
Santa Clause is cuming ................................. 16
Shes a harriet ............................................... 16
Shitty Trail .................................................... 17
Sing A Song Of Six Checks .......................... 17
Small Dick .................................................... 18
Standing on the bridge at midnight, .............. 18
The Hash House Harriers .............................. 19
The Tired Hasher .......................................... 19
This Hashers Been Wanking Off Again ...... 20
Traditional .................................................... 20
Throw down some flour ................................ 21
Virgins and Lesbians .................................... 21
Virgin Song ................................................... 22
Yesterday ...................................................... 22
You Are Our Guest Dear .............................. 23
You have made us ......................................... 23
Youre Stupid................................................ 23

A game called 20 toes

Theres a game called 20 toes,
Its played all over town,
The women play with 10 toes up,
And the men with 10 toes down,
Down down down

Air force song
(Tune: Off we go, into)

Off we go,
Into the wild blue yonder.
Crash and burn,
Son of a bitch!
Dinking down, down

Amazing beer
(Tune: Amazing Grace)

A-maz-ing beer,
A taste profound,
A whole keg just for thee!
The pack is lost,
But home youve found,
The beer check you can see.
Dinking down, down



Asshole, asshole, a soldier I will be
To piss, to piss, two pistols on my knee,
For cunt, for cunt, for country and for queen
Asshole, asshole, asshole, asshole,
A soldier I will be.
Dinking down, down

Autohash Song
(Melody - Dear Lord, Won't You Buy Me a Mercedes-Benz)
(Janis Joplin)

Dear Lord, won't you give me a ride to the beer,
My friends are all drinking,
And I'm stuck out here,
I'll ride in a Holden, a Ford or a truck,
SO if you drive me a ride, I will give you a
down, down, down, down . . .

Balls of O'Leary
(Tune: The Bells of St Mary's)

The balls of O'Leary,
Are wrinkled and hairy,
They're stately and shapely,
Like the dome of Saint Paul's.
The women all muster,
To view that great cluster,
Oh, they stand and they stare,
At the bloody great pair
Of OLearys balls!

Balls to Mr Bangelstein

Balls to Mr Bangelstein
Bangelstein, Bangelstein
Balls to Mr Bangelstein, dirty old man,
He sits on the steeple and shits on the people,
Balls to Mr Bangelstein, dirty old man,
Dinking down, down


Battle hymn of the Hasher
(Tune: Battle of the Republic)

His eyes have seen the horror of the steepness of
the trail,
His ears have heard the whining of the whining
hashers tail
His lips have felt the passing of this nations finest
This hashers done it all
Drinking down, down

Or Glory, glory, Ale and Lager!
Glory, glory, Ale and Lager!
Glory, glory, Ale and Lager!
Now drink it Down, down, down!

Battle Hymn Of The Hasher(2)
(Melody Battle Hymn of the Republic)
(for wearers of new shoes)

His feet will feel the dampness of the clean
footwear he's worn
His soul will sense the shame and wish that he
had not been born
All of him will suffer pain like shiggy's sharpest
This Hasher's worn new shoes!
Dinking down, down

(Tune: Bingo)

And bimbo is her name oh!
Dinking down, down

Cats on the Rooftops
(Do ou ken John Peel)

Cats on the rooftops, cats on the tiles
Cats with syphilis, cats with piles
Cats with their assholes wreathed in smiles
As they revel in the joys of fornication.

Dink it down, down, down


Does a hasher
(Tune: Do your balls hang low?)

Does a hasher like to walk,
Does a hasher like to run,
Does a hasher like to be where theyre having all
the fun?
Can he drink a 12-ounce beer,
While his friends all sing and cheer,
Now your time has come.
Dinking down, down

(Tune: Frosty the snow man)

Donny the retard
Had an 8-pound-melon head
He stood 5 foot 3
And he said to me
(like a retard)
Hello my name is Donny
Dinking down, down

Down Down Down your beer
(Tune: Row Row Row your boat)

Down down down your beer,
To pay for all your crime.
Quit complaining about the taste,
Theres no sperm in it this time.

