Edrl427 Mini Portfolio

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Edrl 427-Stansbury Mini-Portfolio Deavon Hinebauch

Part 1-Focus Lesson Planning


Third Grade writing sample:
Trait Identification &
This student will benefit from a lesson on sentence
fluency, specifically how to construct sentences that
enhance meaning. While the topic is interesting,
the writing is a bit dry and seems almost
mechanical. In addition, the writing requires
varying connective words and cues to help the
writing flow. Then I couldnt find Tabby. Then I
looked under each bush. I started asking people if
they say. It got dark
Focus Lesson Topic

Constructing sentences to enhance meaning.


2 Teacher model sample writings
Cushioned ball or stuffed animal
IPad for paired students

My inquisitive cat and I were playing Hide-n-Seek. I was having fun with my
cat, because she is the sneakiest hider in the world. Then we took the game to
the park. I thought it would be a good idea because there are so many places
to hide at the park. Then I realized, it was not a good idea. Tabby was first to
hide. I closed my eyes. Then I couldnt find Tabby. Then I looked under each
bush. I started asking people if they saw. It got dark, then I went home. I was
devastated that I had lost Tabby. Then there was a knock on the door. It was
a kid down the street who found Tabby hiding in a garbage can. I learned two
things that day. Tabby is the best hider in the world. Playing Hide-n-Seek with
your pet outside is a terrible idea.
Edrl 427-Stansbury Mini-Portfolio Deavon Hinebauch

1 minute

The way sentences are constructed can enhance or obscure
meaning. If a writer is trying to make a specific point or take a
stand, a short declarative sentence is rational. On the other
hand, if the writer is trying to set the scene for a story, the
sentences should be more complex and descriptive. This forces
the writer to explore the senses to create a vivid picture, share
feelings, and maximize understanding for the reader.

5-10 minutes

Which Is Better Strategy- I am going to read two paragraphs
to you, and I want you to tell me which piece of writing you like

We went to the beach. It was sunny. It was warm. We had fun.
We flew kites and built a sand castle. Then we ate hot dogs. I
like spending time with my family. I hope we go again.

My family and I had a wonderful time at the beach! The
weather was fabulous, all warm and sunny. All I could smell
was the ocean, it invaded my senses. I listened to the seagulls
holler and the waves crash around us as we flew our kites and
built sandcastles. All of the activities worked up our appetites,
so we ate some yummy hot dogs and snacks. I relaxed in the
cool sand as I ate, just taking in the beautiful scenery. The sun
began to lower over the ocean in front of me, I grew sad
knowing our trip was about to be over. All in all it was an
amazing day; I especially liked spending time with my family.
I hope we go again very soon.

Have students share which they like better and why. List the
reasons on the board for students to see and discuss
differences. Discuss adjectives, descriptive vocabulary,
transitions, and sharing emotion, etc.

Watch me do it. Next, provide a simple sentence, such as The
sunset was pretty. and model how to improve the sentences to
further meaning and paint a picture.

I gasped when I saw the bright yellow, orange, and pink colors
that intertwined around the sun as it set in what seemed like a
painted sky.

Guided Practice
3-5 minutes

Pass it On. Start students off with a beginner sentence, such as
The clouds rolled into the sky. Begin by holding the stuffed
Edrl 427-Stansbury Mini-Portfolio Deavon Hinebauch

animal/soft ball come up with a sentence to continue the story-
only one sentence-Their deep grey color and thick ruffles
made me a little nervous. Then throw the stuffed animal/soft
ball to a student and ask them to continue the story. They have
free reign here, they can take the story wherever they choose,
but should consider transitioning and meaningful sentences
that entice the listeners. Assist students as needed and help
make suggestions for vocabulary to further meaning-include
students in making suggestions.

Send Off for

Each student has a writing partner and an iPad. The teacher
should provide a paragraph saved on the IPad for students to
revise and rewrite that reflects knowledge in enhancing
sentences for meaning.

Passage: I like going to the zoo. Going to the zoo is fun. I like
the zoo because there are a lot of animals. My favorite animal
is a monkey. I like monkeys because they climb trees. I also
like them because they can carry their babies on their backs. I
think every kid should go to the zoo.

