IELTS Test in Saudi Arabia - October 2011 General Training: Task 1

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ll15 test lo 5ooJl Atoblo - Octobet 2011 Ceoetol 1tololoq

You have recently moved to new place. Write a letter to your friend and say.
- Why did you move?
- Compare your new house to the old one.
- Compare the neighborhood.
Dear Mehdi,
I am writing this letter to let you know about my recent location and inIorm you that I have
moved into a new house in Shiraz.
As you know, I wanted to get a project in Shiraz and Iinally last month I had a chance to take the
position oI the project manager; thereIore, last week I went to Shiraz and rent an awesome house
in the middle oI the town close to my work place.
The accommodation that I have settled in, is more spacious in comparison with the pervious Ilat
I had in Tehran. Besides thisAlso, its rental is very cheap low and reasonable. It includes two bed
rooms, one large kitchen and very beautiIul living room which its windows open into mountains.
Moreover, since I have lived here, I Iound that people who reside in my vicinity are Iriendly and
generous. They helped me a lot when I was new here.
.- '-= ' ' -'''' - --,- --,- -'''-= -'''' -, - -,'- --- --' .',-- - _-'=,-,- ' '-
-,- - ,-- .-,-'-- '=-' ' ' ,' -,- -,'-- _'- -'= '- ' '-' ,'-- --- --',= '-- ' ='
I will be glad iI you have Iree time anytime, come and stay with me. Please let me know beIore
coming. I am looking Iorward to hearing Irom you,
.-'--- - ' '- -'''' ,- -- ,-=- --'- _, =- -,'- _-',' -''''
Best wishes,
Comment [Afarinesh1]: 1he collocaLlons for
8Ln1 are LCW and PlCP
Formatted: Strikethrough

Nowadays parents are leaving their children with someone else during the day, when they are at
work. Is it a good or a bad thing to do?
Give relevant examples, from your experience or knowledge.
These days, most oI the people who have children, hire somebody as a babysitter to take care oI
their kidschildren. I believed that this respect brings enormous merits such as; Ior example,
children grow up under supervising proIessionals, do not be alone and parents do not worry
about their children.
To begin with, nowadays, the majority oI the parents get involved in their work outside oI the
home and do not have suIIicient time and in some cases do not have proper skill in order to train
their kids. ThereIore, it is an adequate action to put their responsibility over upon other people`s
shoulder who have enough time to be with children and besides this, most oI these people have
been taught how to get along with babies and be well-inIormed about how to look aIter their
Additional, in the most cases, children return Irom their school sooner than other Iamily
members and they are alone. Since they are in theat a age that when they want experience every
thing; they may conduct Ioolish actions and hurt themselves. To prevent these kinds oI accidents,
it is a good idea to gain the beneIit oI being another person.
Moreover, by hiring a babysitter to take care oI kids, parents can work without stress and worry
about loneliness oI their kids. They can carry out their duties at work with the utmost care and
when they arrive home, they play their role as a Iather or a mother suIIiciently.
To sum up, I strongly believed it is inventible that according to the recent liIestyle, parents ought
to accept others` oIIer to train their children on thewith/through a better approach without any
anxiety and stress.
Lst|mated 8and Score: 7
On/y if you core more obout your poroqrophinq in 1osk l
6ood Luck
Comment [Afarinesh2]: lnformal word
Formatted: Strikethrough

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