German Song

Germans have no sense of humour
Ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Thats not true its just a rumour
Ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Get it up, get it in

Get it up, get it in, get it out
Dont mess my hear do
Youve got a dick but you can lick
Move that tong around
Make me hot, hit the spot
Make me scream out loud
Get it up, get it in, get it out
Dont mess my hear do
Youve got a dick but you can lick
Move that tong around


Revs original

Australians all let us rejoice
Cause Hamersleys over seas
It safe to walk the streets at night
And set your daughters free
Your cats and dogs and sheep are safe
Cause bestialities cut in half
And poffters sing my assholes safe
Cause Hamersleys fucked off
And poofters sing my assholes safe
Cause Hamersleys fucked off

Hashy Birthday
(Tune: Happy birthday)

Hashy Birthday, Fuck you
Hashy Birthday, Fuck you
Hashy Birthday, you Asshole
Hashy Birthday, Fuck you
Dinking down, down

Hashers after all
(small world)

Well they grab our ass with their dirty hands,
And they act just like an orang-utan
They do like their wine
But its beer any time
They are hashers after all
Dinking down, down

Hashers, hashers
Revs original
(Daisy, daisy)

Hashers, hashers give us a tale or two
The hares half crazy
For what he has done to you
It wasnt a well laid trail
The hare was clearly nailed
But the flour was deep, across paddocks of sheep,
and through shiggy and mountains too
Dinking down, down


He ought to be publicly pissed on

He ought to be publicly pissed on,
He ought to be publicly Shot.
He ought to be tied to a urinal,
And left there to fester and Rot.
Dinking down, down

He sings her a song
Revs original
(Melody - Dear Lord, Won't You Buy Me a Mercedes-Benz)
(Janis Joplin)

He sings her a song of read roses and wine
So she takes him home with a good time in mind
Now shes all bare foot, pregnant and round
And that damn hasher is drinking it
Down, down, down, down

Hes the meanest

Hes the meanest,
He sucks the horses penis.
Hes the meanest,
Hes the horses ass.

Ever since he found it.
All he does is pound it.
Hes the meanest.
Hes the horses ass.
Dinking down, down

Hitler only had one ball
(Tune: Colonel Bogey March)

Hitler he only had one ball,
Goring had two but they were small,
Himmler had something similar,
But ______ has no balls at all
Dinking down, down


How many Queers

How many Queers can you grab by the ears
In an English country garden
Ill tell you one who will take it up the bum
In an English country garden
Daffodils and fruity boys
All the same they love the whores
They dont know where its coming from
In an English country garden

How much beer
(Melody Ode to Joy)

How much beer has he been drinking?
He is looking really lit.
As we sing here, aren't we thinking,
"Do we really give a shit?"
Who's this wanker, so unseemly,
That his mom would surely frown?
Grab that glass and hold it firmly,
Drink it, drink it, down down down!


Hurray to _______,
hurray at last
Hurray to _______,
hes the horses ass
Dont be mistaken,
dont be mislead
Hes not the horses ass,
hes the horses head


Hymn, Hymn
Fuck Him

(Tune: Yesterday)

Leprosy, bits and pieces falling off of me.
Im not half the man I used to be,
Since I acquired Leprosy.
Dinking down, down


Mrs Murphy

Take it in your hand Mrs Murphy
It only weighs s of a pound
Its got hair round its neck just like a turkey
And it cums when you jerk it up and
Down, down, down, down


Take it in your mouth Mrs Murphy
You dont need to make any sound
But Ill give you a drink thats oh so creamy
If you move your luscious lips up and
Down, down, down, down


Take it in your tits Mrs Murphy,
I wish I could afford you a crown
But Ill make you a necklace oh so pearly
If you bounce your pretty titties up and
Down, down, down, down

Returner song

Where oh where were you last week,
Why did you leave us here all alone,
You fat lazy bastard you werent even here,
So we fucked all the virgins and drunk all the beer.
Dinking down, down

Returned to us
(Melody - It's a Small World After All)

They've returned to us,
some from far away,
Some fucking excuse,
each of them did say,
As we listen to it,
We know they're full of shit,
They are assholes, after all.

