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of journal : 3rd
Practicum week : Week 3
Date of incident : 20-24 July 2014
Title of journal : Correction for the exercise

a) Problem/ incident

I found that most of the pupils did not do the correction for the exercise that they
got wrong. They though that I was not strict about it. When I asked, they gave
many reasons. I had tried to mark and gave back their exercise book as soon as
possible so that they could do the corrections. This was because I wanted them
to see their mistakes and corrected the mistakes. So, they would not repeat the
same mistake again and it would help them to remember better.

b) Analysis

Pupils never do their corrections because they thought I was not strict and I just
kept reminded them to do it only. They thought I was not doing the spot check on
the corrections. So, they thought they do not need to do it. I was worried they
would repeat the same mistakes if they never do the corrections.

c) Suggestions for the follow-ups

a. I will do spot check on their corrections
b. I will ask them do the correction three times if they do not do their corrections.
c. I ask them to come and see me if they have difficulties doing the corrections,
during the recess or after school.

d) The effectiveness of follows-up

After the spot check, pupils were more aware in doing their corrections. They did
not want to do the corrections three times. So, they did their corrections for the
previous exercise as I returned their book. Some of them come to see me during
recess to solve some of problems. Most of them managed to finish their work.
Besides, I also reminded them to do the correction as soon as they got the book.
If I still found pupils who did not do the corrections then I would ask them to do
the corrections ten times.

Checked by Mentor

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Checked by supervisor

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No of journal
Practicum week
Date of incident
Title of journal


3-7 August 2014
Reading and pronunciation skills

1. Problem/ incident

For this week, i focused on reading and pronunciation problem in class 3A. They had
problems in reading the instructions, texts, stories and dialogues. When I did reading
time or asked them to read the text, they had problem in reading the words and at
times, they could not pronounce the words correctly. Some of the words they could not
pronounce were supposedly quite basic for their level such as mine, cave, porridge,
broken and many more. During the reading time, some of them could read but when
asked what was the meaning, they could answer the questions.
2. Analysis
I felt that they were not fully exposed in reading because usually, they would not read
English story books or communicate with their friends in English outside of English
subject. There were pupils who could not pronounce words correctly even though I
taught them the words over and over again. They may have health condition that I did
not know. In terms of pronunciation, they read the words according to Malay languages
way of pronunciation.
3. Suggestion for the follow up-ups
a) I should drill them in pronouncing easy words so that they do not have any
problems in communicating in basic English communication.
a. I should refer to my partner or teachers to get proper solutions to improve their
reading and pronunciation skills.
b. I should prepare interesting yet easy activiteis to engage and make them like
English subject.

4. The effectiveness of the follow-ups
I will try to make sure that they manage to improve their reading skill and pronunciation
skill. They should master in those skills to make sure that they will be able to well in
examination and also in communicating with others. If not, they will encounter many
problems in the future that may affect their life.

Checked by Mentor

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Date :
Checked by supervisor

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Date :

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