Estimated Band Score:: S, - On Varied Various Fans Supporters (Formal Speech) The

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There are many different types of music in the worId today. Why do we need music?

Is the
TraditionaI music of a country more important than the internationaI music that is heard
everywhere nowadays?
WlLhouL muslc, llfe would be a mlsLake." 1here were Lhe words of nleLzsche .noLhlng sLronger Lhan arL
has lefL lLs obvlous fooLprlnLs on human's hearL and Lhe predomlnanL ones, - muslc, sLrongly lnfluences
on people's emoLlons. varled varlous genres of muslc belonglng Lo a varleLy of naLlons are heard by
dlfferenL Lypes of people. 1he lssue of dlsparlLy beLween LradlLlonal muslc devoLees and lnLernaLlonal
muslc fans supporLers (formal speech) ls always hlghly conLenLlous. 1hls essay Lrles Lo dlscuss abouL Lhe
essence of muslc ln llfe and Lhe mosL lmpresslve one.
LmoLlons are a parL of human's LralLs and llke all oLher parLs should be fed by lLs approprlaLe
nourlshmenL. ArL and speclally Lhe mosL popular ones, - muslc fulfllls people's dreams. Muslc can make
people bursL ln Lo Lears and relleve Lhelr palns, , dance and boosL Lhelr essenLlal feellngs of pleasure for
llfe. Melody can even glve people Lhe courage of showlng Lhelr emoLlons fearlessly. ln addlLlon,
researches (uncounLable) lndlcaLes muslc can lmprove paLlenLs' healLh. Medlcal cares for some
lnpaLlenLs lnclude llsLenlng Lo speclflc muslc ln Lhe course of remedy. lor such a modern socleLles
provldes mosL people food, cloLhlng and shelLer Lhere ls noLhlng more necessary Lhan muslc for man.
AlLhough lnLernaLlonal muslc by dlfferenL famous muslc groups provlde wlde cholce for audlence and
can cover a vasL range of people's LasLes and blllnguals ln parLlculars, LradlLlonal muslc has lLs deep rooLs
ln lranlan culLure and cosLumes whlch ls noL aparL of from our orlglnal LasLes. AddlLlon Lo all , Lhe muslc
whlch have been composed for perLlnenL bellefs and oplnlons llke rellglous muslc whlch belongs Lo
naLlve persons, Lhe common naLlonal rooLs beLween audlence and muslclan can make muslc more
pleaslng. 8esldes, Lhls enchanLlng klnd of muslc has lLs lnseparable connecLlon Lo lranlan llLeraLure.
LlsLenlng Lo LradlLlonal muslc brlngs pleasure from boLh melody and poems.
necesslLy of llsLenlng Lo muslc ln llfe and Lhe pleasure lL brlngs ls undenlable. ursulng Lhe LradlLlonal
muslc can brlng people more pleasure and keep Lhe connecLlons beLween people and culLures allve.
8aha Ahmad
Lst|mated 8and Score: 7
ou have some prob|em w|th deve|op|ng smooth trans|t|on between your sentences |n a paragraph
wh|ch reduces your cohes|on mark so much. kefer to some advanced grammar references about
Comment [Afarinesh1]: l cannoL undersLand
whaL you mean! Also you haven'L Lalked abouL any
modern socleLles, so whlch SuCP a MCuL8n
SCClL1? you mean?
Comment [Afarinesh2]: arallel sLrucLure!

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