GGEAC Healthcare Letter 080514

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General Government Employee Association of Columbus Georgia

Healthcare Update August 2014

CCG Employees and Family,

In June 2014, the Columbus City Council (as part of the Fiscal Year 2015 FY15
budget) included healthcare premium increases for all city employees who use the citys
health insurance plan. These increases were proposed and adopted to both offset an
underfunded healthcare plan and to achieve a cost sharing ratio of approximately 70:30
(% paid by City:% paid by employee).

In FY14, CCGs Healthcare plan was underfunded to the tune of approximately $6
Million dollars. In addition to the adopted FY15 employee-paid premium costs that will
generate 1.5 to 2.1 Million dollars in cost savings to the City, deductible and out-of-
pocket maximums were significantly increased as well, in some cases even doubled, to
lessen CCGs exposure to your medical costs.

The spreadsheet attached to this letter serves as a basic analysis of your healthcare
obligations and how they have changed over the past 8 months (pre-June 2014 premiums
compared to the approved January 1, 2015 rates). During CCGs Open Enrollment that
will occur this Fall, you will have the opportunity to change plans and/or update your
information as you deem necessary. Note: This spreadsheet has been reviewed and has
been found to be accurate by CCGs HR Department.

In the next few weeks, City Council will revisit and, in all likelihood, adopt a policy
where the spouses of CCG employees who have Employer Provided Healthcare available
to them will be excluded from CCGs Plan (already adopted as part of the FY15 budget).
However as part of the policy, these spouses, should they elect to, may remain on CCGs
Plan but a surcharge will be required in the amount of $372/month.

Where we are now
GGEACs Interim Executive Board and Employee Group Representatives have met
several times concerning these healthcare changes. The theme of these meetings can be
placed into two general categories, one, City Councils willingness to pass the increasing
cost of healthcare on to CCGs employee base without involving employees in the
process and/or discussion (unlike the FY14 process where employees meetings were
held) and two, addressing possible revenue sources to offset rising costs.

Next Steps
GGEAC will be speaking on behalf of our General Government Employees on the Public
Agenda at City Council Meetings during the month of August addressing these changes
and communicating to our elected officials exactly how crippling these increases will be
to our employees. We will also in the near future be presenting information to the Citys
Administration concerning a previously untapped revenue stream.

Should any of you have comments, suggestions or ideas, I would encourage you to email
me directly at

Sincerely and always CCG Proud,

Michael Burgess
Interim Chair, GGEAC

GGEAC Interim Executive Board
Chair Michael Burgess (Engineering)
Vice Chair Drale Short (Public Works)
Secretary Norma Rebout (Municipal Court)
Treasurer Yvonne Ivey (Finance)
At-Large Michael Jordan (Public Works)
At-Large Michelle Brown (Public Works)

Group Representatives
Administrative Jackie Holland (Information Technology)
Public Works Contreana Pearson (Public Works)
Community Development Joanna Loyd (Engineering)
Parks and Recreation Shane Minard (Parks & Recreation)
Courts Jan Vardeman (State Court Solicitor General)
Tax Assessor/Commissioner Jo Ann Jones (Tax Assessors)

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