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The Supplication Clearing the Path of Obstacles
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! ch ku nang wa ta ye la sol wa dep
long ku tuk je chen po la sol wa dep trul ku pe ma jung ne la sol wa dep
dak gi la ma ngo tsar trul pay ku gya gar yul du ku trung t sam dze
b yul su shal jn drek pa tul or gyen yul du ku shuk dro dn dze
tuk je dak la jin gyi lop tse way dak sok lam na drong
gong pay dak la ng drup tsl n pay dak sok bar che sl
chi yi bar che chi ru sl nang gi bar che nang du sl
sang way bar che ying su sl g pay chak tsal kyap sum chi
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! I supplicate the dharmakaya Amitabha.
I supplicate the sambhogakaya Mahakarunika. I supplicate the nirmanakaya Padmakara.
My guru, the wondrous nirmanakaya, Was born in India, where he engaged in hearing
and thinking.
He came to Central Tibet and subdued the haughty. Abiding in Uddiyana, he benets beings.
Grant your blessings with compassion. Lead us down the path with love.
Trough your wisdom, grant us siddhi. Clear away our obstacles with power.
Clear outer obstacles out! Clear inner obstacles in!
Clear secret obstacles in the expanse! I humbly bow and go for refuge.
B06 Barche Lamsel 1/19/10 8:46 PM Page 285
_-A_-2#-$-<-0E-?:-_ {-;-%-35<-3,%-2:-5
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z86 The Kagyu Monlam Book
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! ku yi ngo tsar tong way tse
ye pay ral driy chak gya dze yn pay guk pay chak gya dze
shal dre che tsik gyen la sik gyal way dung dzin dro way gn
tuk je dak la jin gyi lop tse way dak sok lam na drong
gong pay dak la ng drup tsl n pay dak sok bar che sl
chi yi bar che chi ru sl nang gi bar che nang du sl
sang way bar che ying su sl g pay chak tsal kyap sum chi
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! dam ch rin chen sen pay tse
ku sal ser dang dang den chak ye de n lek bam nam
yn pay pur pay pu ti nam sab moy ch nam tuk su ch
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! When the wondrousness of your body was rst seen,
Your right hand formed the sword mudra. Your left formed the mudra of summoning.
With gaping mouth and bared fangs, you gazed upward. Gyalway Dungdzin, beings protector,
Grant your blessings with compassion. Lead us down the path with love.
Trough your wisdom, grant us siddhi. Clear away our obstacles with power.
Clear outer obstacles out! Clear inner obstacles in!
Clear secret obstacles in the expanse! I humbly bow and go for refuge.
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! When listening to the precious genuine Dharma,
Your body was lustrous and brilliant with light-rays. Your right hand held a volume of the
Your left hand held a volume of Kila. Youve comprehended profound Dharma.
B06 Barche Lamsel 1/19/10 8:46 PM Page 286
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Clearing the Path of Obstacles z8;
yang le sh kyi pen di ta tuk je dak la jin gyi lop
tse way dak sok lam na drong gong pay dak la ng drup tsl
n pay dak sok bar che sl chi yi bar che chi ru sl
nang gi bar che nang du sl sang way bar che ying su sl
g pay chak tsal kyap sum chi o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#!
dam chen dam la tak pay tse dri me ne chok nyam re ga
gya kar b yl sa tsam su jin gyi lap ne jn pay tse
dri sung p nge den pay ri me tok pe ma gn yang kye
chu mik jang chup d tsiy chu de den de yi ne chok tu
kye chok tsl sang ch g sl chak ye dor je tse gu nam
Pandita of Yanglesh, Grant your blessings with compassion.
Lead us down the path with love. Trough your wisdom, grant us siddhi.
Clear away our obstacles with power. Clear outer obstacles out!
Clear inner obstacles in! Clear secret obstacles in the expanse!
I humbly bow and go for refuge. o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#!
When binding those you bound to samaya, You passed through a stainless, delightful place.
Crossing the border between India and Tibet, You blessed it as you went.
On Fragrant Mountain Lotus owers were born even in winter.
Springs gave forth the amrita of awakening. In that supreme, delightful place,
Kyechok Tsulzang, you wore the three Dharma robes. Your right hand held a nine-pointed vajra.
