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1. Closely study any characters in the cartoon.

Based on your knowledge of local and world

events, who can be identified?
No definite character can be identified except a black man whom is handcuffed with one
part of the chain labelled segregated schools and the Supreme Court decision breaking
these chains, freeing the man.
2. Identify any objects or symbols in the cartoon.
Objects in this cartoon are the chains and the object used to break the handcuffs. The
handcuffs symbolize restraint that African Americans faced with segregation, they were
suppressed; and even though they were free, they were still excluded. The object that is
being utilized to break these chains is the Supreme Court decision, which symbolizes that
this decision is what will truly bring about freedom.
3. Read the caption or any text in the cartoon. What does it express?
The text in the cartoon expresses how much restraint the segregated schools are imposing
on African Americans and how the decision of the Supreme Court is the only thing that
can set them free, and bring about equality.
4. State the message or main ideas presented in the cartoon.
The main idea is that the decision of the Supreme Court is the only thing that will grant
equality and freedom to African Americans at this point, it is also a step closer to
obtaining full rights in the Civil Rights movement.
5. Identify any words or phrases that appear most important.
Segregated Schools and Supreme Court decision are the most important phrases
because they emphasize and express the true message of this cartoon.
6. When was this cartoon published?
June 12, 1954
7. What part of the cartoon shows the era of this cartoon? Would this cartoon be different if
it were published today? How so?
The chains and the action of breaking the chains is the part that indicates the era of this
cartoon due to the oppression, racism, and issue with civil rights African Americans
faced then.
If the cartoon where to be published today it would be a little different, many would
simply believe that the meaning would be centered a bit more around racism instead of
civil rights, due to the fact that today African Americans have obtained these rights, and
to a certain degree, equality as well.
8. Summarize or paraphrase the cartoon's message or main idea.
To show how this decision was the only hope of freedom and obtaining civil rights that
African Americans had. This decision would allow for them to have equality and break
free from the chains of segregation.

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