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kubb|sh |s |ncreas|ng |n the area where you ||ve.

Wr|te a |etter to the |oca| env|ronmenta| off|cer and

- Where the rubb|sh |s com|ng from?
- What prob|ems |s |t caus|ng?
- Suggest your so|ut|on for so|v|ng these prob|ems.
uear Slr or Madam,
l am one of Lhe resldenLs of Afra SLreeL and l am wrlLlng Lo advlse you abouL of Lhe lncreaslng amounL of
rubblsh ln Lhls reglon. /advlse someone of someLhlng = lnform/
As Lhls area ls one of Lhe oldesL parLs of Lhe clLy, Lhere are many renovaLlon pro[ecLs whlch are
runnlng run (passlve) by dlfferenL conLracLors. 1hey usually dump Lhelr wasLe maLerlal and salvage near
Lhe resldenLlal area ln a free space belonglng Lo Lhe publlc secLor.
LxcepL Lhe Lerrlble vlew of dump wasLe whlch has desLroyed Lhe appearance of dlsLrlcL, lL also ralses a
greaL deal makes a cloud of dusL lnLo aLmosphere Lhe alr conLlnuously. We always have Lo shuL Lhe
wlndows, and as lL ls an old area Lhere are many elderly people around who usually suffer from
resplraLory dlsorders and cerLalnly, Lhe dusL wlll deLerloraLe Lhelr healLh condlLlon.
l expecL LhaL munlclpallLy Lo Lake a clear-cuL poslLlon agalnsL Lhe people who are responslble for LhaL,
and force Lhem Lo clear Lhe area. Powever, l am seeklng for legal advlce as a parallel acLlon Lo speed up
Lhe cleanlng process.
l appreclaLe your cooperaLlon ln advance and l eagerly look forward Lo hearlng from you as soon as
?ours falLhfully, Lhls coma ls necessary!
M. Paseml
Ch||dren's op|n|ons are |nf|uenced by the|r fr|ends. Is th|s a pos|t|ve or a negat|ve deve|opment? What
can parents do to |nf|uence the|r ch||dren's op|n|on.
1here has always been a greaL concern for parenLs LhaL Lhelr chlldren are usually lmpressed by Lhelr
frlends. Powever, Lhere are many beneflLs and drawbacks for Lhls lssue whlch ln Lhls essay l am golng Lo
evaluaLe boLh sldes and express my aLLlLude Loward Lhe acLlons LhaL could be Laken by parenLs Lo
lncrease Lhelr lmpacL on chlldren's vlews.
Looklng on Lhe brlghL slde, provlded frlends have poslLlve and good behavloral characLerlsLlcs,
chlldren could beneflL from Lhem. 1yplcally, chlldren Lry Lo mlmlc Lhelr frlends' acLlons, behavlor and
follow Lhelr values, because Lhey alm Lo become more lnLlmaLed wlLh Lhem and consequenLly be
accepLed by Lhem, a phenomenon whlch , however, ls noL consLrucLlve ln many cases. Pere, ls Lhe polnL
LhaL parenLs are concerned abouL Lhe frlendshlp. ln Lhls sense, perhaps Lhe mosL ouLsLandlng negaLlve
effecL of Lhls ls LhaL vlrLually all crlmlnals have sLarLed and commlLLed Lhelr flrsL crlmes under Lhe
guldance of Lhelr frlends.
Cn Lhe oLher slde, Lhe role of parenLs ls vlLal and Lhey should pay close aLLenLlon Lo Lhelr chlldren's
relaLlonshlps and help Lhem, cerLalnly wlLhouL advlce and force, Lo make beLLer cholces. 8y and large,
parenLs should know LhaL whaLever Lhelr chlld does, lncludlng maklng frlendshlp, ls based on hls or
herLhelr characLerlsLlcs LhaL have already been formed ln Lhe early sLage of hls or herLhelr llfe. Pence,
Lhey should be aware abouL Lhelr role ln brlnglng up chlldren even before blrLh. Moreover, as one of Lhe
mosL lmpresslve acLlons, parenLs should Lry Lo keep up wlLh Lhe changes ln all aspecLs of llfe Lo be able
Lo undersLand and reallze new generaLlons' needs and meeL Lhelr sLandards.
Cn balance, l honesLly belleve LhaL as long as chlldren make good cholces ln frlendshlp, Lhere would
noL be any concern abouL Lhe lLs damaglng effecLs of LhaL. Powever, parenLs should Lry Lo play Lhelr real
role Lo lnfluence Lhem Lhrough supporLlng Lhem ln all aspecLs of llfe.
A quesLlon: ln real exam can l cross ouL Lhe words and wrlLe my correcL words above Lhem? lL
seems messy buL lL could save some Llme aL leasL. Un|ess |t makes your wr|t|ng |||eg|b|e, |t |s ok!
Lst|mated 8and Score: 7.S
I rea||y ||ked your sty|e of wr|t|ng, espec|a||y task II. keep work|ng on comp|ex structures and us|ng
more soph|st|cated |ex|ca| resources. 1here are many co||ocat|ons and phrases you may memor|se on
each top|c of the exam. As we||, be more carefu| on your s||ght m|stakes on task I, for they w|||
def|n|te|y reduce your bandscore.
Good Luck
Comment [Afarinesh1]: use lnS1LAu of

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