B06 Barche Lamsel 1/19/10 8:46 PM Page 287
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z88 The Kagyu Monlam Book
yn pay rin chen sa ma tok rak ta d tsi nang du tam
khan dro dam chen dam la tak yi dam shal sik ng drup nye
tuk je dak la jin gyi lop tse way dak sok lam na drong
gong pay dak la ng drup tsl n pay dak sok bar che sl
chi yi bar che chi ru sl nang gi bar che nang du sl
sang way bar che ying su sl g pay chak tsal kyap sum chi
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! gyal way ten pa tsuk pay tse
ya riy nak la drup pa dze nyen pur nam khay ying su pang
dor jey chak gye lang shing dril dril shing tsen den nak su pang
me bar truk shing tso yang kem sip kyi mu tek sa gang sek
Your left hand held a precious vessel Filled with rakta and amrita.
You bound dakinis and others to samaya. You saw the faces of yidams and attained siddhi.
Grant your blessings with compassion. Lead us down the path with love.
Trough your wisdom, grant us siddhi. Clear away our obstacles with power.
Clear outer obstacles out! Clear inner obstacles in!
Clear secret obstacles in the expanse! I humbly bow and go for refuge.
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! When planting the Buddhadharma,
You practiced in a slate-mountain forest. You cast your approach kila into the expanse of
the sky.
You retrieved it with the vajramudra and rolled it. Rolling it, you cast it into the sandalwood forest.
It blazed with re, drying up a lake. At night, it burnt the tirthikas land
B06 Barche Lamsel 1/19/10 8:46 PM Page 288
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Clearing the Path of Obstacles z8p
yak sha nak po dul du lak dren gyi do me d kyi she
tuk je dak la jin gyi lop tse way dak sok lam na drong
gong pay dak la ng drup tsl n pay dak sok bar che sl
chi yi bar che chi ru sl nang gi bar che nang du sl
sang way bar che ying su sl g pay chak tsal kyap sum chi
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! sin poy kha n dze pay tse
khyeu chung trul kuy chal luk chen yam tsen suk sang kha dok lek
tsem drik u tra ser la dze gung lo chu druk ln pay tsul
rin chen gyen cha na tsok sl chak ye khar way pur pa nam
d dang sin poy kha n dze y pay seng deng pur pa nam
And pulverized the black yaksha. Peerless Dkyi Shechen,
Grant your blessings with compassion. Lead us down the path with love.
Trough your wisdom, grant us siddhi. Clear away our obstacles with power.
Clear outer obstacles out! Clear inner obstacles in!
Clear secret obstacles in the expanse! I humbly bow and go for refuge.
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! When subjugating the rakshasas,
You have the appearance of a young boy With a wondrous form and a ne complexion.
Your teeth are even, your hair blond and beautiful. With the form of a sixteen-year-old,
You wear a variety of precious jewelry. Your right hand holds a kila of brass.
You subjugate maras and rakshasas. Your left hand holds a kila of sandalwood.
B06 Barche Lamsel 1/19/10 8:46 PM Page 289
3?-0:-2-=-Y%-*2?-36. 3$=-/-t$?-G-1<-0-2$3?
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zpo The Kagyu Monlam Book
m pay bu la sung kyop dze gul na chak kyi pur pa nam
yi dam lha dang nyi su me nyi me trul ku dzam ling gyen
tuk je dak la jin gyi lop tse way dak sok lam na drong
gong pay dak la ng drup tsl n pay dak sok bar che sl
chi yi bar che chi ru sl nang gi bar che nang du sl
sang way bar che ying su sl g pay chak tsal kyap sum chi
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! dre yi yl du gong pay tse
me pung sh kyi sa shi la da gyang gang gi tso nang du
pe may teng du sil sil dra pe may nang na gong pa dze
tsen yang pe ma jung ne she dzok pay sang gye ng su jn
You protect your devoted disciples. You wear at your throat a kila of iron.
You are not other than the yidam deva. Nondual nirmanakaya Dzamling Gyen,
Grant your blessings with compassion. Lead us down the path with love.
Trough your wisdom, grant us siddhi. Clear away our obstacles with power.
Clear outer obstacles out! Clear inner obstacles in!
Clear secret obstacles in the expanse! I humbly bow and go for refuge.
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! When you considered the land of spirits,
On the ground amid a mass of re Appeared a lake of a bowshots width.
Within it, you appeared, cool and unharmed, on a lotus. You dwelled in wisdom on that lotus.