They are assholes, after all,
They are assholes, after all,
They are assholes, after all,
Fuck you assholes, after all.
Drink it down, down, down, down . . . etc.


Santa Clause is cuming

He sees you when youre sleeping
Hell fuck you wide awake
Thats cause hes a peeping Tom
So lock your doors for goodness sakes
Oh you better watch out, you better not cry
You better not pout Im telling you why
Santa Clause is cuming outside
Dinking down, down

Shes a harriet
(Tune: hes a lumberjack)

Shes a harriet and shes ok
She runs all night and she fucks all day
She wears high heels, a mini skirt
Suspenders and no bra
She gives an awesome blow job
Just like her dear Papa
Dinking down, down

Shitty Trail
(Tune: Mickey Mouse club song)

S-H-I-T-T-Y, T-R-A-I-L
Shitty trail, it sucked!
Shitty trail, it blew!
The mother fucker(s) set a shitty trail.
Id rather drink this beer,
Than run your shitty trail.
Dinking down, down

Sing A Song Of Six Checks
(Melody Sing a Song of Six Pence)

Sing a song of six checks,
A pocket full of flour,
Four-and-twenty hashers,
Hashing for an hour.
And when they found the beer check,
There wasn't any there.
All agreed to go On
And lynch that goddamn hare!
Dinking down, down


Small Dick
Revs version
(Tune: Its a small world)

Well its not to big no its way to small
And it comes real quick or not at all
Well its soft all the time
And its often declined
Its a small dick after all
Dinking down, down

Standing on the bridge at midnight,

Standing on the bridge at midnight
Throwing snowballs at the moon,
She said, "Sir, I've never had it,"
But she spoke too bloody soon!

It's the same the whole world over,
It's the poor what gets the blame;
It's the rich what gets the pleasure;
Ain't it all a fuckin' shame?

Dink it down, down, down

The Hash House Harriers
(Tune: Addams Family)

Their drinking is compulsive,
Their running is convulsive,
Theyre morally repulsive,
The Hash House Harriers.
Dinking down, down

The Tired Hasher
(Melody Itsy Bitsy Spider)

The tired little Hasher,
Went trudging up the hill,
Stopped at the Beer Check,
And there drank his fill,
When the trail was over,
His shoes were muddy brown.
Though he was already drunk,
He had to drink it down, down, down, down . . .


This Hashers Been Wanking Off Again
(Melody When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again)

This Hasher's been whacking off again,
Hurrah, hurrah!
This Hasher's been whacking off again,
Hurrah, hurrah!
This Hasher's been whacking off again,
So give him a drink or he'll start it again,
And we'll keep him busy,
Dinking it down, down, down!


Heres to _______ hes true blue,
Hes an arsehole through and through
Hes a pisspot so they say
Tried to go to heaven
But he went the other way
Dinking down, down

Throw down some flour
(Melody - Beer Barrel Polka)

Throw down some flour,
We'll have an evening of fun.
Throw down some flour,
We've got the pack on the run.
Down Down and on-on
Sing out a song of lewd cheer,
Now's the time to throw some flour
For the packs all here.
Dinking down, down

Virgins and Lesbians
Ode to virgins and lesbians
Dinking down, down


Virgin Song
(Tune: frre jacques)

We have virgins, we have virgins
At our hash, at our hash
Gonna get them drunked up
Gonna get them fucked up
Down the hatch
Up the ass
Dinking down, down

(Tune: Yesterday)

All my muscles seemed to feel ok,
Now the pain is here to stay,
Oh I went hashing yesterday.
Dinking down, down

You Are Our Guest Dear
(Melody - You Are My Sunshine)

You are our guest dear,
our only guest here,
You make us happy
when skies are bleak.
You'll never know though,
that we don't like you,
Please keep coming to Hash every week.
Drink it down, down, down . . .

You have made us
Revs original
(Tune: Ode to Joy)

You have made us laugh loud at you
Acting just like a clown
You should know were always watching
Waiting with a beer to down
Down, down, down, down

Youre Stupid

Youre stupid, youre stupid
Youre absolutely dumb
If it wasnt for your mother
Youd be a spot of cum

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