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Hola chicos, les envo las abreviaturas que se utilizan dentro de la organizacin.

es necesario que se las aprendan todas, slo lanlas para que se familiaricen un

@XP: AIESEC eXPerience
AI: AIESEC International
ALDS: Americas Leadership Development Seminar
Alumni: Ex-miembros
Alumnus: Ex-miembro
AM: Account Manager
AN: Acceptance Note
AP: Asia Pacific (GN)
Artemisia y Kellogg: Fundaciones Patrocinadoras de Explora en SSGN
ASAP: As soon as possible
BoA: Board of Advisors
BSC: Balanced Score-Card
C.A: Crculo de Aprendizaje
CEE: Central and Eastern Europe (GN)
CEED: Cultural Envoy for Exchange Development
CIS: Communication and Information Systems (@ Buk)
CONAL: Congreso Nacional
Credit Policy: Poltica MT, ej: si un SN MT desea tener intercambio debe
vender una TN MT.
CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
CV: Curriculum Vitae
DAAL: Data Analysis for Advanced Leverage (DAAL Files)
DT: Development Traineeship
EB: Executive Board
ER: External Relations
ET: Educational Traineeship
Explora: Programa creado por AIESEC
ExPro: Exchange Professionals
F&A: Finance and Administration
Global Village: muestra cultural internacional
GN: Growth Network
IC: International Congress
ICX: Incoming Exchange
IPM: International Presidents Meeting
IS&C: Information Systems and Communications
IXP: Insight XP
IXQPS: International Exchange Quality Policies and Standards
JD: Job Description
JSN: Junta Supervisora Nacional
KPI: Key Performance Indicator
LC: Local Committee
LCP: Local Committee President
LCVP: Local Committee Vicepresident
LDS: Leadership Development Seminar
LP&P: Learning Programs and Projects
LTM: Local Training Meeting (Zonalito)
Match: Case entre formas SN y TN
MC: Member Committee
MCP: Member Committee President
MCVP: Member Committee Vicepresident
Measurement: Medicin de satisfaccin de los entrenados
MENA: Middle East and North Africa (GN)
MRB: Member Review Board
MT: Management Traineeship
NatCo (o NC): National Congress
NATS: National Training Seminar
OGX: Outgoing Exchange
PAI: President of AIESEC International
PBoX: Project Based on Exchange
PD: People Development
PM: Presidents Meeting
Pool: Agrupaciones de carreras y habilidades
S&OR: Sales & Organizational Relations
SDL: Seminario de Desarrollo de Liderazgo
SN: Student Nominee
SNCI: Student Nominee Customer Interface
SSGN: Spanish Speaking Growth Network
TDM: Tools Development Meeting
TN: Traineeship Nominee
TT: Technical Traineeship
WENA: Western Europe and North America (GN)
X&IC: eXchange & International Cooperation
XMI: eXchange Management Index (XMI Analyzer)
XPS: eXchange Preparation Seminar
XQB: eXchange Quality Board

Un abrazo,

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