You became known as Padmakara, A buddha actually present.
B06 Barche Lamsel 1/19/10 8:46 PM Page 290
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Clearing the Path of Obstacles zp+
de dray trul ku yam tsen chen tuk je dak la jin gyi lop
tse way dak sok lam na drong gong pay dak la ng drup tsl
n pay dak sok bar che sl chi yi bar che chi ru sl
nang gi bar che nang du sl sang way bar che ying su sl
g pay chak tsal kyap sum chi o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#!
b kyi nyi ma dze pay tse de den dro wa dren pay pal
gang la gang dl kur ten ne tsang kha la yi la tok tu
dra lhay ge nyen dam la tak yl ni tsa way tsa sh du
lha yi ge nyen drek pa chen nyi shu tsa chik dam la tak
mang yl de yi jam trin du ge long shi la ng drup nang
Nirmanakaya of such wonders, Grant your blessings with compassion.
Lead us down the path with love. Trough your wisdom, grant us siddhi.
Clear away our obstacles with power. Clear outer obstacles out!
Clear inner obstacles in! Clear secret obstacles in the expanse!
I humbly bow and go for refuge. o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#!
When you became the sun of Tibet, Glorious leader of faithful beings,
You displayed whatever form would tame. In the pass of Tsangkhala
You bound drala upasakas to samaya. In hot Tsash you bound
Twenty-one haughty deva upasakas To samaya. At Jamtrin
In Mangyul you bestowed siddhi Upon four bhikshus.
B06 Barche Lamsel 1/19/10 8:46 PM Page 291
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zpz The Kagyu Monlam Book
khye par pak pay rik dzin chok tuk je dak la jin gyi lop
tse way dak sok lam na drong gong pay dak la ng drup tsl
n pay dak sok bar che sl chi yi bar che chi ru sl
nang gi bar che nang du sl sang way bar che ying su sl
g pay chak tsal kyap sum chi o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#!
pal mo tang gi pal tang du ten ma chu nyi dam la tak
b yl kha lay la tok tu gang kar sha me dam la tak
dam sh lha buy nying drung du tang lha yar sh dam la tak
he po ri yi yang gong du lha sin tam che dam la tak
che way lha dre tam che kyi la le sok gi nying po pul
Great Kyepak Rikdzin, Grant your blessings with compassion.
Lead us down the path with love. Trough your wisdom, grant us siddhi.
Clear away our obstacles with power. Clear outer obstacles out!
Clear inner obstacles in! Clear secret obstacles in the expanse!
I humbly bow and go for refuge. o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#!
In the valley of Palmotang You bound the twelve Tenmas to samaya.
In the Khala Pass into Tibet You bound Gangkar Shamey to samaya.
In front of Damsh Lhanying You bound Tanglha Yarshu to samaya.
On the peak of Mount Hepo You bound all devas and rakshasas to samaya.
Of all those great devas and rakshasas, Some ofered their life-essence mantras.
B06 Barche Lamsel 1/19/10 8:46 PM Page 292
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Clearing the Path of Obstacles zp
la le ten pa sung war che la le dren du khe lang che
tu dang dzu trul top po che tuk je dak la jin gyi lop
tse way dak sok lam na drong gong pay dak la ng drup tsl
n pay dak sok bar che sl chi yi bar che chi ru sl
nang gi bar che nang du sl sang way bar che ying su sl
g pay chak tsal kyap sum chi o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#!
dam pa ch kyi ten pa ni gyal tsen ta bur tsuk pay tse
sam ye ma sheng lhn gyi drup gyal poy gong pa tar chin dze
kye chok sum gyi tsen yang sl chik ni pe ma jung ne she
chik ni pe ma sam bha wa chik ni tso kye dor je she
Some began to guard the Dharma. Some promised to serve.
You with great power, miracles, and strength, Grant your blessings with compassion.
Lead us down the path with love. Trough your wisdom, grant us siddhi.
Clear away our obstacles with power. Clear outer obstacles out!
Clear inner obstacles in! Clear secret obstacles in the expanse!
I humbly bow and go for refuge. o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#!
When you planted the sublime Dharma like a victory banner,
Samye arose spontaneously, without being built. You fullled the kings intentions.
Great being, you bear three names. One is Padmakara.
One is Padmasambhava. One is Lake-Born Vajra.