Group Share
5 minutes

Have pairs share their paragraphs whole group when finished.
Discuss similarities and differences between each groups
paragraphs; emphasize examples that reflect learning from the

Edrl 427-Stansbury Mini-Portfolio Deavon Hinebauch

Mini-Portfolio Part 2-Write to Learn Lesson Plan (1-3 days)
1. Teacher will introduce the lesson with a video about ancient civilizations.
2. Students will engage in a Think Pair Share to discuss what they have already learned
about the great civilizations of the Americas: Maya, Aztec, and Inca. Teacher will
walk around to guide and observe. Following the Think Pair Share, teacher will
create a KWL chart to list what students know and what they would like to learn
about Mayan, Aztec, and Inca civilizations (Or use online source such as Microsoft or
Inspiration and create a chart using technology).
3. Next, students will perform a jigsaw reading of the article Cities and Empires.
Students will read silently highlighting important information at their seat. Each
group will read the same section, and then briefly discuss important information
with their group members about that section. Students will then go to each corner
of the room to share their section of the information with other group members to
summarize the article (4-5 sections). The teacher will walk around to clarify ideas
and guide students.
4. Teacher will then finish the KWL chart with students whole group to discuss what
students have learned from the article; the chart will be left at the front of the room
for students to view for writing.
5. Teacher will briefly review instructions for a RAFTS assignment (students are
familiar)-including placing an example from a previous assignment on the Overhead
to review what should be considered in each section. Students can choose to write
from the perspective of a Mayan, Aztec, or Inca civilian to summarize the
civilizations culture, lifestyle, background, and anything else they deem relevant to
describe the civilization based on what they have learned. The RAFTS lesson will
include Role: Mayan, Aztec, or Inca civilian-students can choose or can be teacher
assigned, Audience: Newspaper Journalist interested in learning about and writing
an article about the civilization, Format: Autobiographical Essay, Topic: Life of
a/an (Aztec, Mayan, or Inca), Strong Verb: synthesize. If students are not familiar
with an autobiographical essay, teacher should show example and discuss what is
included in this format.
6. Students will share their writing when done; other students will use post-it notes to
record further questions about the civilization during the presentation to give to the
student to assist in the revision process. Another day can be focused on revising
and editing for a final draft-including a picture.
7. Closure: Before students leave to conclude the lesson on the final day, ask students
to write a ticket out the door describing the most interesting fact they learned
about the civilization they wrote about.

Edrl 427-Stansbury Mini-Portfolio Deavon Hinebauch

Part 3-Text Selections to Teach Voice
Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin-This story helps convey voice from the
perspective of the worm in his day to day life; the diary writing format is personal
and conveys voice very well.
Owl Moon by Jane Yolen-This story is from the perspective of an owl and really
shows imagination and shares fun experiences.
Thank You, Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco-This is an amazing story explaining a girls
struggle to read-I think many students can identify with the main character and I
like that the story is about the author herself.
My Rotten Red-Headed Older Brother by Patricia Polacco
Poetry for Young People Series, such as Poetry for Young People Carl Sandburg
Edited by Frances Schoonmaker Bolin & Poetry for Young People Rudyard Kipling
Edited by Eileen Billooly-I have read several of these books and really enjoy the real
world scenarios of the poetry as well as the amazing voice that shines in many of the
I also appreciate Langston Hughess Poems Mother to Son and Negro Speaks to
Rivers to teach about voice.
Part 4-Technology in a Given Lesson
Perhaps Mrs. Crabtree can engage the students with a YouTube or TeacherTube
video about American presidents and their roles on the United States. I would open
the lesson with a speech given by a President and ask students to list some of the
things they notice about the environment, the president himself, the speech, etc.
Mrs. Crabtree can create a Blog for the class to explain directions, model
expectations, and allow students to comment and share ideas about viable websites
and other pointers to assist in the process. This allows students to ask questions
and everyone can share and collaborate with the project.
Similarly, Google Docs will allow students to collaborate while working on
documents to share ideas and advice, as well as ask and answer questions
Flickr for image research; Mindmeister to assist in mapping and organizing writing;
StormBoard for the brainstorming process or Inspiration to create graphic
organizers, etc.
Students can record a video of their speeches and upload them to a website so
students can gather and watch every students presentation together. Perhaps it
Edrl 427-Stansbury Mini-Portfolio Deavon Hinebauch

can be a part of a Fun Friday including popcorn and allowing students to only
focus on peer review and suggestions for improvement.

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