B06 Barche Lamsel 1/19/10 8:46 PM Page 293
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zp( The Kagyu Monlam Book
sang tsen dor je drak po tsal tuk je dak la jin gyi lop
tse way dak sok lam na drong gong pay dak la ng drup tsl
n pay dak sok bar che sl chi yi bar che chi ru sl
nang gi bar che nang du sl sang way bar che ying su sl
g pay chak tsal kyap sum chi o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#!
sam ye chim pur drup pa dze kyen ngen dok ching ng drup nang
je ln tar pay lam la k dn suk bn gyi ten pa nup
ch ku dri me rin chen ten kal den sang gye sa la k
tuk je dak la jin gyi lop tse way dak sok lam na drong
gong pay dak la ng drup tsl n pay dak sok bar che sl
Your secret name is Dorje Drakpotsal. Grant your blessings with compassion.
Lead us down the path with love. Trough your wisdom, grant us siddhi.
Clear away our obstacles with power. Clear outer obstacles out!
Clear inner obstacles in! Clear secret obstacles in the expanse!
I humbly bow and go for refuge. o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#!
At Samye Chimpu you engaged in accomplishment. You repelled adversity and bestowed siddhi.
You placed the king and ministers on the You defeated the demonic Bn tradition.
path of liberation.
You displayed the stainless, precious dharmakaya.You placed the worthy on the level of
Grant your blessings with compassion. Lead us down the path with love.
Trough your wisdom, grant us siddhi. Clear away our obstacles with power.
B06 Barche Lamsel 1/19/10 8:46 PM Page 294
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Clearing the Path of Obstacles zp
chi yi bar che chi ru sl nang gi bar che nang du sl
sang way bar che ying su sl g pay chak tsal kyap sum chi
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! de ne or gyen yl du jn
da ta sin poy kha nn dze mi le lhak gyur yam tsen che
ch pa me jung ngo tsar che tu dang dzu trul top po che
tuk je dak la jin gyi lop tse way dak sok lam na drong
gong pay dak la ng drup tsl n pay dak sok bar che sl
chi yi bar che chi ru sl nang gi bar che nang du sl
sang way bar che ying su sl g pay chak tsal kyap sum chi
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! ku sung tuk den dro wa dren pay pal
Clear outer obstacles out! Clear inner obstacles in!
Clear secret obstacles in the expanse! I humbly bow and go for refuge.
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! Ten you went to Uddiyana,
And are now subjugating the rakshasas. You are wondrous, superhuman.
Your deeds are marvelous, amazing. You with great power, miracles, and strength,
Grant your blessings with compassion. Lead us down the path with love.
Trough your wisdom, grant us siddhi. Clear away our obstacles with power.
Clear outer obstacles out! Clear inner obstacles in!
Clear secret obstacles in the expanse! I humbly bow and go for refuge.
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#! Guide of beings, with glorious body, speech, and
B06 Barche Lamsel 1/19/10 8:46 PM Page 295
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zp6 The Kagyu Monlam Book
drip pa kn pang kham sum sa ler khyen ng drup chok nye de chen chok gi ku
jang chup drup pay bar che nge par sel tuk je dak la jin gyi lop
tse way dak sok lam na drong gong pay dak la ng drup tsl
n pay dak sok bar che sl chi yi bar che chi ru sl
nang gi bar che nang du sl sang way bar che ying su sl
g pay chak tsal kyap sum chi o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#!
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma t treng tsal vajra samaya dza siddhi phala h#! a"
Youve abandoned all veils and clearly know Youve gained supreme siddhi, the body of great
the three realms. bliss.
You dispel all obstacles to the accomplishment Grant your blessings with compassion.
of awakening.
Lead us down the path with love. Trough your wisdom, grant us siddhi.
Clear away our obstacles with power. Clear outer obstacles out!
Clear inner obstacles in! Clear secret obstacles in the expanse!
I humbly bow and go for refuge. o! a" h#! vajra guru padma siddhi h#!
o! a" h#! vajra guru padma ttrengtsal vajra samaya ja siddhi phala h#! a"
Tat was excerpted from Outer Accomplishment through Supplication in Wish-fullling Jewel Heart Scripture of
Oral Instructions on the Sadhana of the Gurus Mind, Dispelling All Obstacles, recovered by the emanated
treasure-revealer Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa from beneath the feet of the Great Splendor of Danyin Kala Rongo.
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